Commit b70d628f authored by Martin Lucina's avatar Martin Lucina Committed by Martin Sustrik

Documentation updates for 2.1

- Clarify ZMQ_LINGER, zmq_close (), zmq_term () relationship
- New socket options
- Clarify thread safety of sockets and migration between threads
- Other minor and spelling fixes
Signed-off-by: 's avatarMartin Lucina <>
...@@ -44,9 +44,15 @@ Terminate 0MQ context:: ...@@ -44,9 +44,15 @@ Terminate 0MQ context::
Thread safety Thread safety
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
A 0MQ 'context' is thread safe and may be shared among as many application A 0MQ 'context' is thread safe and may be shared among as many application
threads as necessary, without any additional locking required on the part of the threads as necessary, without any additional locking required on the part of
caller. Each 0MQ socket belonging to a particular 'context' may only be used the caller.
by *the thread that created it* using _zmq_socket()_.
Individual 0MQ 'sockets' are _not_ thread safe except in the case where full
memory barriers are issued when migrating a socket from one thread to another.
In practice this means applications can create a socket in one thread with
_zmq_socket()_ and then pass it to a _newly created_ thread as part of thread
initialization, for example via a structure passed as an argument to
Multiple contexts Multiple contexts
...@@ -16,10 +16,14 @@ DESCRIPTION ...@@ -16,10 +16,14 @@ DESCRIPTION
----------- -----------
The _zmq_close()_ function shall destroy the socket referenced by the 'socket' The _zmq_close()_ function shall destroy the socket referenced by the 'socket'
argument. Any outstanding messages physically received from the network but not argument. Any outstanding messages physically received from the network but not
yet received by the application with _zmq_recv()_ shall also be dropped. As for yet received by the application with _zmq_recv()_ shall be discarded. The
the messages sent with _zmq_send()_ but not yet passed to the network, 0MQ behaviour for discarding messages sent by the application with _zmq_send()_ but
will try to send them in the background after _zmq_close()_ returns. Time spent not yet physically transferred to the network depends on the value of the
attempting can be set using _ZMQ_LINGER_ socket option. _ZMQ_LINGER_ socket option for the specified 'socket'.
NOTE: The default setting of _ZMQ_LINGER_ does not discard unsent messages;
this behaviour may cause the application to block when calling _zmq_term()_.
For details refer to linkzmq:zmq_setsockopt[3] and linkzmq:zmq_term[3].
...@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ the calling thread. ...@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ the calling thread.
The _zmq_errno()_ function is provided to assist users on non-POSIX systems who The _zmq_errno()_ function is provided to assist users on non-POSIX systems who
are experiencing issues with retrieving the correct value of 'errno' directly. are experiencing issues with retrieving the correct value of 'errno' directly.
Specifically, users on Win32 systems whose application is using a different C Specifically, users on Win32 systems whose application is using a different C
runtime library from the C runtime library in use by 0MQ will need to use run-time library from the C run-time library in use by 0MQ will need to use
_zmq_errno()_ for correct operation. _zmq_errno()_ for correct operation.
IMPORTANT: Users not experiencing issues with retrieving the correct value of IMPORTANT: Users not experiencing issues with retrieving the correct value of
...@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ value stored in the buffer. ...@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ value stored in the buffer.
The following options can be retrieved with the _zmq_getsockopt()_ function: The following options can be retrieved with the _zmq_getsockopt()_ function:
ZMQ_TYPE: Retrieve socket type. ZMQ_TYPE: Retrieve socket type
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 'ZMQ_TYPE' option shall retrieve the socket type for the specified The 'ZMQ_TYPE' option shall retrieve the socket type for the specified
'socket'. The socket type is specified at socket creation time and 'socket'. The socket type is specified at socket creation time and
cannot be modified afterwards. cannot be modified afterwards.
...@@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ Default value:: 10 ...@@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ Default value:: 10
Applicable socket types:: all, when using multicast transports Applicable socket types:: all, when using multicast transports
ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP: Control multicast loopback ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP: Control multicast loop-back
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 'ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP' option controls whether data sent via multicast The 'ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP' option controls whether data sent via multicast
transports can also be received by the sending host via loopback. A value of transports can also be received by the sending host via loop-back. A value of
zero indicates that the loopback functionality is disabled, while the default zero indicates that the loop-back functionality is disabled, while the default
value of 1 indicates that the loopback functionality is enabled. Leaving value of 1 indicates that the loop-back functionality is enabled. Leaving
multicast loopback enabled when it is not required can have a negative impact multicast loop-back enabled when it is not required can have a negative impact
on performance. Where possible, disable 'ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP' in production on performance. Where possible, disable 'ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP' in production
environments. environments.
