Commit 4ad239ac authored by Simon Giesecke's avatar Simon Giesecke

Problem: curve encoding and decoding are not easily testable

Solution: extract into separate class curve_encoding_t
parent 3e394fdd
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ int zmq::curve_client_t::produce_hello (msg_t *msg_)
int rc = msg_->init_size (200);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
rc = _tools.produce_hello (msg_->data (), _cn_nonce);
rc = _tools.produce_hello (msg_->data (), get_and_inc_nonce ());
if (rc == -1) {
session->get_socket ()->event_handshake_failed_protocol (
......@@ -150,15 +150,14 @@ int zmq::curve_client_t::produce_hello (msg_t *msg_)
return -1;
return 0;
int zmq::curve_client_t::process_welcome (const uint8_t *msg_data_,
size_t msg_size_)
const int rc = _tools.process_welcome (msg_data_, msg_size_, _cn_precom);
const int rc = _tools.process_welcome (msg_data_, msg_size_,
get_writable_precom_buffer ());
if (rc == -1) {
session->get_socket ()->event_handshake_failed_protocol (
......@@ -186,7 +185,7 @@ int zmq::curve_client_t::produce_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
int rc = msg_->init_size (msg_size);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
rc = _tools.produce_initiate (msg_->data (), msg_size, _cn_nonce,
rc = _tools.produce_initiate (msg_->data (), msg_size, get_and_inc_nonce (),
&metadata_plaintext[0], metadata_length);
if (-1 == rc) {
......@@ -197,8 +196,6 @@ int zmq::curve_client_t::produce_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -227,10 +224,10 @@ int zmq::curve_client_t::process_ready (const uint8_t *msg_data_,
memcpy (ready_nonce, "CurveZMQREADY---", 16);
memcpy (ready_nonce + 16, msg_data_ + 6, 8);
_cn_peer_nonce = get_uint64 (msg_data_ + 6);
set_peer_nonce (get_uint64 (msg_data_ + 6));
int rc = crypto_box_open_afternm (&ready_plaintext[0], &ready_box[0], clen,
ready_nonce, _cn_precom);
ready_nonce, get_precom_buffer ());
if (rc != 0) {
session->get_socket ()->event_handshake_failed_protocol (
......@@ -42,6 +42,33 @@ zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::curve_mechanism_base_t (
const char *encode_nonce_prefix_,
const char *decode_nonce_prefix_) :
mechanism_base_t (session_, options_),
curve_encoding_t (encode_nonce_prefix_, decode_nonce_prefix_)
int zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::encode (msg_t *msg_)
return curve_encoding_t::encode (msg_);
int zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::decode (msg_t *msg_)
int rc = check_basic_command_structure (msg_);
if (rc == -1)
return -1;
int error_event_code;
rc = curve_encoding_t::decode (msg_, &error_event_code);
if (-1 == rc) {
session->get_socket ()->event_handshake_failed_protocol (
session->get_endpoint (), error_event_code);
return rc;
zmq::curve_encoding_t::curve_encoding_t (const char *encode_nonce_prefix_,
const char *decode_nonce_prefix_) :
_encode_nonce_prefix (encode_nonce_prefix_),
_decode_nonce_prefix (decode_nonce_prefix_),
_cn_nonce (1),
......@@ -49,7 +76,7 @@ zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::curve_mechanism_base_t (
int zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::encode (msg_t *msg_)
int zmq::curve_encoding_t::encode (msg_t *msg_)
const size_t mlen = crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 1 + msg_->size ();
......@@ -98,26 +125,19 @@ int zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::encode (msg_t *msg_)
return 0;
int zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::decode (msg_t *msg_)
int zmq::curve_encoding_t::decode (msg_t *msg_, int *error_event_code_)
int rc = check_basic_command_structure (msg_);
if (rc == -1)
return -1;
const size_t size = msg_->size ();
const uint8_t *message = static_cast<uint8_t *> (msg_->data ());
if (size < 8 || memcmp (message, "\x07MESSAGE", 8)) {
session->get_socket ()->event_handshake_failed_protocol (
if (size < 8 || 0 != memcmp (message, "\x07MESSAGE", 8)) {
errno = EPROTO;
return -1;
if (size < 33) {
session->get_socket ()->event_handshake_failed_protocol (
session->get_endpoint (),
errno = EPROTO;
return -1;
......@@ -127,8 +147,7 @@ int zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::decode (msg_t *msg_)
memcpy (message_nonce + 16, message + 8, 8);
const uint64_t nonce = get_uint64 (message + 8);
