Commit 5852db45 authored by Martin Sustrik's avatar Martin Sustrik

PGM code cleanup

parent aebff623
......@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@
#include "windows.hpp"
#include <pgm/pgm.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "pgm_receiver.hpp"
#include "err.hpp"
#include "stdint.hpp"
......@@ -58,20 +55,12 @@ int zmq::pgm_receiver_t::init (bool udp_encapsulation_, const char *network_)
void zmq::pgm_receiver_t::plug (i_inout *inout_)
// Allocate 2 fds one for socket second for waiting pipe.
// Retrieve PGM fds and start polling.
int socket_fd;
int waiting_pipe_fd;
// Fill socket_fd and waiting_pipe_fd from PGM transport
pgm_socket.get_receiver_fds (&socket_fd, &waiting_pipe_fd);
// Add socket_fd into poller.
socket_handle = add_fd (socket_fd);
// Add waiting_pipe_fd into poller.
pipe_handle = add_fd (waiting_pipe_fd);
// Set POLLIN for both handlers.
set_pollin (pipe_handle);
set_pollin (socket_handle);
......@@ -81,15 +70,16 @@ void zmq::pgm_receiver_t::plug (i_inout *inout_)
void zmq::pgm_receiver_t::unplug ()
// Delete decoders.
for (peer_t::iterator it = peers.begin (); it != peers.end (); it++) {
for (peers_t::iterator it = peers.begin (); it != peers.end (); it++) {
if (it->second.decoder != NULL)
delete it->second.decoder;
peers.clear ();
// Stop polling.
rm_fd (socket_handle);
rm_fd (pipe_handle);
inout = NULL;
......@@ -98,101 +88,77 @@ void zmq::pgm_receiver_t::revive ()
zmq_assert (false);
// POLLIN event from socket or waiting_pipe.
void zmq::pgm_receiver_t::in_event ()
// Iterator to peers map.
peer_t::iterator it;
// Data from PGM socket.
unsigned char *raw_data = NULL;
// Read data from the underlying pgm_socket.
unsigned char *data = NULL;
const pgm_tsi_t *tsi = NULL;
ssize_t nbytes = 0;
do {
// Read data from underlying pgm_socket.
nbytes = pgm_socket.receive ((void**) &raw_data, &tsi);
if (!nbytes)
ssize_t received = pgm_socket.receive ((void**) &data, &tsi);
// Fid TSI in peers list.
it = peers.find (*tsi);
// No data to process. This may happen if the packet received is
// neither ODATA nor ODATA.
if (received == 0)
// Data loss.
if (nbytes == -1) {
// Find the peer based on its TSI.
peers_t::iterator it = peers.find (*tsi);
zmq_assert (it != peers.end ());
// Delete decoder and set joined to false.
it->second.joined = false;
if (it->second.decoder != NULL) {
delete it->second.decoder;
it->second.decoder = NULL;
// Data loss. Delete decoder and mark the peer as disjoint.
if (received == -1) {
zmq_assert (it != peers.end ());
it->second.joined = false;
if (it->second.decoder != NULL) {
delete it->second.decoder;
it->second.decoder = NULL;
// Read offset of the fist message in current APDU.
zmq_assert ((size_t) nbytes >= sizeof (uint16_t));
uint16_t apdu_offset = get_uint16 (raw_data);
// New peer. Add it to the list of know but unjoint peers.
if (it == peers.end ()) {
peer_info_t peer_info = {false, NULL};
it = peers.insert (std::make_pair (*tsi, peer_info)).first;
// Shift raw_data & decrease nbytes by the first message offset
// information (sizeof uint16_t).
raw_data += sizeof (uint16_t);
nbytes -= sizeof (uint16_t);
// Read the offset of the fist message in the current packet.
zmq_assert ((size_t) received >= sizeof (uint16_t));
uint16_t offset = get_uint16 (data);
data += sizeof (uint16_t);
received -= sizeof (uint16_t);
// New peer.
if (it == peers.end ()) {
peer_info_t peer_info = {false, NULL};
it = peers.insert (std::make_pair (*tsi, peer_info)).first;
// Join the stream if needed.
if (!it->second.joined) {
// There is not beginning of the message in current APDU and we
// are not joined jet -> throwing data.
if (apdu_offset == 0xFFFF && !it->second.joined) {
// There is no beginning of the message in current packet.
// Ignore the data.
if (offset == 0xffff)
// Now is the possibility to join the stream.
if (!it->second.joined) {
zmq_assert (apdu_offset <= nbytes);
zmq_assert (it->second.decoder == NULL);
zmq_assert (offset <= received);
zmq_assert (it->second.decoder == NULL);
// We have to move data to the begining of the first message.
raw_data += apdu_offset;
nbytes -= apdu_offset;
// We have to move data to the begining of the first message.
data += offset;
received -= offset;
// Joined the stream.
it->second.joined = true;
// Mark the stream as joined.
it->second.joined = true;
// Create and connect decoder for joined peer.
it->second.decoder = new (std::nothrow) zmq_decoder_t (0, NULL, 0);
it->second.decoder->set_inout (inout);
if (nbytes > 0) {
// Push all the data to the decoder.
