Commit ae2ea1a6 authored by sigiesec's avatar sigiesec

Problem: Usage of "rid" in server_t

Solution: Replaced by "routing_id"
parent e00131dd
No related merge requests found
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
zmq::server_t::server_t (class ctx_t *parent_, uint32_t tid_, int sid_) :
socket_base_t (parent_, tid_, sid_, true),
next_rid (generate_random ())
next_routing_id (generate_random ())
options.type = ZMQ_SERVER;
......@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ void zmq::server_t::xattach_pipe (pipe_t *pipe_, bool subscribe_to_all_)
zmq_assert (pipe_);
uint32_t routing_id = next_rid++;
uint32_t routing_id = next_routing_id++;
if (!routing_id)
routing_id = next_rid++; // Never use RID zero
routing_id = next_routing_id++; // Never use Routing ID zero
pipe_->set_server_socket_routing_id (routing_id);
// Add the record into output pipes lookup table
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ namespace zmq
// Routing IDs are generated. It's a simple increment and wrap-over
// algorithm. This value is the next ID to use (if not used already).
uint32_t next_rid;
uint32_t next_routing_id;
server_t (const server_t&);
const server_t &operator = (const server_t&);
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