Commit e5599de6 authored by Reza Ebrahimi's avatar Reza Ebrahimi Committed by Luca Boccassi

Convert manual (locking and unlocking) mutexes to scoped mutexes for the case of…

Convert manual (locking and unlocking) mutexes to scoped mutexes for the case of unlocking mutex even if the protected operation throws an exception (#2071)
parent bbece557
......@@ -84,16 +84,18 @@ static zmq::mutex_t compatible_get_tick_count64_mutex;
ULONGLONG compatible_get_tick_count64()
zmq::scoped_lock_t locker(compatible_get_tick_count64_mutex);
static DWORD s_wrap = 0;
static DWORD s_last_tick = 0;
const DWORD current_tick = ::GetTickCount();
if (current_tick < s_last_tick)
s_last_tick = current_tick;
const ULONGLONG result = (static_cast<ULONGLONG>(s_wrap) << 32) + static_cast<ULONGLONG>(current_tick);
return result;
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ zmq::ctx_t::ctx_t () :
vmci_family = -1;
crypto_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(crypto_sync);
#if defined (ZMQ_USE_TWEETNACL)
// allow opening of /dev/urandom
unsigned char tmpbytes[4];
......@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ zmq::ctx_t::ctx_t () :
int rc = sodium_init ();
zmq_assert (rc != -1);
crypto_sync.unlock ();
bool zmq::ctx_t::check_tag ()
......@@ -218,7 +217,8 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::terminate ()
int zmq::ctx_t::shutdown ()
slot_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(slot_sync);
if (!starting && !terminating) {
terminating = true;
......@@ -230,7 +230,6 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::shutdown ()
if (sockets.empty ())
reaper->stop ();
slot_sync.unlock ();
return 0;
......@@ -240,45 +239,38 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::set (int option_, int optval_)
int rc = 0;
if (option_ == ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS
&& optval_ >= 1 && optval_ == clipped_maxsocket (optval_)) {
opt_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
max_sockets = optval_;
opt_sync.unlock ();
if (option_ == ZMQ_IO_THREADS && optval_ >= 0) {
opt_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
io_thread_count = optval_;
opt_sync.unlock ();
if (option_ == ZMQ_IPV6 && optval_ >= 0) {
opt_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
ipv6 = (optval_ != 0);
opt_sync.unlock ();
if (option_ == ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY && optval_ >= 0) {
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
thread_priority = optval_;
opt_sync.unlock ();
if (option_ == ZMQ_THREAD_SCHED_POLICY && optval_ >= 0) {
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
thread_sched_policy = optval_;
opt_sync.unlock ();
if (option_ == ZMQ_BLOCKY && optval_ >= 0) {
opt_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
blocky = (optval_ != 0);
opt_sync.unlock ();
if (option_ == ZMQ_MAX_MSGSZ && optval_ >= 0) {
opt_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
max_msgsz = optval_ < INT_MAX? optval_: INT_MAX;
opt_sync.unlock ();
else {
errno = EINVAL;
......@@ -316,7 +308,8 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::get (int option_)
zmq::socket_base_t *zmq::ctx_t::create_socket (int type_)
slot_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(slot_sync);
if (unlikely (starting)) {
starting = false;
......@@ -358,14 +351,12 @@ zmq::socket_base_t *zmq::ctx_t::create_socket (int type_)
// Once zmq_ctx_term() was called, we can't create new sockets.
if (terminating) {
slot_sync.unlock ();
errno = ETERM;
return NULL;
// If max_sockets limit was reached, return error.
if (empty_slots.empty ()) {
slot_sync.unlock ();
errno = EMFILE;
return NULL;
......@@ -381,19 +372,17 @@ zmq::socket_base_t *zmq::ctx_t::create_socket (int type_)
socket_base_t *s = socket_base_t::create (type_, this, slot, sid);
if (!s) {
empty_slots.push_back (slot);
slot_sync.unlock ();
return NULL;
sockets.push_back (s);
slots [slot] = s->get_mailbox ();
slot_sync.unlock ();
return s;
void zmq::ctx_t::destroy_socket (class socket_base_t *socket_)
slot_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(slot_sync);
// Free the associated thread slot.
uint32_t tid = socket_->get_tid ();
......@@ -407,8 +396,6 @@ void zmq::ctx_t::destroy_socket (class socket_base_t *socket_)
// we can ask reaper thread to terminate.
