Commit b168e104 authored by Luca Boccassi's avatar Luca Boccassi

Merge pull request #1810 from opedroso/IMPROVE_WINDOWS_BUILD

Problem:  Windows build script requires edit for DevStudio version
parents 7200f473 80024eca
......@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ Hardeep Singh
André Caron
Tim Mossbarger
Doron Somech
Osiris Pedroso
......@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ If you clone the Git repository then you should start by running the
command `./`. This is not necessary if you get the source
Windows Builds
For Windows building, see the libzmq\builds\msvc\readme.txt file.
Basic Installation
:: uses the environment from the DevStudio CMD window to figure out which version to build
CALL buildbase.bat ..\vs2015\libzmq.sln 14
if %VSVER% gtr 10 set /a DIRVER = DIRVER + 1
CALL buildbase.bat ..\vs20%DIRVER%\libzmq.sln %VSVER%
:- CALL buildbase.bat ..\vs2015\libzmq.sln 14
:- ECHO.
:- CALL buildbase.bat ..\vs2013\libzmq.sln 12
:- ECHO.
:- CALL buildbase.bat ..\vs2012\libzmq.sln 11
......@@ -9,4 +19,5 @@ ECHO.
:- CALL buildbase.bat ..\vs2010\libzmq.sln 10
:- ECHO.
......@@ -13,3 +13,12 @@ The vs2015/vs2013/vs2012/vs2010 solution and project files differ only in versio
More info here:
For building Windows, use the buildall.bat script in this directory.
It requires that the CMD.EXE be created using the DevStudio Tools link to create a CMD.EXE windo.
If multiple DevStudio versions are installed on the machine, you can run buildall.bat on separate windows that each were created by the desired DevStudio target.
If you prefer to build all versions (or several) at the same time, you should uncomment the specific version desired in buildall.bat to build them from a single window.
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