Commit 2524e268 authored by Pieter Hintjens's avatar Pieter Hintjens

Code cleanups

parent 859b43f1
......@@ -189,9 +189,13 @@ int zmq::socket_base_t::parse_uri (const char *uri_,
int zmq::socket_base_t::check_protocol (const std::string &protocol_)
// First check out whether the protcol is something we are aware of.
if (protocol_ != "inproc" && protocol_ != "ipc" && protocol_ != "tcp" &&
protocol_ != "pgm" && protocol_ != "epgm" && protocol_ != "tipc" &&
protocol_ != "norm") {
if (protocol_ != "inproc"
&& protocol_ != "ipc"
&& protocol_ != "tcp"
&& protocol_ != "pgm"
&& protocol_ != "epgm"
&& protocol_ != "tipc"
&& protocol_ != "norm") {
return -1;
......@@ -356,12 +360,7 @@ int zmq::socket_base_t::bind (const char *addr_)
// Parse addr_ string.
std::string protocol;
std::string address;
rc = parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address);
if (rc != 0)
return -1;
rc = check_protocol (protocol);
if (rc != 0)
if (parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address) || check_protocol (protocol))
return -1;
if (protocol == "inproc") {
......@@ -464,12 +463,7 @@ int zmq::socket_base_t::connect (const char *addr_)
// Parse addr_ string.
std::string protocol;
std::string address;
rc = parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address);
if (rc != 0)
return -1;
rc = check_protocol (protocol);
if (rc != 0)
if (parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address) || check_protocol (protocol))
return -1;
if (protocol == "inproc") {
......@@ -743,12 +737,7 @@ int zmq::socket_base_t::term_endpoint (const char *addr_)
// Parse addr_ string.
std::string protocol;
std::string address;
rc = parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address);
if (rc != 0)
return -1;
rc = check_protocol (protocol);
if (rc != 0)
if (parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address) || check_protocol (protocol))
return -1;
// Disconnect an inproc socket
......@@ -1222,12 +1211,7 @@ int zmq::socket_base_t::monitor (const char *addr_, int events_)
// Parse addr_ string.
std::string protocol;
std::string address;
int rc = parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address);
if (rc != 0)
return -1;
rc = check_protocol (protocol);
if (rc != 0)
if (parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address) || check_protocol (protocol))
return -1;
// Event notification only supported over inproc://
......@@ -1243,7 +1227,7 @@ int zmq::socket_base_t::monitor (const char *addr_, int events_)
// Never block context termination on pending event messages
int linger = 0;
rc = zmq_setsockopt (monitor_socket, ZMQ_LINGER, &linger, sizeof (linger));
int rc = zmq_setsockopt (monitor_socket, ZMQ_LINGER, &linger, sizeof (linger));
if (rc == -1)
stop_monitor ();
......@@ -84,13 +84,11 @@ extern "C"
bool getenvi(const char *env_, int &result_)
bool getenvi (const char *env_, int &result_)
char *str = getenv(env_);
if(str == NULL)
char *str = getenv (env_);
if (str == NULL)
return false;
std::stringstream ss(str);
return ss >> result_;
......@@ -104,14 +102,13 @@ void zmq::thread_t::start (thread_fn *tfn_, void *arg_)
posix_assert (rc);
int prio;
if(getenvi("ZMQ_THREAD_PRIO", prio))
if (getenvi ("ZMQ_THREAD_PRIO", prio)) {
int policy = SCHED_RR;
getenvi("ZMQ_THREAD_POLICY", policy);
getenvi ("ZMQ_THREAD_POLICY", policy);
struct sched_param param;
param.sched_priority = prio;
rc = pthread_setschedparam(descriptor, policy, &param);
rc = pthread_setschedparam (descriptor, policy, &param);
posix_assert (rc);
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