...@@ -214,53 +214,80 @@ Applicable socket types:: all ...@@ -214,53 +214,80 @@ Applicable socket types:: all
ZMQ_LINGER: Retrieve linger period for socket shutdown ZMQ_LINGER: Retrieve linger period for socket shutdown
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 'ZMQ_LINGER' option shall retrieve the period for pending outbound The 'ZMQ_LINGER' option shall retrieve the linger period for the specified
messages to linger in memory after closing the socket. Value of -1 means 'socket'. The linger period determines how long pending messages which have
infinite. Pending messages will be kept until they are fully transferred to yet to be sent to a peer shall linger in memory after a socket is closed with
the peer. Value of 0 means that all the pending messages are dropped immediately linkzmq:zmq_close[3], and further affects the termination of the socket's
when socket is closed. Positive value means number of milliseconds to keep context with linkzmq:zmq_term[3]. The following outlines the different
trying to send the pending messages before discarding them. behaviours:
* The default value of '-1' specifies an infinite linger period. Pending
messages shall not be discarded after a call to _zmq_close()_; attempting to
terminate the socket's context with _zmq_term()_ shall block until all
pending messages have been sent to a peer.
* The value of '0' specifies no linger period. Pending messages shall be
discarded immediately when the socket is closed with _zmq_close()_.
* Positive values specify an upper bound for the linger period in milliseconds.
Pending messages shall not be discarded after a call to _zmq_close()_;
attempting to terminate the socket's context with _zmq_term()_ shall block
until either all pending messages have been sent to a peer, or the linger
period expires, after which any pending messages shall be discarded.
[horizontal] [horizontal]
Option value type:: int Option value type:: int
Option value unit:: milliseconds Option value unit:: milliseconds
Default value:: -1 Default value:: -1 (infinite)
Applicable socket types:: all Applicable socket types:: all
ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL: Retrieve reconnect period for connection-based transports ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL: Retrieve reconnection interval
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 'ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL' option shall retrieve the period indicating how long it The 'ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL' option shall retrieve the reconnection interval for the
takes for a disconnected underlying connection to attempt to reconnect. specified 'socket'. The reconnection interval is the maximum period 0MQ shall
wait between attempts to reconnect disconnected peers when using
connection-oriented transports.
NOTE: The reconnection interval may be randomized by 0MQ to prevent
reconnection storms in topologies with a large number of peers per socket.
[horizontal] [horizontal]
Option value type:: int Option value type:: int
Option value unit:: milliseconds Option value unit:: milliseconds
Default value:: 100 Default value:: 100
Applicable socket types:: all Applicable socket types:: all, only for connection-oriented transports
ZMQ_BACKLOG: Retrieve maximum length of the queue of pending connections ZMQ_BACKLOG: Retrieve maximum length of the queue of outstanding connections
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 'ZMQ_BACKLOG' option shall retrieve maximum size of the The 'ZMQ_BACKLOG' option shall retrieve the maximum length of the queue of
pending connection backlog for connection-based transports. For details outstanding peer connections for the specified 'socket'; this only applies to
refer to your operating system documentation for the 'listen' function. connection-oriented transports. For details refer to your operating system
documentation for the 'listen' function.
[horizontal] [horizontal]
Option value type:: int Option value type:: int
Option value unit:: connections Option value unit:: connections
Default value:: 100 Default value:: 100
Applicable socket types:: all Applicable socket types:: all, only for connection-oriented transports
ZMQ_FD: Retrieve file descriptor associated with the socket ZMQ_FD: Retrieve file descriptor associated with the socket
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 'ZMQ_FD' option shall retrieve file descriptor associated with the 0MQ The 'ZMQ_FD' option shall retrieve the file descriptor associated with the
socket. The descriptor can be used to integrate 0MQ socket into an existing specified 'socket'. The returned file descriptor can be used to integrate the
event loop. It should never be used for anything else than polling -- such as socket into an existing event loop; the 0MQ library shall signal any pending
reading or writing. The descriptor signals edge-triggered IN event when events on the socket in an _edge-triggered_ fashion by making the file
something has happened within the 0MQ socket. It does not necessarily mean that descriptor become ready for reading.
the messages can be read or written. Check ZMQ_EVENTS option to find out whether
the 0MQ socket is readable or writeable. NOTE: The ability to read from the returned file descriptor does not
necessarily indicate that messages are available to be read from, or can be
written to, the underlying socket; applications must retrieve the actual event
state with a subsequent retrieval of the 'ZMQ_EVENTS' option.
