Commit 55c9e503 authored by somdoron's avatar somdoron

problem: mingw and cygwin builds fail because of line error

Solution: ignore the line error and continue the build
parent 2d6a66a8
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ after_build:
- cmd: cd %LIBZMQ_BUILDDIR%\bin\%Configuration%"
- cmd: if "%WITH_LIBSODIUM%"=="ON" copy "%SODIUM_LIBRARY_DIR%\libsodium.dll" .
- cmd: copy "%LIBZMQ_SRCDIR%\include\zmq.h" .
- cmd: copy ..\..\lib\%Configuration%\libzmq*.lib .
- cmd: copy ..\..\lib\%Configuration%\libzmq*.lib . & exit 0
- cmd: 7z a -y -bd -mx=9 *.exe *.dll *.pdb *.h *.lib
- ps: Push-AppveyorArtifact "" -Filename "libzmq-${env:ARTIFACT_NAME}-${env:ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${env:ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${env:ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}.zip"
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