if (nonce <= _cn_peer_nonce) {
session->get_socket ()->event_handshake_failed_protocol (
errno = EPROTO;
return -1;
......@@ -144,8 +163,8 @@ int zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::decode (msg_t *msg_)
memcpy (&message_box[crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES], message + 16,
msg_->size () - 16);
rc = crypto_box_open_afternm (&message_plaintext[0], &message_box[0], clen,
message_nonce, _cn_precom);
int rc = crypto_box_open_afternm (&message_plaintext[0], &message_box[0],
clen, message_nonce, _cn_precom);
if (rc == 0) {
rc = msg_->close ();
zmq_assert (rc == 0);
......@@ -166,8 +185,7 @@ int zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::decode (msg_t *msg_)
msg_->size ());
} else {
// CURVE I : connection key used for MESSAGE is wrong
session->get_socket ()->event_handshake_failed_protocol (
errno = EPROTO;
......@@ -52,28 +52,49 @@
namespace zmq
class curve_mechanism_base_t : public virtual mechanism_base_t
class curve_encoding_t
curve_mechanism_base_t (session_base_t *session_,
const options_t &options_,
const char *encode_nonce_prefix_,
curve_encoding_t (const char *encode_nonce_prefix_,
const char *decode_nonce_prefix_);
// mechanism implementation
int encode (msg_t *msg_) ZMQ_OVERRIDE;
int decode (msg_t *msg_) ZMQ_OVERRIDE;
int encode (msg_t *msg_);
int decode (msg_t *msg_, int *error_event_code_);
uint8_t *get_writable_precom_buffer () { return _cn_precom; }
const uint8_t *get_precom_buffer () const { return _cn_precom; }
uint64_t get_and_inc_nonce () { return _cn_nonce++; }
void set_peer_nonce (uint64_t peer_nonce_)
_cn_peer_nonce = peer_nonce_;
const char *_encode_nonce_prefix;
const char *_decode_nonce_prefix;
uint64_t _cn_nonce;
uint64_t _cn_peer_nonce;
// Intermediary buffer used to speed up boxing and unboxing.
uint8_t _cn_precom[crypto_box_BEFORENMBYTES];
class curve_mechanism_base_t : public virtual mechanism_base_t,
public curve_encoding_t
curve_mechanism_base_t (session_base_t *session_,
const options_t &options_,
const char *encode_nonce_prefix_,
const char *decode_nonce_prefix_);
// mechanism implementation
int encode (msg_t *msg_) ZMQ_OVERRIDE;
int decode (msg_t *msg_) ZMQ_OVERRIDE;
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::process_hello (msg_t *msg_)
memcpy (hello_nonce, "CurveZMQHELLO---", 16);
memcpy (hello_nonce + 16, hello + 112, 8);
_cn_peer_nonce = get_uint64 (hello + 112);
set_peer_nonce (get_uint64 (hello + 112));
memset (hello_box, 0, crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);
memcpy (hello_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, hello + 120, 80);
......@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
memcpy (initiate_nonce, "CurveZMQINITIATE", 16);
memcpy (initiate_nonce + 16, initiate + 105, 8);
_cn_peer_nonce = get_uint64 (initiate + 105);
set_peer_nonce (get_uint64 (initiate + 105));
const uint8_t *client_key = &initiate_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES];
......@@ -396,7 +396,8 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
// Precompute connection secret from client key
rc = crypto_box_beforenm (_cn_precom, _cn_client, _cn_secret);
rc = crypto_box_beforenm (get_writable_precom_buffer (), _cn_client,
zmq_assert (rc == 0);
// Given this is a backward-incompatible change, it's behind a socket
......@@ -449,13 +450,13 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::produce_ready (msg_t *msg_)
const size_t mlen = ptr - &ready_plaintext[0];
memcpy (ready_nonce, "CurveZMQREADY---", 16);
put_uint64 (ready_nonce + 16, _cn_nonce);
put_uint64 (ready_nonce + 16, get_and_inc_nonce ());
std::vector<uint8_t> ready_box (crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 16
+ metadata_length);
int rc = crypto_box_afternm (&ready_box[0], &ready_plaintext[0], mlen,
ready_nonce, _cn_precom);
ready_nonce, get_precom_buffer ());
zmq_assert (rc == 0);
rc = msg_->init_size (14 + mlen - crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);
......@@ -470,8 +471,6 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::produce_ready (msg_t *msg_)
memcpy (ready + 14, &ready_box[crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES],
mlen - crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);
return 0;
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