Commit 58b63667 authored by Simon Giesecke's avatar Simon Giesecke

Problem: on POSIX systems, all tests have a timeout of 60 seconds; disabling it…

Problem: on POSIX systems, all tests have a timeout of 60 seconds; disabling it via ZMQ_DISABLE_TEST_TIMEOUT doesn't work anymore

Solution: remove ZMQ_DISABLE_TEST_TIMEOUT guard but add default parameter to setup_test_environment
parent 577d64c0
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ void close_zero_linger (void *socket_)
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_close (socket_));
void setup_test_environment ()
void setup_test_environment (int timeout_seconds_)
#if defined _WIN32
#if defined _MSC_VER
......@@ -228,10 +228,8 @@ void setup_test_environment ()
// abort test after 121 seconds
alarm (121);
// abort test after 60 seconds
alarm (60);
// abort test after timeout_seconds_ seconds
alarm (timeout_seconds_);
#if defined __MVS__
......@@ -144,7 +144,11 @@ void s_recv_seq (void *socket_, ...);
// Sets a zero linger period on a socket and closes it.
void close_zero_linger (void *socket_);
void setup_test_environment (void);
// Setups the test environment. Must be called at the beginning of each test
// executable. On POSIX systems, it sets an alarm to the specified number of
// seconds, after which the test will be killed. Set to 0 to disable this
// timeout.
void setup_test_environment (int timeout_seconds_ = 60);
// Provide portable millisecond sleep
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