Commit 8cd64b76 authored by Bitiquinho's avatar Bitiquinho

Adapt to new draft header. Rebase dgram socket on pair socket

parent 23b3403f
......@@ -38,24 +38,18 @@
zmq::dgram_t::dgram_t (class ctx_t *parent_, uint32_t tid_, int sid_) :
socket_base_t (parent_, tid_, sid_),
pipe (NULL),
last_in (NULL),
prefetched (false),
identity_sent (false),
current_out (NULL),
more_out (false),
next_rid (generate_random ())
more_out (false)
options.type = ZMQ_DGRAM;
options.raw_socket = true;
prefetched_id.init ();
prefetched_msg.init ();
zmq::dgram_t::~dgram_t ()
zmq_assert (outpipes.empty ());
prefetched_id.close ();
prefetched_msg.close ();
zmq_assert (!pipe);
void zmq::dgram_t::xattach_pipe (pipe_t *pipe_, bool subscribe_to_all_)
......@@ -64,109 +58,84 @@ void zmq::dgram_t::xattach_pipe (pipe_t *pipe_, bool subscribe_to_all_)
zmq_assert (pipe_);
identify_peer (pipe_);
fq.attach (pipe_);
// ZMQ_DGRAM socket can only be connected to a single peer.
// The socket rejects any further connection requests.
if (pipe == NULL)
pipe = pipe_;
pipe_->terminate (false);
void zmq::dgram_t::xpipe_terminated (pipe_t *pipe_)
outpipes_t::iterator it = outpipes.find (pipe_->get_identity ());
zmq_assert (it != outpipes.end ());
outpipes.erase (it);
fq.pipe_terminated (pipe_);
if (pipe_ == current_out)
current_out = NULL;
if (pipe_ == pipe) {
if (last_in == pipe) {
saved_credential = last_in->get_credential ();
last_in = NULL;
pipe = NULL;
void zmq::dgram_t::xread_activated (pipe_t *pipe_)
void zmq::dgram_t::xread_activated (pipe_t *)
fq.activated (pipe_);
// There's just one pipe. No lists of active and inactive pipes.
// There's nothing to do here.
void zmq::dgram_t::xwrite_activated (pipe_t *pipe_)
void zmq::dgram_t::xwrite_activated (pipe_t *)
outpipes_t::iterator it;
for (it = outpipes.begin (); it != outpipes.end (); ++it)
if (it->second.pipe == pipe_)
zmq_assert (it != outpipes.end ());
zmq_assert (!it->;
it-> = true;
// There's just one pipe. No lists of active and inactive pipes.
// There's nothing to do here.
int zmq::dgram_t::xsend (msg_t *msg_)
// If there's no out pipe, just drop it.
if (!pipe) {
int rc = msg_->close ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
return -1;
// If this is the first part of the message it's the ID of the
// peer to send the message to.
if (!more_out) {
zmq_assert (!current_out);
// If we have malformed message (prefix with no subsequent message)
// then just silently ignore it.
// TODO: The connections should be killed instead.
// If we have malformed message (prefix with no subsequent message) then ignore it.
if (msg_->flags () & msg_t::more) {
// Find the pipe associated with the identity stored in the prefix.
// If there's no such pipe return an error
blob_t identity ((unsigned char*) msg_->data (), msg_->size ());
outpipes_t::iterator it = outpipes.find (identity);
if (it != outpipes.end ()) {
current_out = it->second.pipe;
if (!current_out->check_write ()) {
it-> = false;
current_out = NULL;
errno = EAGAIN;
return -1;
else {
return -1;
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
// Expect one more message frame.
more_out = true;
int rc = msg_->close ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
rc = msg_->init ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
return 0;
else {
// Ignore the MORE flag
msg_->reset_flags (msg_t::more);
// This is the last part of the message.
more_out = false;
// Ignore the MORE flag
msg_->reset_flags (msg_t::more);
// This is the last part of the message.
more_out = false;
// Push the message into the pipe. If there's no out pipe, just drop it.
if (current_out) {
// Close the remote connection if user has asked to do so
// by sending zero length message.
// Pending messages in the pipe will be dropped (on receiving term- ack)
if (msg_->size () == 0) {
current_out->terminate (false);
int rc = msg_->close ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
rc = msg_->init ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
current_out = NULL;
return 0;
bool ok = current_out->write (msg_);
if (likely (ok))
current_out->flush ();
current_out = NULL;
// Close the remote connection if user has asked to do so
// by sending zero length message.
// Pending messages in the pipe will be dropped (on receiving term- ack)
if (msg_->size () == 0) {
pipe->terminate (false);
int rc = msg_->close ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
rc = msg_->init ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
pipe = NULL;
return 0;
else {
int rc = msg_->close ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
// Push the message into the pipe.
if (!pipe->write (msg_)) {
errno = EAGAIN;
return -1;
if (!(msg_->flags () & msg_t::more))
pipe->flush ();
// Detach the message from the data buffer.
int rc = msg_->init ();
......@@ -175,78 +144,30 @@ int zmq::dgram_t::xsend (msg_t *msg_)
return 0;
int zmq::dgram_t::xsetsockopt (int option_, const void *optval_,
size_t optvallen_)
int zmq::dgram_t::xrecv (msg_t *msg_)
bool is_int = (optvallen_ == sizeof (int));
int value = 0;
if (is_int) memcpy(&value, optval_, sizeof (int));
switch (option_) {
if (optval_ && optvallen_) {
connect_rid.assign ((char*) optval_, optvallen_);
return 0;
if (is_int && (value == 0 || value == 1)) {
options.raw_notify = (value != 0);
return 0;
// Deallocate old content of the message.