CAUTION: The returned file descriptor is intended for use with a 'poll' or
similar system call only. Applications must never attempt to read or write data
to it directly.
[horizontal] [horizontal]
Option value type:: int on POSIX systems, SOCKET on Windows Option value type:: int on POSIX systems, SOCKET on Windows
...@@ -269,11 +296,24 @@ Default value:: N/A ...@@ -269,11 +296,24 @@ Default value:: N/A
Applicable socket types:: all Applicable socket types:: all
ZMQ_EVENTS: Check whether socket is readable and/or writeable ZMQ_EVENTS: Retrieve socket event state
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 'ZMQ_EVENTS' option shall retrieve event flags for the specified socket. The 'ZMQ_EVENTS' option shall retrieve the event state for the specified
If a message can be read from the socket ZMQ_POLLIN flag is set. If message can 'socket'. The returned value is a bit mask constructed by OR'ing a combination
be written to the socket ZMQ_POLLOUT flag is set. of the following event flags:
Indicates that at least one message may be received from the specified socket
without blocking.
Indicates that at least one message may be sent to the specified socket without
The combination of a file descriptor returned by the 'ZMQ_FD' option being
ready for reading but no actual events returned by a subsequent retrieval of
the 'ZMQ_EVENTS' option is valid; applications should simply ignore this case
and restart their polling operation/event loop.
[horizontal] [horizontal]
Option value type:: uint32_t Option value type:: uint32_t
...@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The 'pgm' and 'epgm' transports can only be used with the 'ZMQ_PUB' and ...@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The 'pgm' and 'epgm' transports can only be used with the 'ZMQ_PUB' and
'ZMQ_SUB' socket types. 'ZMQ_SUB' socket types.
Further, PGM sockets are rate limited by default and incur a performance Further, PGM sockets are rate limited by default and incur a performance
penalty when used over a loopback interface. For details, refer to the penalty when used over a loop-back interface. For details, refer to the
'ZMQ_RATE', 'ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL' and 'ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP' options documented in 'ZMQ_RATE', 'ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL' and 'ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP' options documented in
linkzmq:zmq_setsockopt[3]. linkzmq:zmq_setsockopt[3].
...@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ representation. ...@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ representation.
----------- -----------
Consecutive PGM datagrams are interpreted by 0MQ as a single continous stream Consecutive PGM datagrams are interpreted by 0MQ as a single continuous stream
of data where 0MQ messages are not necessarily aligned with PGM datagram of data where 0MQ messages are not necessarily aligned with PGM datagram
boundaries and a single 0MQ message may span several PGM datagrams. This stream boundaries and a single 0MQ message may span several PGM datagrams. This stream
of data consists of 0MQ messages encapsulated in 'frames' as described in of data consists of 0MQ messages encapsulated in 'frames' as described in
...@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ EXAMPLE ...@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ EXAMPLE
.Connecting a socket .Connecting a socket
---- ----
/* Connecting to the multicast address, port 5555, */ /* Connecting to the multicast address, port 5555, */
/* using the first ethernet network interface on Linux */ /* using the first Ethernet network interface on Linux */
/* and the Encapsulated PGM protocol */ /* and the Encapsulated PGM protocol */
rc = zmq_connect(socket, "epgm://eth0;"); rc = zmq_connect(socket, "epgm://eth0;");
assert (rc == 0); assert (rc == 0);
...@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ NOTE: All 0MQ sockets passed to the _zmq_poll()_ function must share the ...@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ NOTE: All 0MQ sockets passed to the _zmq_poll()_ function must share the
same 0MQ 'context' and must belong to the thread calling _zmq_poll()_. same 0MQ 'context' and must belong to the thread calling _zmq_poll()_.
For each *zmq_pollitem_t* item, _zmq_poll()_ shall first clear the 'revents' For each *zmq_pollitem_t* item, _zmq_poll()_ shall first clear the 'revents'
member, and then indicate any requested events that have occured by setting the member, and then indicate any requested events that have occurred by setting the
bit corresponding to the event condition in the 'revents' member. bit corresponding to the event condition in the 'revents' member.
