Unverified Commit 331fee4b authored by Constantin Rack's avatar Constantin Rack Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #3368 from bluca/release_branch

Problem: race condition breaks automated OBS release
parents 32915565 51557b9b
......@@ -17,17 +17,16 @@ if [[ $BUILD_TYPE == "default" && $CURVE == "libsodium" && -z $DRAFT ]]; then
cd -
# Trigger source run on new tag on OBS.
# We have to create a temporary branch from the tag and delete it, as it is
# We have to keep a release branch on the lastest tag, as it is
# not possible to edit files on OBS with secure tokens, and it is not
# possible to dynamically fetch the latest git tag either.
if [ -n "${GH_TOKEN}" -a -n "${OBS_STABLE_TOKEN}" -a -n "${OBS_DRAFT_TOKEN}" ]; then
TAG_SHA=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: token ${GH_TOKEN}" -X GET https://api.github.com/repos/zeromq/libzmq/git/refs/tags/${TRAVIS_TAG} | grep -o -P '(?<=sha":\s).*(?=,)')
curl -H "Authorization: token ${GH_TOKEN}" -X POST --data "{\"ref\":\"refs/heads/tmp_obs_release_branch\",\"sha\":${TAG_SHA}}" https://api.github.com/repos/zeromq/libzmq/git/refs
curl -H "Authorization: token ${GH_TOKEN}" -X DELETE https://api.github.com/repos/zeromq/libzmq/git/refs/heads/latest_release
curl -H "Authorization: token ${GH_TOKEN}" -X POST --data "{\"ref\":\"refs/heads/latest_release\",\"sha\":${TAG_SHA}}" https://api.github.com/repos/zeromq/libzmq/git/refs
sleep 2 # try to avoid races if Github is slow
curl -H "Authorization: Token ${OBS_STABLE_TOKEN}" -X POST https://api.opensuse.org/trigger/runservice
curl -H "Authorization: Token ${OBS_DRAFT_TOKEN}" -X POST https://api.opensuse.org/trigger/runservice
# give some time for the git clone to happen before deleting the temp branch
sleep 60
curl -H "Authorization: token ${GH_TOKEN}" -X DELETE https://api.github.com/repos/zeromq/libzmq/git/refs/heads/tmp_obs_release_branch
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