Commit 21b0c0b4 authored by Martin Sustrik's avatar Martin Sustrik

SunStudio fixed.

With SunStudio's implementation of STL basic_string constructor
doesn't accept NULL as a parameter even though size of string
is set to zero. Fixed.
Signed-off-by: 's avatarMartin Sustrik <>
parent 710615cd
......@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ void zmq::object_t::process_command (command_t &cmd_)
case command_t::bind:
process_bind (cmd_.args.bind.in_pipe, cmd_.args.bind.out_pipe,
blob_t (cmd_.args.bind.peer_identity,
cmd_.args.bind.peer_identity ? blob_t (cmd_.args.bind.peer_identity,
cmd_.args.bind.peer_identity_size) : blob_t ());
process_seqnum ();
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