If none of the requested events have occured on any *zmq_pollitem_t* item, If none of the requested events have occurred on any *zmq_pollitem_t* item,
_zmq_poll()_ shall wait 'timeout' microseconds for an event to occur on _zmq_poll()_ shall wait 'timeout' microseconds for an event to occur on
any of the requested items. If the value of 'timeout' is `0`, _zmq_poll()_ any of the requested items. If the value of 'timeout' is `0`, _zmq_poll()_
shall return immediately. If the value of 'timeout' is `-1`, _zmq_poll()_ shall shall return immediately. If the value of 'timeout' is `-1`, _zmq_poll()_ shall
block indefinitely until a requested event has occured on at least one block indefinitely until a requested event has occurred on at least one
*zmq_pollitem_t*. *zmq_pollitem_t*.
The 'events' and 'revents' members of *zmq_pollitem_t* are bitmasks constructed The 'events' and 'revents' members of *zmq_pollitem_t* are bit masks constructed
by OR'ing a combination of the following event flags: by OR'ing a combination of the following event flags:
...@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ associated 0MQ 'context' was terminated. ...@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ associated 0MQ 'context' was terminated.
The provided 'items' was not valid (NULL). The provided 'items' was not valid (NULL).
The poll was interrupted by delivery of a signal before any event was available. The operation was interrupted by delivery of a signal before any events were
...@@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ Default value:: 10 ...@@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ Default value:: 10
Applicable socket types:: all, when using multicast transports Applicable socket types:: all, when using multicast transports
ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP: Control multicast loopback ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP: Control multicast loop-back
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 'ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP' option shall control whether data sent via multicast The 'ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP' option shall control whether data sent via multicast
transports using the specified 'socket' can also be received by the sending transports using the specified 'socket' can also be received by the sending
host via loopback. A value of zero disables the loopback functionality, while host via loop-back. A value of zero disables the loop-back functionality, while
the default value of 1 enables the loopback functionality. Leaving multicast the default value of 1 enables the loop-back functionality. Leaving multicast
loopback enabled when it is not required can have a negative impact on loop-back enabled when it is not required can have a negative impact on
performance. Where possible, disable 'ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP' in production performance. Where possible, disable 'ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP' in production
environments. environments.
...@@ -218,44 +218,63 @@ Applicable socket types:: all ...@@ -218,44 +218,63 @@ Applicable socket types:: all
ZMQ_LINGER: Set linger period for socket shutdown ZMQ_LINGER: Set linger period for socket shutdown
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 'ZMQ_LINGER' option shall be set to specify period for pending outbound The 'ZMQ_LINGER' option shall set the linger period for the specified 'socket'.
messages to linger in memory after closing the socket. Value of -1 means The linger period determines how long pending messages which have yet to be
infinite. Pending messages will be kept until they are fully transferred to sent to a peer shall linger in memory after a socket is closed with
the peer. Value of 0 means that all the pending messages are dropped immediately linkzmq:zmq_close[3], and further affects the termination of the socket's
when socket is closed. Positive value means number of milliseconds to keep context with linkzmq:zmq_term[3]. The following outlines the different
trying to send the pending messages before discarding them. behaviours:
* The default value of '-1' specifies an infinite linger period. Pending
messages shall not be discarded after a call to _zmq_close()_; attempting to
terminate the socket's context with _zmq_term()_ shall block until all
pending messages have been sent to a peer.
* The value of '0' specifies no linger period. Pending messages shall be
discarded immediately when the socket is closed with _zmq_close()_.
* Positive values specify an upper bound for the linger period in milliseconds.
Pending messages shall not be discarded after a call to _zmq_close()_;
attempting to terminate the socket's context with _zmq_term()_ shall block
until either all pending messages have been sent to a peer, or the linger
period expires, after which any pending messages shall be discarded.
[horizontal] [horizontal]
Option value type:: int Option value type:: int
Option value unit:: milliseconds Option value unit:: milliseconds
Default value:: -1 Default value:: -1 (infinite)
Applicable socket types:: all Applicable socket types:: all
ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL: Set reconnect period for connection-based transports ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL: Set reconnection interval
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 'ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL' option shall be set to specify how long it takes for a The 'ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL' option shall set the reconnection interval for the
disconnected underlying connection to attempt to reconnect. The interval specified 'socket'. The reconnection interval is the maximum period 0MQ shall
can be randomized to some extent by 0MQ to prevent reconnection storms. wait between attempts to reconnect disconnected peers when using
connection-oriented transports.
