Starts one or more 0MQ devices. If you specify a DEVICE, FRONTEND, and BACKEND then _zmq_device_ starts a single device acting as a mini-broker. If you specify a CONFIGFILE, you can configure _zmq_device_ to start multiple concurrent devices with arbitrary configurations.
*Note* - zmq_deviced is not yet implemented. This is a design.
Runs as a mini-broker that accepts connects to both frontend and backend. This creates a hub-and-spoke topology in which all peers connect to the device. This is a robust and easy to manage topology.
DEVICE is one of: *queue*, *forwarder*, or *streamer*. See linkzmq:zmq_device[3] for a specification of these device types.
FRONTEND and BACKEND are endpoints in the format 'transport'`://`'address', See linkzmq:zmq_bind[3] for a specification of valid transports and addresses.
CONFIGFILE is the name of an XML file, readable by 'zmq_device'. This file provides a specification of the devices to start and how to connect and/or bind their frontends and backends. If CONFIGFILE is absent or *-* then the configuration is read from standard input.
The configuration file has this general syntax:
<config [ iothreads="..." ] >
<device type="...">
<frontend [ type="..." ] >
<set name = "..." value = "..." />...
<bind endpoint="..." /> ...
<connect address="..." /> ...
<backend [ type="..." ] >
<set name = "..." value = "..." />...
<bind address="..." /> ...
<connect address="..." /> ...
specifies the number of I/O threads for the process. Specify this only for high-volume scenarios. See linkzmq:zmq_init[3].
defines one device. For each device element you define, 'zmq_device' will start a thread.
defines the frontend for the device. Occurs once per device element. You may override the default socket type.
defines the backend for the device. Occurs once per device element. You may override the default socket type.
defines a socket option for the frontend or backend. The valid names are *hwm*, *swap*, *identity*, *subscribe*, *unsubscribe*, *rate*, *recovery_ivl*, *mcast_loop*, *sndbuf*, and *rcvbuf*. See linkzmq:zmq_setsockopt[3].
binds the frontend or backend to the specified endpoint. See linkzmq:zmq_bind[3].
binds the frontend or backend to the specified endpoint. See linkzmq:zmq_connect[3].
By default 'zmq_device' uses these socket types:
*queue* device::
frontend is *xrep*, backend is *xreq*.
*forwarder* device::
frontend is *sub*, backend is *pub*.
*streamer* device::
frontend is *pull*, backend is *push*.
You can override the socket type for frontend or backend. The valid types are: *req*, *rep*, *xreq*, *xrep*, *sub*, *pub*, *pull*, *push*, and *pair*. See linkzmq:zmq_socket[3].
*Note*: if you use a *sub* socket you must explicitly set a subscription filter or your socket will not receive any data.