Unverified Commit 8a02f707 authored by Philippe Bernardino Leite's avatar Philippe Bernardino Leite Committed by GitHub

pthread_equal to compare thread ids

I am trying to port ZeroMQ to z/OS USS and I faced several problems. One of them is this function "is_current_thread" trying to compare two thread ids with operator "==". I've changed the code to use the official function "pthread_equal" to compare thread ids and now it's working fine.
parent 22025872
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ void zmq::thread_t::stop ()
bool zmq::thread_t::is_current_thread () const
return pthread_self () == _descriptor;
return bool( pthread_equal(pthread_self (), _descriptor) );
void zmq::thread_t::setSchedulingParameters (
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