Commit dc39ceb3 authored by Luca Boccassi's avatar Luca Boccassi Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #2268 from imkos/master

Mingw32 Compile
parents fe3756de 43941052
LIBS=-lws2_32 -lIphlpapi
LIBS=-lws2_32 -lIphlpapi -lsodium
OBJS = ctx.o reaper.o dist.o err.o \
clock.o metadata.o random.o \
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ OBJS = ctx.o reaper.o dist.o err.o \
mechanism.o null_mechanism.o plain_client.o plain_server.o \
socks.o server.o decoder_allocators.o socks_connecter.o \
socket_poller.o mailbox_safe.o plain_server.o client.o timers.o \
zmq.o zmq_utils.o
zmq.o zmq_utils.o gather.o scatter.o dgram.o
%.o: ../../src/%.cpp
$(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)
......@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ all: libzmq.dll
perf: inproc_lat.exe inproc_thr.exe local_lat.exe local_thr.exe remote_lat.exe remote_thr.exe
libzmq.dll: $(OBJS)
g++ -shared -o $@ $^ -Wl,--out-implib,$@.a $(LIBS)
g++ -shared -static -O2 -s -o $@ $^ -Wl,--out-implib,$@.a $(LIBS)
%.exe: %.o libzmq.dll
g++ -o $@ $^
g++ -o -O2 $@ $^
del *.o *.a *.dll *.exe
......@@ -38,4 +38,6 @@
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