Commit 51a84c15 authored by Martin Lucina's avatar Martin Lucina

zmq::select_t, zmq_poll(): assert if FD_SETSIZE reached

Ensure that 0MQ does not attempt to call select() on more than FD_SETSIZE
file descriptors.
parent f850190c
......@@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ zmq::select_t::handle_t zmq::select_t::add_fd (fd_t fd_, i_poll_events *events_)
fd_entry_t entry = {fd_, events_};
fds.push_back (entry);
// Ensure we do not attempt to select () on more than FD_SETSIZE
// file descriptors.
zmq_assert (fds.size () <= FD_SETSIZE);
// Start polling on errors.
FD_SET (fd_, &source_set_err);
......@@ -530,6 +530,10 @@ int zmq_poll (zmq_pollitem_t *items_, int nitems_, long timeout_)
zmq::fd_t maxfd = zmq::retired_fd;
zmq::fd_t notify_fd = zmq::retired_fd;
// Ensure we do not attempt to select () on more than FD_SETSIZE
// file descriptors.
zmq_assert (nitems_ <= FD_SETSIZE);
for (int i = 0; i != nitems_; i++) {
// 0MQ sockets.
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