Commit 93b36893 authored by Luca Boccassi's avatar Luca Boccassi

Problem: ZMQ_SOCKET_LIMIT and ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY have the same value

Solution: remove documents and tests for ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY getter. It
never worked and can never work as it has the same value as a get-only
option ZMQ_SOCKET_LIMIT. It cannot be changed without breaking ABI.
Note that the setter works fine as ZMQ_SOCKET_LIMIT is get-only.
parent f0d97e02
......@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ The 'ZMQ_THREAD_SCHED_POLICY' argument returns the scheduling policy for
internal context's thread pool.
ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY: Get scheduling priority for I/O threads
The 'ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY' argument returns the scheduling priority for
internal context's thread pool.
ZMQ_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX: Get name prefix for I/O threads
The 'ZMQ_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX' argument gets the numeric prefix of each thread
......@@ -469,10 +469,7 @@ int zmq::thread_ctx_t::set (int option_, int optval_)
int zmq::thread_ctx_t::get (int option_)
int rc = 0;
if (option_ == ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY) {
scoped_lock_t locker (_opt_sync);
rc = _thread_priority;
} else if (option_ == ZMQ_THREAD_SCHED_POLICY) {
if (option_ == ZMQ_THREAD_SCHED_POLICY) {
scoped_lock_t locker (_opt_sync);
rc = _thread_sched_policy;
} else if (option_ == ZMQ_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX) {
......@@ -112,8 +112,6 @@ void test_ctx_thread_opts (void *ctx_)
1 /* any positive value different than the default will be ok */);
assert (rc == 0);
rc = zmq_ctx_get (ctx_, ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY);
assert (rc == 1);
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