// TODO: process_buffer may not process entire buffer!
it->second.decoder->process_buffer (raw_data, nbytes);
// Create and connect decoder for the peer.
it->second.decoder = new (std::nothrow) zmq_decoder_t (0, NULL, 0);
it->second.decoder->set_inout (inout);
} while (nbytes > 0);
if (received) {
// Flush any messages decoder may have produced to the dispatcher.
inout->flush ();
// Push all the data to the decoder.
// TODO: process_buffer may not process entire buffer!
size_t processed = it->second.decoder->process_buffer (data, received);
zmq_assert (processed == received);
void zmq::pgm_receiver_t::out_event ()
zmq_assert (false);
// Flush any messages decoder may have produced.
inout->flush ();
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#include <map>
#include <pgm/pgm.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "io_object.hpp"
#include "i_engine.hpp"
......@@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ namespace zmq
// Creates gm_engine. Underlying PGM connection is initialised
// using network_ parameter.
pgm_receiver_t (class io_thread_t *parent_, const options_t &options_);
~pgm_receiver_t ();
......@@ -59,11 +57,12 @@ namespace zmq
// i_poll_events interface implementation.
void in_event ();
void out_event ();
// Map to hold TSI, joined and decoder for each peer.
// If joined is true we are already getting messages from the peer.
// It it's false, we are getting data but still we haven't seen
// beginning of a message.
struct peer_info_t
bool joined;
......@@ -84,8 +83,8 @@ namespace zmq
typedef std::map <pgm_tsi_t, peer_info_t, tsi_comp> peer_t;
peer_t peers;
typedef std::map <pgm_tsi_t, peer_info_t, tsi_comp> peers_t;
peers_t peers;
// PGM socket.
pgm_socket_t pgm_socket;
......@@ -25,12 +25,13 @@
#include "windows.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "io_thread.hpp"
#include "pgm_sender.hpp"
#include "err.hpp"
#include "wire.hpp"
#include "stdint.hpp"
zmq::pgm_sender_t::pgm_sender_t (io_thread_t *parent_,
const options_t &options_) :
......@@ -38,18 +39,21 @@ zmq::pgm_sender_t::pgm_sender_t (io_thread_t *parent_,
encoder (0, false),
pgm_socket (false, options_),
options (options_),
inout (NULL),
out_buffer (NULL),
out_buffer_size (0),
write_size (0),
write_pos (0),
first_message_offset (-1)
write_size (0)
int zmq::pgm_sender_t::init (bool udp_encapsulation_, const char *network_)
return pgm_socket.init (udp_encapsulation_, network_);
int rc = pgm_socket.init (udp_encapsulation_, network_);
if (rc != 0)
return rc;
out_buffer_size = pgm_socket.get_max_tsdu_size ();
out_buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc (out_buffer_size);
zmq_assert (out_buffer);
void zmq::pgm_sender_t::plug (i_inout *inout_)
......@@ -61,17 +65,11 @@ void zmq::pgm_sender_t::plug (i_inout *inout_)
encoder.set_inout (inout_);
// Fill fds from PGM transport.
(&downlink_socket_fd, &uplink_socket_fd, &rdata_notify_fd);
// Add downlink_socket_fd into poller.
// Fill fds from PGM transport and add them to the poller.
pgm_socket.get_sender_fds (&downlink_socket_fd, &uplink_socket_fd,
handle = add_fd (downlink_socket_fd);
// Add uplink_socket_fd into the poller.
uplink_handle = add_fd (uplink_socket_fd);
// Add rdata_notify_fd into the poller.
rdata_notify_handle = add_fd (rdata_notify_fd);
// Set POLLIN. We wont never want to stop polling for uplink = we never
......@@ -81,8 +79,6 @@ void zmq::pgm_sender_t::plug (i_inout *inout_)
// Set POLLOUT for downlink_socket_handle.
set_pollout (handle);
inout = inout_;
void zmq::pgm_sender_t::unplug ()
......@@ -91,7 +87,6 @@ void zmq::pgm_sender_t::unplug ()
rm_fd (uplink_handle);
rm_fd (rdata_notify_handle);
encoder.set_inout (NULL);
inout = NULL;
void zmq::pgm_sender_t::revive ()
......@@ -103,14 +98,14 @@ void zmq::pgm_sender_t::revive ()
zmq::pgm_sender_t::~pgm_sender_t ()
if (out_buffer) {
pgm_socket.free_buffer (out_buffer);
free (out_buffer);
out_buffer = NULL;
// In event on sender side means NAK or SPMR receiving from some peer.
void zmq::pgm_sender_t::in_event ()
// In event on sender side means NAK or SPMR receiving from some peer.
pgm_socket.process_upstream ();
......@@ -118,55 +113,36 @@ void zmq::pgm_sender_t::out_event ()
// POLLOUT event from send socket. If write buffer is empty,
// try to read new data from the encoder.
if (write_pos == write_size) {
// Get buffer if we do not have already one.
if (!out_buffer) {
out_buffer = (unsigned char*)
pgm_socket.get_buffer (&out_buffer_size);
if (write_size == 0) {
assert (out_buffer_size > 0);
// First two bytes /sizeof (uint16_t)/ are used to store message
// offset in following steps.
