Commit 5219e4ce authored by Martin Lucina's avatar Martin Lucina

Clarify socket types in documentation, reinstate ZMQ_PAIR

parent 8408ae06
...@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ Standard sockets present a _synchronous_ interface to either connection-mode ...@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ Standard sockets present a _synchronous_ interface to either connection-mode
reliable byte streams (SOCK_STREAM), or connection-less unreliable datagrams reliable byte streams (SOCK_STREAM), or connection-less unreliable datagrams
(SOCK_DGRAM). In comparison, 0MQ sockets present an abstraction of a (SOCK_DGRAM). In comparison, 0MQ sockets present an abstraction of a
asynchronous _message queue_, with the exact queueing semantics depending on asynchronous _message queue_, with the exact queueing semantics depending on
the socket type (_messaging pattern_) in use. See linkzmq:zmq_socket[3] for the the socket type in use. See linkzmq:zmq_socket[3] for the socket types
_messaging patterns_ provided. provided.
0MQ sockets being _asynchronous_ means that the timings of the physical 0MQ sockets being _asynchronous_ means that the timings of the physical
connection setup and teardown, reconnect and effective delivery are organized connection setup and teardown, reconnect and effective delivery are organized
...@@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ The 'ZMQ_AFFINITY' option shall set the I/O thread affinity for connections ...@@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ The 'ZMQ_AFFINITY' option shall set the I/O thread affinity for connections
created by subsequent _zmq_connect()_ or _zmq_bind()_ calls on the specified created by subsequent _zmq_connect()_ or _zmq_bind()_ calls on the specified
'socket'. 'socket'.
sockets. Affinity determines which threads from the 0MQ I/O thread pool Affinity determines which threads from the 0MQ I/O thread pool associated with
associated with the socket's _context_ shall handle newly created connections. the socket's _context_ shall handle newly created connections. A value of zero
A value of zero specifies no affinity, meaning that work shall be distributed specifies no affinity, meaning that work shall be distributed fairly among all
fairly among all 0MQ I/O threads in the thread pool. For non-zero values, the 0MQ I/O threads in the thread pool. For non-zero values, the lowest bit
lowest bit corresponds to thread 1, second lowest bit to thread 2 and so on. corresponds to thread 1, second lowest bit to thread 2 and so on. For example,
For example, a value of 3 specifies that subsequent connections on 'socket' a value of 3 specifies that subsequent connections on 'socket' shall be handled
shall be handled exclusively by I/O threads 1 and 2. exclusively by I/O threads 1 and 2.
See also linkzmq:zmq_init[3] for details on allocating the number of I/O See also linkzmq:zmq_init[3] for details on allocating the number of I/O
threads for a specific _context_. threads for a specific _context_.
...@@ -19,7 +19,31 @@ The 'zmq_socket()' function shall create a 0MQ socket within the specified ...@@ -19,7 +19,31 @@ The 'zmq_socket()' function shall create a 0MQ socket within the specified
argument specifies the socket type, which determines the semantics of argument specifies the socket type, which determines the semantics of
communication over the socket. communication over the socket.
The following _messaging patterns_ are defined: The following sections present the socket types defined by 0MQ, grouped by the
general _messaging pattern_ built from related socket types.
Request-reply pattern
The request-reply pattern is used for sending requests from a _client_ to a
_service_, and receiving subsequent replies to each request sent.
Socket type:: 'ZMQ_REQ'
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_REP'
A socket of type 'ZMQ_REQ' is used by a _client_ to send requests to and
receive replies from a _service_. This socket type allows only an alternating
sequence of _zmq_send(request)_ and subsequent _zmq_recv(reply)_ calls. Each
request sent is load-balanced among all connected _services_.
Socket type:: 'ZMQ_REP'
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_REQ'
A socket of type 'ZMQ_REP' is used by a _service_ to receive requests from and
send replies to a _client_. This socket type allows only an alternating
sequence of _zmq_recv(request)_ and subsequent _zmq_send(reply)_ calls. Each
reply is routed to the _client_ that issued the last received request.
Publish-subscribe pattern Publish-subscribe pattern
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
...@@ -43,49 +67,46 @@ which messages to subscribe to. The _zmq_send()_ function is not implemented ...@@ -43,49 +67,46 @@ which messages to subscribe to. The _zmq_send()_ function is not implemented
for this socket type. for this socket type.
Request-reply pattern Pipeline pattern
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The request-reply pattern is used for sending requests from a _client_ to a The pipeline pattern is used for distributing data to _nodes_ arranged in
_service_, and receiving subsequent replies to each request sent. a pipeline. Data always flows *down* the pipeline, and each stage of the
pipeline is connected to at least one _node_. When a pipeline stage is
Socket type:: 'ZMQ_REQ' connected to multiple _nodes_ data is processed by all connected _nodes_ in
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_REP' parallel.
A socket of type 'ZMQ_REQ' is used by a _client_ to send requests to and Socket type:: 'ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM'
receive replies from a _service_. This socket type allows only an alternating Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_UPSTREAM'
sequence of _zmq_send(request)_ and subsequent _zmq_recv(reply)_ calls. Each
request sent is load-balanced among all connected _services_.
Socket type:: 'ZMQ_REP' A socket of type 'ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM' is used by a pipeline _node_ to send messages
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_REQ' to downstream pipeline _nodes_. Messages are load-balanced to all connected
downstream _nodes_. The _zmq_recv()_ function is not implemented for this
socket type.
A socket of type 'ZMQ_REP' is used by a _service_ to receive requests from and Socket type:: 'ZMQ_UPSTREAM'
send replies to a _client_. This socket type allows only an alternating Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM'
sequence of _zmq_recv(request)_ and subsequent _zmq_send(reply)_ calls. Each
reply is routed to the _client_ that issued the last received request.
A socket of type 'ZMQ_UPSTREAM' is used by a pipeline _node_ to receive
messages from upstream pipeline _nodes_. Messages are fair-queued from among
all connected upstream _nodes_. The _zmq_send()_ function is not implemented
for this socket type.
Parallelized pipeline pattern
The parallelized pipeline pattern is used for distributing work between
_components_ of a pipeline. Work travels down the pipeline and at each stage
can be processed by any number of _components_ in parallel.
Socket type:: 'ZMQ_UPSTREAM' Exclusive pair pattern
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The exclusive pair pattern is used for communicating exclusively between two
A socket of type 'ZMQ_UPSTREAM' is used by a _component_ of a pipeline to Socket type:: 'ZMQ_PAIR'
receive messages from upstream stages of the pipeline. Messages are fair-queued Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_PAIR'
from among all connected upstream _components_. The _zmq_send()_ function is
not implemented for this socket type.
Socket type:: 'ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM' A socket of type 'ZMQ_PAIR' can only be connected to a single peer at any one
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_UPSTREAM' time. No message routing or filtering is performed on messages sent over a
'ZMQ_PAIR' socket.
A socket of type 'ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM' is used by a _component_ of a pipeline to NOTE: 'ZMQ_PAIR' sockets are experimental, and are currently missing several
send messages to downstream stages of the pipeline. Messages are load-balanced features such as auto-reconnection. Developers should consider other patterns
to all connected downstream _components_. The _zmq_recv()_ function is not in preference to the exclusive pair pattern.
implemented for this socket type.
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