Commit ef186fe1 authored by Pieter Hintjens's avatar Pieter Hintjens

Spelling fixes

parent af934f85
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ void zmq::stream_engine_t::terminate ()
void zmq::stream_engine_t::in_event ()
// If still handshaking, receive and prcess the greeting message.
// If still handshaking, receive and process the greeting message.
if (unlikely (handshaking))
if (!handshake ())
......@@ -390,9 +390,8 @@ bool zmq::stream_engine_t::handshake ()
// Position of the version field in the greeting.
const size_t version_pos = 10;
// Is the peer using the unversioned protocol?
// If so, we send and receive rests of identity
// messages.
// Is the peer using ZMTP/1.0 with no version number?
// If so, we send and receive rests of identity messages
if (greeting [0] != 0xff || !(greeting [9] & 0x01)) {
encoder = new (std::nothrow) encoder_t (out_batch_size);
alloc_assert (encoder);
......@@ -417,8 +416,8 @@ bool zmq::stream_engine_t::handshake ()
insize = greeting_bytes_read;
// To allow for interoperability with peers that do not forward
// their subscriptions, we inject a phony subsription
// message into the incomming message stream. To put this
// their subscriptions, we inject a phony subscription
// message into the incoming message stream. To put this
// message right after the identity message, we temporarily
// divert the message stream from session to ourselves.
if (options.type == ZMQ_PUB || options.type == ZMQ_XPUB)
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