// First two bytes (sizeof uint16_t) are used to store message
// offset in following steps. Note that by passing our buffer to
// the get data function we prevent it from returning its own buffer.
unsigned char *bf = out_buffer + sizeof (uint16_t);
write_size = out_buffer_size - sizeof (uint16_t);
encoder.get_data (&bf, &write_size, &first_message_offset);
write_pos = 0;
size_t bfsz = out_buffer_size - sizeof (uint16_t);
int offset = -1;
encoder.get_data (&bf, &bfsz, &offset);
// If there are no data to write stop polling for output.
if (!write_size) {
if (!bfsz) {
reset_pollout (handle);
} else {
// Addning uint16_t for offset in a case when encoder returned > 0B.
write_size += sizeof (uint16_t);
// If there are any data to write, write them into the socket.
// Note that all data has to written in one write_one_pkt_with_offset call.
if (write_pos < write_size) {
size_t nbytes = write_one_pkt_with_offset (out_buffer + write_pos,
write_size - write_pos, (uint16_t) first_message_offset);
// We can write either all data or 0 which means rate limit reached.
zmq_assert (write_size - write_pos == nbytes || nbytes == 0);
write_pos += nbytes;
// Put offset information in the buffer.
write_size = bfsz + sizeof (uint16_t);
put_uint16 (out_buffer, offset == -1 ? 0xffff : (uint16_t) offset);
size_t zmq::pgm_sender_t::write_one_pkt_with_offset (unsigned char *data_,
size_t size_, uint16_t offset_)
// Put offset information in the buffer.
put_uint16 (data_, offset_);
// Send data.
size_t nbytes = pgm_socket.send (data_, size_);
// Send the data.
size_t nbytes = pgm_socket.send (out_buffer, write_size);
return nbytes;
// We can write either all data or 0 which means rate limit reached.
if (nbytes == write_size)
write_size = 0;
zmq_assert (nbytes == 0);
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ namespace zmq
pgm_sender_t (class io_thread_t *parent_, const options_t &options_);
~pgm_sender_t ();
......@@ -58,12 +59,6 @@ namespace zmq
// Send one APDU with first message offset information.
// Note that first 2 bytes in data_ are used to store the offset_
// and thus user data has to start at data_ + sizeof (uint16_t).
size_t write_one_pkt_with_offset (unsigned char *data_, size_t size_,
uint16_t offset_);
// Message encoder.
zmq_encoder_t encoder;
......@@ -78,20 +73,15 @@ namespace zmq
handle_t uplink_handle;
handle_t rdata_notify_handle;
// Parent session.
i_inout *inout;
// Output buffer from pgm_socket.
unsigned char *out_buffer;
// Output buffer size.
size_t out_buffer_size;
// Number of bytes in the buffer to be written to the socket.
// If zero, there are no data to be sent.
size_t write_size;
size_t write_pos;
// Offset of the first mesage in data chunk taken from encoder.
int first_message_offset;
pgm_sender_t (const pgm_sender_t&);
void operator = (const pgm_sender_t&);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#include <pgm/pgm.h>
#include "stdint.hpp"
#include "options.hpp"
namespace zmq
......@@ -62,11 +61,8 @@ namespace zmq
// Send data as one APDU, transmit window owned memory.
size_t send (unsigned char *data_, size_t data_len_);
// Allocates one slice for packet in tx window.
void *get_buffer (size_t *size_);
// Fees memory allocated by get_buffer.
void free_buffer (void *data_);
// Returns max tsdu size without fragmentation.
size_t get_max_tsdu_size ();
// Receive data from pgm socket.
ssize_t receive (void **data_, const pgm_tsi_t **tsi_);
......@@ -76,21 +72,9 @@ namespace zmq
void process_upstream ();
// Open PGM transport.
int open_transport ();
// Close transport.
void close_transport ();
// OpenPGM transport
pgm_transport_t* transport;
// Returns max tsdu size without fragmentation.
size_t get_max_tsdu_size ();
// Returns maximum count of apdus which fills readbuf_size_
size_t get_max_apdu_at_once (size_t readbuf_size_);
// Associated socket options.
options_t options;
......@@ -98,19 +82,13 @@ namespace zmq
// true when pgm_socket should create receiving side.
bool receiver;
// TIBCO Rendezvous format network info.
char network [256];
// PGM transport port number.
uint16_t port_number;
// If we are using UDP encapsulation.
bool udp_encapsulation;
// Array of pgm_msgv_t structures to store received data
// Array of pgm_msgv_t structures to store received data
// from the socket (pgm_transport_recvmsgv).
pgm_msgv_t *pgm_msgv;
// Size of pgm_msgv array.
size_t pgm_msgv_len;
// How many bytes were read from pgm socket.
size_t nbytes_rec;
......@@ -119,9 +97,6 @@ namespace zmq
// How many messages from pgm_msgv were already sent up.
size_t pgm_msgv_processed;
// Size of pgm_msgv array.
size_t pgm_msgv_len;
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