int rc = msg_->close ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
if (!pipe || !pipe->read (msg_)) {
// Initialise the output parameter to be a 0-byte message.
rc = msg_->init ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
errno = EAGAIN;
return -1;
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
int zmq::dgram_t::xrecv (msg_t *msg_)
last_in = pipe;
if (prefetched) {
if (!identity_sent) {
int rc = msg_->move (prefetched_id);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
identity_sent = true;
else {
int rc = msg_->move (prefetched_msg);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
prefetched = false;
return 0;
msg_->reset_flags (msg_t::more);
prefetched = false;
else {
msg_->set_flags (msg_t::more);
prefetched = true;
pipe_t *pipe = NULL;
int rc = fq.recvpipe (&prefetched_msg, &pipe);
if (rc != 0)
return -1;
zmq_assert (pipe != NULL);
zmq_assert ((prefetched_msg.flags () & msg_t::more) == 0);
// We have received a frame with TCP data.
// Rather than sending this frame, we keep it in prefetched
// buffer and send a frame with peer's ID.
blob_t identity = pipe->get_identity ();
rc = msg_->close();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
rc = msg_->init_size (identity.size ());
errno_assert (rc == 0);
// forward metadata (if any)
metadata_t *metadata = prefetched_msg.metadata();
if (metadata)
memcpy (msg_->data (), (), identity.size ());
msg_->set_flags (msg_t::more);
prefetched = true;
identity_sent = true;
return 0;
......@@ -257,65 +178,24 @@ bool zmq::dgram_t::xhas_in ()
if (prefetched)
return true;
// Try to read the next message.
// The message, if read, is kept in the pre-fetch buffer.
pipe_t *pipe = NULL;
int rc = fq.recvpipe (&prefetched_msg, &pipe);
if (rc != 0)
if (!pipe)
return false;
zmq_assert (pipe != NULL);
zmq_assert ((prefetched_msg.flags () & msg_t::more) == 0);
blob_t identity = pipe->get_identity ();
rc = prefetched_id.init_size (identity.size ());
errno_assert (rc == 0);
// forward metadata (if any)
metadata_t *metadata = prefetched_msg.metadata();
if (metadata)
memcpy ( (), (), identity.size ());
prefetched_id.set_flags (msg_t::more);
prefetched = true;
identity_sent = false;
return true;
return pipe->check_read ();
bool zmq::dgram_t::xhas_out ()
// In theory, STREAM socket is always ready for writing. Whether actual
// attempt to write succeeds depends on which pipe the message is going
// to be routed to.
return true;
//if (more_out)
// return false;
if (!pipe)
return false;
return pipe->check_write ();
void zmq::dgram_t::identify_peer (pipe_t *pipe_)
zmq::blob_t zmq::dgram_t::get_credential () const
// Always assign identity for raw-socket
unsigned char buffer [5];
buffer [0] = 0;
blob_t identity;
if (connect_rid.length ()) {
identity = blob_t ((unsigned char*) connect_rid.c_str(),
connect_rid.length ());
connect_rid.clear ();
outpipes_t::iterator it = outpipes.find (identity);
zmq_assert (it == outpipes.end ());
else {
put_uint32 (buffer + 1, next_rid++);
identity = blob_t (buffer, sizeof buffer);
memcpy (options.identity, (), identity.size ());
options.identity_size = (unsigned char) identity.size ();
pipe_->set_identity (identity);
// Add the record into output pipes lookup table
outpipe_t outpipe = {pipe_, true};
const bool ok = outpipes.insert (
outpipes_t::value_type (identity, outpipe)).second;
zmq_assert (ok);
return last_in? last_in->get_credential (): saved_credential;
......@@ -30,15 +30,17 @@
#include <map>
#include "router.hpp"
#include "blob.hpp"
#include "socket_base.hpp"
#include "session_base.hpp"
namespace zmq
class ctx_t;
class msg_t;
class pipe_t;
class io_thread_t;
class dgram_t :
public socket_base_t
......@@ -54,50 +56,25 @@ namespace zmq
int xrecv (zmq::msg_t *msg_);
bool xhas_in ();
bool xhas_out ();
blob_t get_credential () const;
void xread_activated (zmq::pipe_t *pipe_);
void xwrite_activated (zmq::pipe_t *pipe_);
void xpipe_terminated (zmq::pipe_t *pipe_);
int xsetsockopt (int option_, const void *optval_, size_t optvallen_);
// Generate peer's id and update lookup map
void identify_peer (pipe_t *pipe_);
// Fair queueing object for inbound pipes.
fq_t fq;
zmq::pipe_t *pipe;
zmq::pipe_t *last_in;
blob_t saved_credential;
// True iff there is a message held in the pre-fetch buffer.
bool prefetched;
// If true, the receiver got the message part with
// the peer's identity.
bool identity_sent;
// Holds the prefetched identity.
msg_t prefetched_id;
// Holds the prefetched message.
msg_t prefetched_msg;
struct outpipe_t
zmq::pipe_t *pipe;
bool active;
// Outbound pipes indexed by the peer IDs.
typedef std::map <blob_t, outpipe_t> outpipes_t;
outpipes_t outpipes;
// The pipe we are currently writing to.
zmq::pipe_t *current_out;
// If true, more outgoing message parts are expected.
bool more_out;
// Routing IDs are generated. It's a simple increment and wrap-over
// algorithm. This value is the next ID to use (if not used already).
uint32_t next_rid;
dgram_t (const dgram_t&);
const dgram_t &operator = (const dgram_t&);
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