Commit 1781cff3 authored by Simon Giesecke's avatar Simon Giesecke

Problem: plaintext secrets placed in insecure memory

Solution: Use secure_allocator_t for plaintext secrets
parent 92dbb4ca
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "curve_client.hpp"
#include "wire.hpp"
#include "curve_client_tools.hpp"
#include "secure_allocator.hpp"
zmq::curve_client_t::curve_client_t (session_base_t *session_,
const options_t &options_) :
......@@ -175,7 +176,8 @@ int zmq::curve_client_t::process_welcome (const uint8_t *msg_data_,
int zmq::curve_client_t::produce_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
const size_t metadata_length = basic_properties_len ();
std::vector<unsigned char> metadata_plaintext (metadata_length);
std::vector<unsigned char, secure_allocator_t<unsigned char> >
metadata_plaintext (metadata_length);
add_basic_properties (&metadata_plaintext[0], metadata_length);
......@@ -214,7 +216,8 @@ int zmq::curve_client_t::process_ready (const uint8_t *msg_data_,
const size_t clen = (msg_size_ - 14) + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES;
uint8_t ready_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
std::vector<uint8_t> ready_plaintext (crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + clen);
std::vector<uint8_t, secure_allocator_t<uint8_t> > ready_plaintext (
crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + clen);
std::vector<uint8_t> ready_box (crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 16 + clen);
std::fill (ready_box.begin (), ready_box.begin () + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES,
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include "wire.hpp"
#include "err.hpp"
#include "secure_allocator.hpp"
#include <vector>
......@@ -60,7 +61,8 @@ struct curve_client_tools_t
const uint8_t *cn_secret_)
uint8_t hello_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
uint8_t hello_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64];
std::vector<uint8_t, secure_allocator_t<uint8_t> > hello_plaintext (
crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64, 0);
uint8_t hello_box[crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 80];
// Prepare the full nonce
......@@ -68,10 +70,9 @@ struct curve_client_tools_t
put_uint64 (hello_nonce + 16, cn_nonce_);
// Create Box [64 * %x0](C'->S)
memset (hello_plaintext, 0, sizeof hello_plaintext);
int rc = crypto_box (hello_box, hello_plaintext, sizeof hello_plaintext,
hello_nonce, server_key_, cn_secret_);
int rc =
crypto_box (hello_box, &hello_plaintext[0], hello_plaintext.size (),
hello_nonce, server_key_, cn_secret_);
if (rc == -1)
return -1;
......@@ -106,7 +107,8 @@ struct curve_client_tools_t
uint8_t welcome_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
uint8_t welcome_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128];
std::vector<uint8_t, secure_allocator_t<uint8_t> > welcome_plaintext (
crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128);
uint8_t welcome_box[crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 144];
// Open Box [S' + cookie](C'->S)
......@@ -116,16 +118,16 @@ struct curve_client_tools_t
memcpy (welcome_nonce, "WELCOME-", 8);
memcpy (welcome_nonce + 8, msg_data_ + 8, 16);
int rc =
crypto_box_open (welcome_plaintext, welcome_box, sizeof welcome_box,
welcome_nonce, server_key_, cn_secret_);
int rc = crypto_box_open (&welcome_plaintext[0], welcome_box,
sizeof welcome_box, welcome_nonce,
server_key_, cn_secret_);
if (rc != 0) {
errno = EPROTO;
return -1;
memcpy (cn_server_, welcome_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES, 32);
memcpy (cn_cookie_, welcome_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 32,
memcpy (cn_server_, &welcome_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES], 32);
memcpy (cn_cookie_, &welcome_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 32],
16 + 80);
// Message independent precomputation
......@@ -149,27 +151,30 @@ struct curve_client_tools_t
