Commit 8da4e9b9 authored by Luca Boccassi's avatar Luca Boccassi

Problem: pgm_sender does not initialise all its class variables

Solution: do it to silence static analysis warnings
parent 40606a93
......@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ zmq::pgm_sender_t::pgm_sender_t (io_thread_t *parent_,
more_flag (false),
pgm_socket (false, options_),
options (options_),
handle (static_cast<handle_t> (NULL)),
uplink_handle (static_cast<handle_t> (NULL)),
rdata_notify_handle (static_cast<handle_t> (NULL)),
pending_notify_handle (static_cast<handle_t> (NULL)),
out_buffer (NULL),
out_buffer_size (0),
write_size (0)
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