Commit 26ca5ed8 authored by Martin Sustrik's avatar Martin Sustrik

Fixing concurrency issue in rep.cpp resulting in broken connections with…

Fixing concurrency issue in rep.cpp resulting in broken connections with multiple requesters under heavy load.
parent 84585a95
......@@ -178,14 +178,15 @@ int zmq::rep_t::xrecv (zmq_msg_t *msg_, int flags_)
// Round-robin over the pipes to get next message.
for (int count = active; count != 0; count--) {
bool fetched = in_pipes [current]->read (msg_);
if (current >= active)
current = 0;
if (fetched) {
reply_pipe = out_pipes [current];
waiting_for_reply = true;
return 0;
if (current >= active)
current = 0;
if (fetched)
return 0;
// No message is available. Initialise the output parameter
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