NOTE: The reconnection interval may be randomized by 0MQ to prevent
reconnection storms in topologies with a large number of peers per socket.
[horizontal] [horizontal]
Option value type:: int Option value type:: int
Option value unit:: milliseconds Option value unit:: milliseconds
Default value:: 100 Default value:: 100
Applicable socket types:: all Applicable socket types:: all, only for connection-oriented transports
ZMQ_BACKLOG: Set maximum length of the queue of pending connections ZMQ_BACKLOG: Set maximum length of the queue of outstanding connections
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 'ZMQ_BACKLOG' option shall be set to specify maximum size of the The 'ZMQ_BACKLOG' option shall set the maximum length of the queue of
pending connection backlog for connection-based transports. For details outstanding peer connections for the specified 'socket'; this only applies to
refer to your operating system documentation for the 'listen' function. connection-oriented transports. For details refer to your operating system
documentation for the 'listen' function.
[horizontal] [horizontal]
Option value type:: int Option value type:: int
Option value unit:: connections Option value unit:: connections
Default value:: 100 Default value:: 100
Applicable socket types:: all Applicable socket types:: all, only for connection-oriented transports.
...@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ sockets transfer streams of bytes or discrete datagrams, 0MQ sockets transfer ...@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ sockets transfer streams of bytes or discrete datagrams, 0MQ sockets transfer
discrete _messages_. discrete _messages_.
0MQ sockets being _asynchronous_ means that the timings of the physical 0MQ sockets being _asynchronous_ means that the timings of the physical
connection setup and teardown, reconnect and effective delivery are transparent connection setup and tear down, reconnect and effective delivery are transparent
to the user and organized by 0MQ itself. Further, messages may be _queued_ in to the user and organized by 0MQ itself. Further, messages may be _queued_ in
the event that a peer is unavailable to receive them. the event that a peer is unavailable to receive them.
...@@ -46,6 +46,18 @@ relationships. With the exception of 'ZMQ_PAIR', 0MQ sockets may be connected ...@@ -46,6 +46,18 @@ relationships. With the exception of 'ZMQ_PAIR', 0MQ sockets may be connected
incoming connections *from multiple endpoints* bound to the socket using incoming connections *from multiple endpoints* bound to the socket using
_zmq_bind()_, thus allowing many-to-many relationships. _zmq_bind()_, thus allowing many-to-many relationships.
.Thread safety
A 0MQ 'context' is thread safe and may be shared among as many application
threads as necessary, without any additional locking required on the part of
the caller.
Individual 0MQ 'sockets' are _not_ thread safe except in the case where full
memory barriers are issued when migrating a socket from one thread to another.
In practice this means applications can create a socket in one thread with
_zmq_socket()_ and then pass it to a _newly created_ thread as part of thread
initialization, for example via a structure passed as an argument to
.Socket types .Socket types
The following sections present the socket types defined by 0MQ, grouped by the The following sections present the socket types defined by 0MQ, grouped by the
general _messaging pattern_ which is built from related socket types. general _messaging pattern_ which is built from related socket types.
...@@ -100,7 +112,7 @@ Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_REQ' ...@@ -100,7 +112,7 @@ Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_REQ'
Direction:: Bidirectional Direction:: Bidirectional
Send/receive pattern:: Receive, Send, Receive, Send, ... Send/receive pattern:: Receive, Send, Receive, Send, ...
Incoming routing strategy:: Fair-queued Incoming routing strategy:: Fair-queued
Outgoing routing stratagy:: Last peer Outgoing routing strategy:: Last peer
ZMQ_HWM option action:: Drop ZMQ_HWM option action:: Drop
...@@ -166,13 +178,13 @@ ZMQ_HWM option action:: Drop ...@@ -166,13 +178,13 @@ ZMQ_HWM option action:: Drop
Publish-subscribe pattern Publish-subscribe pattern
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The publish-subscribe pattern is used for one-to-many distribution of data from The publish-subscribe pattern is used for one-to-many distribution of data from
a single _publisher_ to multiple _subscribers_ in a fanout fashion. a single _publisher_ to multiple _subscribers_ in a fan out fashion.
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
A socket of type 'ZMQ_PUB' is used by a _publisher_ to distribute data. A socket of type 'ZMQ_PUB' is used by a _publisher_ to distribute data.
Messages sent are distributed in a fanout fashion to all connected peers. Messages sent are distributed in a fan out fashion to all connected peers.
