Commit 72b8a196 authored by Pieter Hintjens's avatar Pieter Hintjens

Merge pull request #1163 from hurtonm/master

Code cleanup
parents b817f3c6 f550d66a
......@@ -275,43 +275,43 @@ void zmq::pipe_t::process_hiccup (void *pipe_)
void zmq::pipe_t::process_pipe_term ()
zmq_assert (state == active
|| state == delimiter_received
|| state == term_req_sent1);
// This is the simple case of peer-induced termination. If there are no
// more pending messages to read, or if the pipe was configured to drop
// pending messages, we can move directly to the term_ack_sent state.
// Otherwise we'll hang up in waiting_for_delimiter state till all
// pending messages are read.
if (state == active) {
if (!delay) {
if (delay)
state = waiting_for_delimiter;
else {
state = term_ack_sent;
outpipe = NULL;
send_pipe_term_ack (peer);
state = waiting_for_delimiter;
// Delimiter happened to arrive before the term command. Now we have the
// term command as well, so we can move straight to term_ack_sent state.
if (state == delimiter_received) {
state = term_ack_sent;
outpipe = NULL;
send_pipe_term_ack (peer);
// This is the case where both ends of the pipe are closed in parallel.
// We simply reply to the request by ack and continue waiting for our
// own ack.
if (state == term_req_sent1) {
state = term_req_sent2;
outpipe = NULL;
send_pipe_term_ack (peer);
// pipe_term is invalid in other states.
zmq_assert (false);
void zmq::pipe_t::process_pipe_term_ack ()
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ namespace zmq
// Computes appropriate low watermark from the given high watermark.
static int compute_lwm (int hwm_);
bool conflate;
const bool conflate;
// Disable copying.
pipe_t (const pipe_t&);
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