const size_t metadata_length_)
uint8_t vouch_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
uint8_t vouch_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64];
std::vector<uint8_t, secure_allocator_t<uint8_t> > vouch_plaintext (
crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64);
uint8_t vouch_box[crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 80];
// Create vouch = Box [C',S](C->S')
memset (vouch_plaintext, 0, crypto_box_ZEROBYTES);
memcpy (vouch_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES, cn_public_, 32);
memcpy (vouch_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 32, server_key_, 32);
std::fill (vouch_plaintext.begin (),
vouch_plaintext.begin () + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES, 0);
memcpy (&vouch_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES], cn_public_, 32);
memcpy (&vouch_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 32], server_key_, 32);
memcpy (vouch_nonce, "VOUCH---", 8);
randombytes (vouch_nonce + 8, 16);
int rc = crypto_box (vouch_box, vouch_plaintext, sizeof vouch_plaintext,
vouch_nonce, cn_server_, secret_key_);
int rc =
crypto_box (vouch_box, &vouch_plaintext[0], vouch_plaintext.size (),
vouch_nonce, cn_server_, secret_key_);
if (rc == -1)
return -1;
uint8_t initiate_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
std::vector<uint8_t> initiate_box (crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 144
+ metadata_length_);
std::vector<uint8_t> initiate_plaintext (crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128
+ metadata_length_);
std::vector<uint8_t, secure_allocator_t<uint8_t> > initiate_plaintext (
crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128 + metadata_length_);
// Create Box [C + vouch + metadata](C'->S')
std::fill (initiate_plaintext.begin (),
......@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ int zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::encode (msg_t *msg_)
std::fill (message_plaintext.begin (),
message_plaintext.begin () + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES, 0);
message_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES] = flags;
// this is copying the data from insecure memory, so there is no point in
// using secure_allocator_t for message_plaintext
memcpy (&message_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 1], msg_->data (),
msg_->size ());
......@@ -156,6 +158,8 @@ int zmq::curve_mechanism_base_t::decode (msg_t *msg_)
if (flags & 0x02)
msg_->set_flags (msg_t::command);
// this is copying the data to insecure memory, so there is no point in
// using secure_allocator_t for message_plaintext
memcpy (msg_->data (), &message_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 1],
msg_->size ());
} else {
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "err.hpp"
#include "curve_server.hpp"
#include "wire.hpp"
#include "secure_allocator.hpp"
zmq::curve_server_t::curve_server_t (session_base_t *session_,
const std::string &peer_address_,
......@@ -174,7 +175,8 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::process_hello (msg_t *msg_)
memcpy (_cn_client, hello + 80, 32);
uint8_t hello_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
uint8_t hello_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64];
std::vector<uint8_t, secure_allocator_t<uint8_t> > hello_plaintext (
crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64);
uint8_t hello_box[crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 80];
memcpy (hello_nonce, "CurveZMQHELLO---", 16);
......@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::process_hello (msg_t *msg_)
memcpy (hello_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, hello + 120, 80);
// Open Box [64 * %x0](C'->S)
rc = crypto_box_open (hello_plaintext, hello_box, sizeof hello_box,
rc = crypto_box_open (&hello_plaintext[0], hello_box, sizeof hello_box,
hello_nonce, _cn_client, _secret_key);
if (rc != 0) {
// CURVE I: cannot open client HELLO -- wrong server key?