The linkzmq:zmq_recv[3] function is not implemented for this socket type. The linkzmq:zmq_recv[3] function is not implemented for this socket type.
When a 'ZMQ_PUB' socket enters an exceptional state due to having reached the When a 'ZMQ_PUB' socket enters an exceptional state due to having reached the
...@@ -186,7 +198,7 @@ Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_SUB' ...@@ -186,7 +198,7 @@ Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_SUB'
Direction:: Unidirectional Direction:: Unidirectional
Send/receive pattern:: Send only Send/receive pattern:: Send only
Incoming routing strategy:: N/A Incoming routing strategy:: N/A
Outgoing routing strategy:: Fanout Outgoing routing strategy:: Fan out
ZMQ_HWM option action:: Drop ZMQ_HWM option action:: Drop
...@@ -301,8 +313,6 @@ ERRORS ...@@ -301,8 +313,6 @@ ERRORS
------ ------
The requested socket 'type' is invalid. The requested socket 'type' is invalid.
The maximum number of sockets within this 'context' has been exceeded.
The provided 'context' was not valid (NULL). The provided 'context' was not valid (NULL).
...@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ colon and the TCP port number to use. ...@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ colon and the TCP port number to use.
An 'interface' may be specified by either of the following: An 'interface' may be specified by either of the following:
* The wildcard `*`, meaning all available interfaces. * The wild-card `*`, meaning all available interfaces.
* The primary IPv4 address assigned to the interface, in its numeric * The primary IPv4 address assigned to the interface, in its numeric
representation. representation.
* The interface name as defined by the operating system. * The interface name as defined by the operating system.
...@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ EXAMPLES ...@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ EXAMPLES
/* TCP port 5555 on all available interfaces */ /* TCP port 5555 on all available interfaces */
rc = zmq_bind(socket, "tcp://*:5555"); rc = zmq_bind(socket, "tcp://*:5555");
assert (rc == 0); assert (rc == 0);
/* TCP port 5555 on the local loopback interface on all platforms */ /* TCP port 5555 on the local loop-back interface on all platforms */
rc = zmq_bind(socket, "tcp://"); rc = zmq_bind(socket, "tcp://");
assert (rc == 0); assert (rc == 0);
/* TCP port 5555 on the first ethernet network interface on Linux */ /* TCP port 5555 on the first Ethernet network interface on Linux */
rc = zmq_bind(socket, "tcp://eth0:5555"); rc = zmq_bind(socket, "tcp://eth0:5555");
assert (rc == 0); assert (rc == 0);
---- ----
...@@ -14,20 +14,27 @@ SYNOPSIS ...@@ -14,20 +14,27 @@ SYNOPSIS
----------- -----------
The _zmq_term()_ function terminates the 0MQ context 'context'. The _zmq_term()_ function shall terminate the 0MQ context 'context'.
It does so in following steps: Context termination is performed in the following steps:
* It causes any blocking operations currently in progress on sockets open within 1. Any blocking operations currently in progress on sockets open within
'context' to exit immediately with an error code of ETERM. 'context' shall return immediately with an error code of ETERM. With the
exception of _zmq_close()_, any further operations on sockets open within
'context' shall fail with an error code of ETERM.
* With the exception of _zmq_close()_, any further operations on sockets open 2. After interrupting all blocking calls, _zmq_term()_ shall _block_ until the
within 'context' shall fail with an error code of ETERM. following conditions are satisfied:
* All sockets open within 'context' have been closed with _zmq_close()_.
* After iterrupting all blocking calls, _zmq_term()_ blocks until all sockets * For each socket within 'context', all messages sent by the application
open within the context are closed using _zmq_close()_ and either all the with _zmq_send()_ have either been physically transferred to a network
pending outbound messages are pushed to the network or ZMQ_LINGER period peer, or the socket's linger period set with the _ZMQ_LINGER_ socket
expires for individual sockets. option has expired.
For further details regarding socket linger behaviour refer to the _ZMQ_LINGER_
option in linkzmq:zmq_setsockopt[3].
...@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ SYNOPSIS ...@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
----------- -----------
The _zmq_version()_ function shall fill in the integer variables pointed to by The _zmq_version()_ function shall fill in the integer variables pointed to by
the 'major', 'minor' and 'patch' arguments with the major, minor and patchlevel the 'major', 'minor' and 'patch' arguments with the major, minor and patch level
components of the 0MQ library version. components of the 0MQ library version.
This functionality is intended for applications or language bindings This functionality is intended for applications or language bindings
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