if (terminating && sockets.empty ())
reaper->stop ();
slot_sync.unlock ();
zmq::object_t *zmq::ctx_t::get_reaper ()
......@@ -450,13 +437,9 @@ zmq::io_thread_t *zmq::ctx_t::choose_io_thread (uint64_t affinity_)
int zmq::ctx_t::register_endpoint (const char *addr_,
const endpoint_t &endpoint_)
endpoints_sync.lock ();
const bool inserted = endpoints.insert (
endpoints_t::value_type (std::string (addr_), endpoint_)).second;
endpoints_sync.unlock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
const bool inserted = endpoints.insert (endpoints_t::value_type (std::string (addr_), endpoint_)).second;
if (!inserted) {
return -1;
......@@ -467,11 +450,10 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::register_endpoint (const char *addr_,
int zmq::ctx_t::unregister_endpoint (
const std::string &addr_, socket_base_t *socket_)
endpoints_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
const endpoints_t::iterator it = endpoints.find (addr_);
if (it == endpoints.end () || it->second.socket != socket_) {
endpoints_sync.unlock ();
errno = ENOENT;
return -1;
......@@ -479,14 +461,12 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::unregister_endpoint (
// Remove endpoint.
endpoints.erase (it);
endpoints_sync.unlock ();
return 0;
void zmq::ctx_t::unregister_endpoints (socket_base_t *socket_)
endpoints_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
endpoints_t::iterator it = endpoints.begin ();
while (it != endpoints.end ()) {
......@@ -498,17 +478,14 @@ void zmq::ctx_t::unregister_endpoints (socket_base_t *socket_)
endpoints_sync.unlock ();
zmq::endpoint_t zmq::ctx_t::find_endpoint (const char *addr_)
endpoints_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
endpoints_t::iterator it = endpoints.find (addr_);
if (it == endpoints.end ()) {
endpoints_sync.unlock ();
endpoint_t empty = {NULL, options_t()};
return empty;
......@@ -521,34 +498,30 @@ zmq::endpoint_t zmq::ctx_t::find_endpoint (const char *addr_)
// set to false, so that the seqnum isn't incremented twice.
endpoint.socket->inc_seqnum ();
endpoints_sync.unlock ();
return endpoint;
void zmq::ctx_t::pend_connection (const std::string &addr_,
const endpoint_t &endpoint_, pipe_t **pipes_)
const pending_connection_t pending_connection =
{endpoint_, pipes_ [0], pipes_ [1]};
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
endpoints_sync.lock ();
const pending_connection_t pending_connection = {endpoint_, pipes_ [0], pipes_ [1]};
endpoints_t::iterator it = endpoints.find (addr_);
if (it == endpoints.end ()) {
// Still no bind.
endpoint_.socket->inc_seqnum ();
pending_connections.insert (pending_connections_t::value_type (addr_, pending_connection));
// Bind has happened in the mean time, connect directly
connect_inproc_sockets (it->second.socket, it->second.options, pending_connection, connect_side);
endpoints_sync.unlock ();
} else {
// Bind has happened in the mean time, connect directly
connect_inproc_sockets(it->second.socket, it->second.options, pending_connection, connect_side);
void zmq::ctx_t::connect_pending (const char *addr_, zmq::socket_base_t *bind_socket_)
endpoints_sync.lock ();
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
std::pair<pending_connections_t::iterator, pending_connections_t::iterator> pending = pending_connections.equal_range(addr_);
......@@ -556,7 +529,6 @@ void zmq::ctx_t::connect_pending (const char *addr_, zmq::socket_base_t *bind_so
connect_inproc_sockets(bind_socket_, endpoints[addr_].options, p->second, bind_side);
pending_connections.erase(pending.first, pending.second);
endpoints_sync.unlock ();
void zmq::ctx_t::connect_inproc_sockets (zmq::socket_base_t *bind_socket_,
......@@ -618,7 +590,7 @@ void zmq::ctx_t::connect_inproc_sockets (zmq::socket_base_t *bind_socket_,
int zmq::ctx_t::get_vmci_socket_family ()
vmci_sync.lock ();
zmq::scoped_lock_t locker(vmci_sync);
if (vmci_fd == -1) {
vmci_family = VMCISock_GetAFValueFd (&vmci_fd);
......@@ -631,8 +603,6 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::get_vmci_socket_family ()
vmci_sync.unlock ();
return vmci_family;
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