Unverified Commit 6c613902 authored by Luca Boccassi's avatar Luca Boccassi Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #3467 from sigiesec/improve-hwm-pubsub-test

Improve hwm pubsub test
parents bdccfe40 b9041bf7
......@@ -108,14 +108,11 @@ int receive (void *socket_, int *is_termination)
int test_blocking (int send_hwm_, int msg_cnt_, const char *endpoint)
size_t len = SOCKET_STRING_LEN;
char pub_endpoint[SOCKET_STRING_LEN];
// Set up bind socket
void *pub_socket = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XPUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_bind (pub_socket, endpoint));
zmq_getsockopt (pub_socket, ZMQ_LAST_ENDPOINT, pub_endpoint, &len));
test_bind (pub_socket, endpoint, pub_endpoint, sizeof pub_endpoint);
// Set up connect socket
void *sub_socket = test_context_socket (ZMQ_SUB);
......@@ -135,8 +132,8 @@ int test_blocking (int send_hwm_, int msg_cnt_, const char *endpoint)
// Wait before starting TX operations till 1 subscriber has subscribed
// (in this test there's 1 subscriber only)
const char subscription_to_all_topics[] = {1, 0};
recv_string_expect_success (pub_socket, subscription_to_all_topics, 0);
const uint8_t subscription_to_all_topics[] = {1};
recv_array_expect_success (pub_socket, subscription_to_all_topics, 0);
// Send until we block
int send_count = 0;
......@@ -150,13 +147,16 @@ int test_blocking (int send_hwm_, int msg_cnt_, const char *endpoint)
} else if (-1 == rc) {
// if the PUB socket blocks due to HWM, errno should be EAGAIN:
recv_count += receive (sub_socket, &is_termination);
// if send_hwm_ < msg_cnt_, we should block at least once:
TEST_ASSERT (blocked_count > 0);
char counts_string[128];
snprintf (counts_string, sizeof counts_string - 1,
"sent = %i, received = %i", send_count, recv_count);
TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_INT_MESSAGE (0, blocked_count, counts_string);
// dequeue SUB socket again, to make sure XPUB has space to send the termination message
recv_count += receive (sub_socket, &is_termination);
......@@ -244,36 +244,47 @@ void test_reset_hwm ()
test_context_socket_close (pub_socket);
void test_tcp ()
void test_defaults_large (const char *bind_endpoint_)
// send 1000 msg on hwm 1000, receive 1000, on TCP transport
test_defaults (1000, 1000, "tcp://*"));
// send 100 msg on hwm 100, receive 100
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (100, test_defaults (100, 100, "tcp://*"));
// send 6000 msg on hwm 2000, drops above hwm, only receive hwm:
test_blocking (2000, 6000, "tcp://*"));
// send 1000 msg on hwm 1000, receive 1000
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (1000, test_defaults (1000, 1000, bind_endpoint_));
void test_inproc ()
void test_defaults_small (const char *bind_endpoint_)
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (1000, test_defaults (1000, 1000, "inproc://a"));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (100, test_defaults (100, 100, "inproc://b"));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (6000, test_blocking (2000, 6000, "inproc://c"));
// send 1000 msg on hwm 100, receive 100
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (100, test_defaults (100, 100, bind_endpoint_));
#if !defined(ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS) && !defined(ZMQ_HAVE_GNU)
void test_ipc ()
void test_blocking (const char *bind_endpoint_)
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (1000, test_defaults (1000, 1000, "ipc://*"));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (100, test_defaults (100, 100, "ipc://*"));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (6000, test_blocking (2000, 6000, "ipc://*"));
// send 6000 msg on hwm 2000, drops above hwm, only receive hwm:
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (6000, test_blocking (2000, 6000, bind_endpoint_));
#define DEFINE_REGULAR_TEST_CASES(name, bind_endpoint) \
void test_defaults_large_##name () \
{ \
test_defaults_large (bind_endpoint); \
} \
void test_defaults_small_##name () \
{ \
test_defaults_small (bind_endpoint); \
} \
void test_blocking_##name () { test_blocking (bind_endpoint); }
#define RUN_REGULAR_TEST_CASES(name) \
RUN_TEST (test_defaults_large_##name); \
RUN_TEST (test_defaults_small_##name); \
RUN_TEST (test_blocking_##name)
DEFINE_REGULAR_TEST_CASES (inproc, "inproc://a")
#if !defined(ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS) && !defined(ZMQ_HAVE_GNU)
int main ()
......@@ -282,12 +293,11 @@ int main ()
// repeat the test for both TCP, INPROC and IPC transports:
RUN_TEST (test_tcp);
RUN_TEST (test_inproc);
#if !defined(ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS) && !defined(ZMQ_HAVE_GNU)
RUN_TEST (test_ipc);
RUN_TEST (test_reset_hwm);
return UNITY_END ();
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