Commit a2db60e1 authored by reza-ebrahimi's avatar reza-ebrahimi

Fixing indentation related to commit #2071

parent e5599de6
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::terminate ()
int zmq::ctx_t::shutdown ()
scoped_lock_t locker(slot_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(slot_sync);
if (!starting && !terminating) {
terminating = true;
......@@ -239,37 +239,37 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::set (int option_, int optval_)
int rc = 0;
if (option_ == ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS
&& optval_ >= 1 && optval_ == clipped_maxsocket (optval_)) {
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
max_sockets = optval_;
if (option_ == ZMQ_IO_THREADS && optval_ >= 0) {
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
io_thread_count = optval_;
if (option_ == ZMQ_IPV6 && optval_ >= 0) {
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
ipv6 = (optval_ != 0);
if (option_ == ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY && optval_ >= 0) {
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
thread_priority = optval_;
if (option_ == ZMQ_THREAD_SCHED_POLICY && optval_ >= 0) {
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
thread_sched_policy = optval_;
if (option_ == ZMQ_BLOCKY && optval_ >= 0) {
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
blocky = (optval_ != 0);
if (option_ == ZMQ_MAX_MSGSZ && optval_ >= 0) {
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(opt_sync);
max_msgsz = optval_ < INT_MAX? optval_: INT_MAX;
else {
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::get (int option_)
zmq::socket_base_t *zmq::ctx_t::create_socket (int type_)
scoped_lock_t locker(slot_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(slot_sync);
if (unlikely (starting)) {
......@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ zmq::socket_base_t *zmq::ctx_t::create_socket (int type_)
void zmq::ctx_t::destroy_socket (class socket_base_t *socket_)
scoped_lock_t locker(slot_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(slot_sync);
// Free the associated thread slot.
uint32_t tid = socket_->get_tid ();
......@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ zmq::io_thread_t *zmq::ctx_t::choose_io_thread (uint64_t affinity_)
int zmq::ctx_t::register_endpoint (const char *addr_,
const endpoint_t &endpoint_)
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
const bool inserted = endpoints.insert (endpoints_t::value_type (std::string (addr_), endpoint_)).second;
if (!inserted) {
......@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::register_endpoint (const char *addr_,
int zmq::ctx_t::unregister_endpoint (
const std::string &addr_, socket_base_t *socket_)
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
const endpoints_t::iterator it = endpoints.find (addr_);
if (it == endpoints.end () || it->second.socket != socket_) {
......@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ int zmq::ctx_t::unregister_endpoint (
void zmq::ctx_t::unregister_endpoints (socket_base_t *socket_)
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
endpoints_t::iterator it = endpoints.begin ();
while (it != endpoints.end ()) {
......@@ -482,13 +482,13 @@ void zmq::ctx_t::unregister_endpoints (socket_base_t *socket_)
zmq::endpoint_t zmq::ctx_t::find_endpoint (const char *addr_)
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
endpoints_t::iterator it = endpoints.find (addr_);
if (it == endpoints.end ()) {
endpoint_t empty = {NULL, options_t()};
return empty;
endpoints_t::iterator it = endpoints.find (addr_);
if (it == endpoints.end ()) {
endpoint_t empty = {NULL, options_t()};
return empty;
endpoint_t endpoint = it->second;
......@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ zmq::endpoint_t zmq::ctx_t::find_endpoint (const char *addr_)
void zmq::ctx_t::pend_connection (const std::string &addr_,
const endpoint_t &endpoint_, pipe_t **pipes_)
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
const pending_connection_t pending_connection = {endpoint_, pipes_ [0], pipes_ [1]};
......@@ -521,10 +521,9 @@ void zmq::ctx_t::pend_connection (const std::string &addr_,
void zmq::ctx_t::connect_pending (const char *addr_, zmq::socket_base_t *bind_socket_)
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
scoped_lock_t locker(endpoints_sync);
std::pair<pending_connections_t::iterator, pending_connections_t::iterator> pending = pending_connections.equal_range(addr_);
for (pending_connections_t::iterator p = pending.first; p != pending.second; ++p)
connect_inproc_sockets(bind_socket_, endpoints[addr_].options, p->second, bind_side);
......@@ -576,11 +575,11 @@ void zmq::ctx_t::connect_inproc_sockets (zmq::socket_base_t *bind_socket_,
if (pending_connection_.endpoint.options.recv_identity) {
msg_t id;
int rc = id.init_size (bind_options.identity_size);
const int rc = id.init_size (bind_options.identity_size);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
memcpy ( (), bind_options.identity, bind_options.identity_size);
id.set_flags (msg_t::identity);
bool written = pending_connection_.bind_pipe->write (&id);
const bool written = pending_connection_.bind_pipe->write (&id);
zmq_assert (written);
pending_connection_.bind_pipe->flush ();
......@@ -590,7 +589,7 @@ void zmq::ctx_t::connect_inproc_sockets (zmq::socket_base_t *bind_socket_,
int zmq::ctx_t::get_vmci_socket_family ()
zmq::scoped_lock_t locker(vmci_sync);
zmq::scoped_lock_t locker(vmci_sync);
if (vmci_fd == -1) {
vmci_family = VMCISock_GetAFValueFd (&vmci_fd);
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