Commit 835df922 authored by Doron Somech's avatar Doron Somech Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #2791 from bluca/centos6

Problems: DRAFT build broken in CentOS 6, missing bits in documentation
parents cfe44284 bd2ff7fb
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Default value:: -1
ZMQ_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX: Set name prefix for I/O threads
The 'ZMQ_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX' argument sets a numeric prefix to each thread
created for the internal context's thread pool. This option is only supported on Linux.
This option is useful to help debugging done via "top -H" or "gdb"; in case
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ If the control socket is not NULL, the proxy supports control flow. If
'PAUSE' is received on this socket, the proxy suspends its activities. If
'RESUME' is received, it goes on. If 'TERMINATE' is received, it terminates
smoothly. If 'STATISTICS' is received, the proxy will reply on the control socket
sending 8 unsigned integers 64-bit wide that provide the
sending a multipart message with 8 frames, each with an unsigned integer 64-bit
wide that provide in the following order:
- number of messages received by the frontend socket
- number of bytes received by the frontend socket
- number of messages sent out the frontend socket
......@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@ void test_get_peer_state ()
rc = zmq_poller_add (poller, dealer1, NULL, ZMQ_POLLIN);
assert (rc == 0);
const size_t count = 10000;
const size_t event_size = 2;
const unsigned int count = 10000;
const unsigned int event_size = 2;
bool dealer2_blocked = false;
size_t dealer1_sent = 0, dealer2_sent = 0, dealer1_received = 0;
unsigned int dealer1_sent = 0, dealer2_sent = 0, dealer1_received = 0;
zmq_poller_event_t events[event_size];
for (size_t iteration = 0; iteration < count; ++iteration) {
for (unsigned int iteration = 0; iteration < count; ++iteration) {
rc = zmq_poller_wait_all (poller, events, event_size, -1);
assert (rc != -1);
for (size_t event_no = 0; event_no < event_size; ++event_no) {
for (unsigned int event_no = 0; event_no < event_size; ++event_no) {
const zmq_poller_event_t &current_event = events[event_no];
if (current_event.socket == router
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void test_get_peer_state ()
// never read from dealer2, so its pipe becomes full eventually
printf ("dealer1_sent = %zu, dealer2_sent = %zu, dealer1_received = %zu\n",
printf ("dealer1_sent = %u, dealer2_sent = %u, dealer1_received = %u\n",
dealer1_sent, dealer2_sent, dealer1_received);
assert (dealer2_blocked);
zmq_poller_destroy (&poller);
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS // to define SIZE_MAX with older compilers
#include "testutil.hpp"
void handler (int timer_id, void* arg)
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