Commit 2af2701b authored by Luca Boccassi's avatar Luca Boccassi

Problem: Appveyor rebuilds libsodium every time

Solution: cache the git repository and build directory
parent 09d951ad
......@@ -70,16 +70,26 @@ init:
- msbuild /version
- cmd: reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v UserAuthentication /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
- C:\projects\libsodium
- cmd: if "%Platform%"=="x64" set "CMAKE_GENERATOR=%CMAKE_GENERATOR% Win64"
- cmd: echo "Generator='%CMAKE_GENERATOR%'"
- cmd: echo "Platform='%Platform%'"
- cmd: if "%WITH_LIBSODIUM%"=="ON" set LIBSODIUMDIR=C:\projects\libsodium
- cmd: if "%WITH_LIBSODIUM%"=="ON" git clone --branch stable --depth 1 --quiet "" %LIBSODIUMDIR%
- if "%WITH_LIBSODIUM%"=="ON" (
if not exist "%LIBSODIUMDIR%" (
git clone --branch stable --depth 1 --quiet "" %LIBSODIUMDIR%
) else (
git pull
- cmd: if "%WITH_LIBSODIUM%"=="ON" msbuild /v:minimal /maxcpucount:%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% /p:Configuration=%Configuration%DLL %LIBSODIUMDIR%\builds\msvc\%MSVCYEAR%\libsodium\libsodium.vcxproj
- cmd: if "%WITH_LIBSODIUM%"=="ON" set SODIUM_LIBRARY_DIR="%LIBSODIUMDIR%\bin\%Platform%\%Configuration%\%MSVCVERSION%\dynamic"
- cmd: if "%WITH_LIBSODIUM%"=="ON" set SODIUM_INCLUDE_DIR="%LIBSODIUMDIR%\src\libsodium\include"
- cmd: if "%WITH_LIBSODIUM%"=="ON" move "%SODIUM_LIBRARY_DIR%\libsodium.lib" "%SODIUM_LIBRARY_DIR%\sodium.lib"
- ps: if (${env:WITH_LIBSODIUM} -eq "ON") { Copy-Item "C:\projects\libsodium\bin\${env:Platform}\${env:Configuration}\${env:MSVCVERSION}\dynamic\libsodium.lib" -Destination "C:\projects\libsodium\bin\${env:Platform}\${env:Configuration}\${env:MSVCVERSION}\dynamic\sodium.lib" }
clone_folder: C:\projects\libzmq
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