Commit ec750732 authored by Min RK's avatar Min RK

pass through poller events

instead of allocating a new, identical array and copying the data.

This is only safe while zmq_poller_event_t and zmq::socket_poller_t::event_t are the same struct,
which they presumably will remain.
parent 06aeb47d
......@@ -1243,16 +1243,8 @@ int zmq_poller_wait_all (void *poller_, zmq_poller_event_t *events, int n_events
zmq_assert (events != NULL);
zmq::socket_poller_t::event_t evts[n_events];
int rc = ((zmq::socket_poller_t*)poller_)->wait (evts, n_events, timeout_);
for(int i = 0; i < n_events; ++i) {
events[i].socket = evts[i].socket;
events[i].fd = evts[i].fd;
events[i].user_data = evts[i].user_data;
events[i].events = evts[i].events;
int rc = ((zmq::socket_poller_t*)poller_)->wait ((zmq::socket_poller_t::event_t *)events, n_events, timeout_);
return rc;
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