Commit 84e0c799 authored by Martin Sustrik's avatar Martin Sustrik

queue device fixed

parent 4a6bac1d
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "../include/zmq.h"
#include "queue.hpp"
......@@ -26,15 +28,12 @@
int zmq::queue (class socket_base_t *insocket_,
class socket_base_t *outsocket_)
zmq_msg_t request_msg;
int rc = zmq_msg_init (&request_msg);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
bool has_request = false;
zmq_msg_t msg;
int rc = zmq_msg_init (&msg);
zmq_assert (rc == 0);
zmq_msg_t response_msg;
rc = zmq_msg_init (&response_msg);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
bool has_response = false;
int64_t more;
size_t moresz;
zmq_pollitem_t items [2];
items [0].socket = insocket_;
......@@ -47,55 +46,56 @@ int zmq::queue (class socket_base_t *insocket_,
items [1].revents = 0;
while (true) {
// Wait while there are either requests or replies to process.
rc = zmq_poll (&items [0], 2, -1);
errno_assert (rc > 0);
// The algorithm below asumes ratio of request and replies processed
// under full load to be 1:1. While processing requests replies first
// is tempting it is suspectible to DoS attacks (overloading the system
// with unsolicited replies).
// under full load to be 1:1. Although processing requests replies
// first is tempting it is suspectible to DoS attacks (overloading
// the system with unsolicited replies).
// Receive a new request.
// Process a request.
if (items [0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
zmq_assert (!has_request);
rc = insocket_->recv (&request_msg, ZMQ_NOBLOCK);
while (true) {
rc = insocket_->recv (&msg, 0);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
items [0].events &= ~ZMQ_POLLIN;
items [1].events |= ZMQ_POLLOUT;
has_request = true;
// Send the request further.
if (items [1].revents & ZMQ_POLLOUT) {
zmq_assert (has_request);
rc = outsocket_->send (&request_msg, ZMQ_NOBLOCK);
moresz = sizeof (more);
rc = insocket_->getsockopt (ZMQ_RCVMORE, &more, &moresz);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
items [0].events |= ZMQ_POLLIN;
items [1].events &= ~ZMQ_POLLOUT;
has_request = false;
rc = outsocket_->send (&msg, more ? ZMQ_SNDMORE : 0);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
if (!more)
// Get a new reply.
// Process a reply.
if (items [1].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
zmq_assert (!has_response);
rc = outsocket_->recv (&response_msg, ZMQ_NOBLOCK);
while (true) {
rc = outsocket_->recv (&msg, 0);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
items [0].events |= ZMQ_POLLOUT;
items [1].events &= ~ZMQ_POLLIN;
has_response = true;
// Send the reply further.
if (items [0].revents & ZMQ_POLLOUT) {\
zmq_assert (has_response);
rc = insocket_->send (&response_msg, ZMQ_NOBLOCK);
moresz = sizeof (more);
rc = outsocket_->getsockopt (ZMQ_RCVMORE, &more, &moresz);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
items [0].events &= ~ZMQ_POLLOUT;
items [1].events |= ZMQ_POLLIN;
has_response = false;
rc = insocket_->send (&msg, more ? ZMQ_SNDMORE : 0);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
if (!more)
return 0;
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
#include "err.hpp"
zmq::xreq_t::xreq_t (class app_thread_t *parent_) :
socket_base_t (parent_)
socket_base_t (parent_),
dropping (false)
options.requires_in = true;
options.requires_out = true;
......@@ -77,7 +78,25 @@ int zmq::xreq_t::xsetsockopt (int option_, const void *optval_,
int zmq::xreq_t::xsend (zmq_msg_t *msg_, int flags_)
return lb.send (msg_, flags_);
while (true) {
// If we are ignoring the current message, just drop it and return.
if (dropping) {
if (!(msg_->flags & ZMQ_MSG_MORE))
dropping = false;
int rc = zmq_msg_close (msg_);
zmq_assert (rc == 0);
rc = zmq_msg_init (msg_);
zmq_assert (rc == 0);
return 0;
int rc = lb.send (msg_, flags_);
if (rc != 0 && errno == EAGAIN)
dropping = true;
return rc;
int zmq::xreq_t::xrecv (zmq_msg_t *msg_, int flags_)
......@@ -92,6 +111,8 @@ bool zmq::xreq_t::xhas_in ()
bool zmq::xreq_t::xhas_out ()
return lb.has_out ();
// Socket is always ready for writing. When the queue is full, message
// will be silently dropped.
return true;
......@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ namespace zmq
fq_t fq;
lb_t lb;
// If true, curently sent message is being dropped.
bool dropping;
xreq_t (const xreq_t&);
void operator = (const xreq_t&);
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