......@@ -202,7 +204,8 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::process_hello (msg_t *msg_)
int zmq::curve_server_t::produce_welcome (msg_t *msg_)
uint8_t cookie_nonce[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
uint8_t cookie_plaintext[crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 64];
std::vector<uint8_t, secure_allocator_t<uint8_t> > cookie_plaintext (
crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 64);
uint8_t cookie_ciphertext[crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES + 80];
// Create full nonce for encryption
......@@ -211,21 +214,23 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::produce_welcome (msg_t *msg_)
randombytes (cookie_nonce + 8, 16);
// Generate cookie = Box [C' + s'](t)
memset (cookie_plaintext, 0, crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES);
memcpy (cookie_plaintext + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES, _cn_client, 32);
memcpy (cookie_plaintext + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 32, _cn_secret, 32);
std::fill (cookie_plaintext.begin (),
cookie_plaintext.begin () + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES, 0);
memcpy (&cookie_plaintext[crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES], _cn_client, 32);
memcpy (&cookie_plaintext[crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 32], _cn_secret, 32);
// Generate fresh cookie key
randombytes (_cookie_key, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES);
// Encrypt using symmetric cookie key
int rc =
crypto_secretbox (cookie_ciphertext, cookie_plaintext,
sizeof cookie_plaintext, cookie_nonce, _cookie_key);
crypto_secretbox (cookie_ciphertext, &cookie_plaintext[0],
cookie_plaintext.size (), cookie_nonce, _cookie_key);
zmq_assert (rc == 0);
uint8_t welcome_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
uint8_t welcome_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128];
std::vector<uint8_t, secure_allocator_t<uint8_t> > welcome_plaintext (
crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128);
uint8_t welcome_ciphertext[crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 144];
// Create full nonce for encryption
......@@ -234,15 +239,16 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::produce_welcome (msg_t *msg_)
randombytes (welcome_nonce + 8, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES - 8);
// Create 144-byte Box [S' + cookie](S->C')
memset (welcome_plaintext, 0, crypto_box_ZEROBYTES);
memcpy (welcome_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES, _cn_public, 32);
memcpy (welcome_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 32, cookie_nonce + 8,
std::fill (welcome_plaintext.begin (),
welcome_plaintext.begin () + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES, 0);
memcpy (&welcome_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES], _cn_public, 32);
memcpy (&welcome_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 32], cookie_nonce + 8,
memcpy (welcome_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 48,
memcpy (&welcome_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 48],
cookie_ciphertext + crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES, 80);
rc = crypto_box (welcome_ciphertext, welcome_plaintext,
sizeof welcome_plaintext, welcome_nonce, _cn_client,
rc = crypto_box (welcome_ciphertext, &welcome_plaintext[0],
welcome_plaintext.size (), welcome_nonce, _cn_client,
// TODO I think we should change this back to zmq_assert (rc == 0);
......@@ -327,7 +333,8 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
const size_t clen = (size - 113) + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES;
uint8_t initiate_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
std::vector<uint8_t> initiate_plaintext (crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + clen);
std::vector<uint8_t, secure_allocator_t<uint8_t> > initiate_plaintext (
crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + clen);
std::vector<uint8_t> initiate_box (crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + clen);
// Open Box [C + vouch + metadata](C'->S')
......@@ -353,7 +360,8 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
uint8_t vouch_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
uint8_t vouch_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64];
std::vector<uint8_t, secure_allocator_t<uint8_t> > vouch_plaintext (
crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64);
uint8_t vouch_box[crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 80];
// Open Box Box [C',S](C->S') and check contents
......@@ -365,7 +373,7 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
memcpy (vouch_nonce + 8, &initiate_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 32],
rc = crypto_box_open (vouch_plaintext, vouch_box, sizeof vouch_box,
rc = crypto_box_open (&vouch_plaintext[0], vouch_box, sizeof vouch_box,
vouch_nonce, client_key, _cn_secret);
if (rc != 0) {
// CURVE I: cannot open client INITIATE vouch
......@@ -376,7 +384,7 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
// What we decrypted must be the client's short-term public key
if (memcmp (vouch_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES, _cn_client, 32)) {
if (memcmp (&vouch_plaintext[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES], _cn_client, 32)) {
// TODO this case is very hard to test, as it would require a modified
// client that knows the server's secret short-term key
......@@ -429,8 +437,8 @@ int zmq::curve_server_t::produce_ready (msg_t *msg_)
const size_t metadata_length = basic_properties_len ();
uint8_t ready_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
std::vector<uint8_t> ready_plaintext (crypto_box_ZEROBYTES
+ metadata_length);
std::vector<uint8_t, secure_allocator_t<uint8_t> > ready_plaintext (
crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + metadata_length);
// Create Box [metadata](S'->C')
std::fill (ready_plaintext.begin (),
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