Commit 1d81d2f1 authored by Mikko Koppanen's avatar Mikko Koppanen Committed by Martin Sustrik

tar doesn't accept -C flag on solaris while extracting

Signed-off-by: 's avatarMikko Koppanen <>
parent a3353150
......@@ -326,9 +326,13 @@ if test "x$with_pgm_ext" != "xno"; then
# Unpack libpgm
AC_MSG_NOTICE([Unpacking ${pgm_basename}.tar.gz])
if ! gzip -dc foreign/openpgm/${pgm_basename}.tar.gz | tar -xf - -C foreign/openpgm/; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot unpack the foreign/openpgm/${pgm_basename}.tar.gz file.])
cd foreign/openpgm
if ! (gzip -dc "${pgm_basename}.tar.gz" || echo "failed") | ${am__untar}; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot unpack the foreign/openpgm/${pgm_basename}.tar.gz file])
cd "${ac_zmq_pwd}"
# Success!
AC_DEFINE(ZMQ_HAVE_OPENPGM, 1, [Have OpenPGM extension])
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