Commit 098d01b1 authored by Pieter Hintjens's avatar Pieter Hintjens

Merge pull request #1023 from hurtonm/master

Split plain_mechanism into client and server part
parents 17cb14f7 22d6a974
......@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ libzmq_la_SOURCES = \
pgm_sender.hpp \
pgm_socket.hpp \
pipe.hpp \
plain_mechanism.hpp \
plain_client.hpp \
plain_server.hpp \
platform.hpp \
poll.hpp \
poller.hpp \
......@@ -132,7 +133,8 @@ libzmq_la_SOURCES = \
pgm_sender.cpp \
pgm_socket.cpp \
pipe.cpp \
plain_mechanism.cpp \
plain_client.cpp \
plain_server.cpp \
poll.cpp \
poller_base.cpp \
pull.cpp \
Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file
This file is part of 0MQ.
0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "platform.hpp"
#include "windows.hpp"
#include <string>
#include "msg.hpp"
#include "err.hpp"
#include "plain_client.hpp"
zmq::plain_client_t::plain_client_t (const options_t &options_) :
mechanism_t (options_),
state (sending_hello)
zmq::plain_client_t::~plain_client_t ()
int zmq::plain_client_t::next_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_)
int rc = 0;
switch (state) {
case sending_hello:
rc = produce_hello (msg_);
if (rc == 0)
state = waiting_for_welcome;
case sending_initiate:
rc = produce_initiate (msg_);
if (rc == 0)
state = waiting_for_ready;
errno = EAGAIN;
rc = -1;
return rc;
int zmq::plain_client_t::process_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_)
int rc = 0;
switch (state) {
case waiting_for_welcome:
rc = process_welcome (msg_);
if (rc == 0)
state = sending_initiate;
case waiting_for_ready:
rc = process_ready (msg_);
if (rc == 0)
state = ready;
// Temporary support for security debugging
puts ("PLAIN I: invalid handshake command");
errno = EPROTO;
rc = -1;
if (rc == 0) {
rc = msg_->close ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
rc = msg_->init ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
return rc;
zmq::mechanism_t::status_t zmq::plain_client_t::status () const
return state == ready? mechanism_t::ready: mechanism_t::handshaking;
int zmq::plain_client_t::produce_hello (msg_t *msg_) const
const std::string username = options.plain_username;
zmq_assert (username.length () < 256);
const std::string password = options.plain_password;
zmq_assert (password.length () < 256);
const size_t command_size = 6 + 1 + username.length ()
+ 1 + password.length ();
const int rc = msg_->init_size (command_size);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
unsigned char *ptr = static_cast <unsigned char *> (msg_->data ());
memcpy (ptr, "\x05HELLO", 6);
ptr += 6;
*ptr++ = static_cast <unsigned char> (username.length ());
memcpy (ptr, username.c_str (), username.length ());
ptr += username.length ();
*ptr++ = static_cast <unsigned char> (password.length ());
memcpy (ptr, password.c_str (), password.length ());
ptr += password.length ();
return 0;
int zmq::plain_client_t::process_welcome (msg_t *msg_)
const unsigned char *ptr = static_cast <unsigned char *> (msg_->data ());
const size_t bytes_left = msg_->size ();
if (bytes_left != 8 || memcmp (ptr, "\x07WELCOME", 8)) {
// Temporary support for security debugging
puts ("PLAIN I: invalid PLAIN client, did not send WELCOME");
errno = EPROTO;
return -1;
return 0;
int zmq::plain_client_t::produce_initiate (msg_t *msg_) const
unsigned char * const command_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc (512);
alloc_assert (command_buffer);
unsigned char *ptr = command_buffer;
// Add mechanism string
memcpy (ptr, "\x08INITIATE", 9);
ptr += 9;
// Add socket type property
const char *socket_type = socket_type_string (options.type);
ptr += add_property (ptr, "Socket-Type", socket_type, strlen (socket_type));
// Add identity property
if (options.type == ZMQ_REQ
|| options.type == ZMQ_DEALER
|| options.type == ZMQ_ROUTER)
ptr += add_property (
ptr, "Identity", options.identity, options.identity_size);
const size_t command_size = ptr - command_buffer;
const int rc = msg_->init_size (command_size);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
memcpy (msg_->data (), command_buffer, command_size);
free (command_buffer);
return 0;
int zmq::plain_client_t::process_ready (msg_t *msg_)
const unsigned char *ptr = static_cast <unsigned char *> (msg_->data ());
const size_t bytes_left = msg_->size ();
if (bytes_left < 6 || memcmp (ptr, "\x05READY", 6)) {
// Temporary support for security debugging
puts ("PLAIN I: invalid PLAIN client, did not send READY");
errno = EPROTO;
return -1;
return parse_metadata (ptr + 6, bytes_left - 6);
Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file
This file is part of 0MQ.
0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "mechanism.hpp"
#include "options.hpp"
namespace zmq
class msg_t;
class plain_client_t : public mechanism_t
plain_client_t (const options_t &options_);
virtual ~plain_client_t ();
// mechanism implementation
virtual int next_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_);
virtual int process_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_);
virtual status_t status () const;
enum state_t {
state_t state;
int produce_hello (msg_t *msg_) const;
int produce_initiate (msg_t *msg_) const;
int process_welcome (msg_t *msg);
int process_ready (msg_t *msg_);
......@@ -27,44 +27,34 @@
#include "msg.hpp"
#include "session_base.hpp"
#include "err.hpp"
#include "plain_mechanism.hpp"
#include "plain_server.hpp"
#include "wire.hpp"
zmq::plain_mechanism_t::plain_mechanism_t (session_base_t *session_,
const std::string &peer_address_,
const options_t &options_) :
zmq::plain_server_t::plain_server_t (session_base_t *session_,
const std::string &peer_address_,
const options_t &options_) :
mechanism_t (options_),
session (session_),
peer_address (peer_address_),
expecting_zap_reply (false),
state (options.as_server? waiting_for_hello: sending_hello)
state (waiting_for_hello)
zmq::plain_mechanism_t::~plain_mechanism_t ()
zmq::plain_server_t::~plain_server_t ()
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::next_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_)
int zmq::plain_server_t::next_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_)
int rc = 0;
switch (state) {
case sending_hello:
rc = produce_hello (msg_);
if (rc == 0)
state = waiting_for_welcome;
case sending_welcome:
rc = produce_welcome (msg_);
if (rc == 0)
state = waiting_for_initiate;
case sending_initiate:
rc = produce_initiate (msg_);
if (rc == 0)
state = waiting_for_ready;
case sending_ready:
rc = produce_ready (msg_);
if (rc == 0)
......@@ -77,7 +67,7 @@ int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::next_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_)
return rc;
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::process_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_)
int zmq::plain_server_t::process_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_)
int rc = 0;
......@@ -87,21 +77,11 @@ int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::process_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_)
if (rc == 0)
state = expecting_zap_reply? waiting_for_zap_reply: sending_welcome;
case waiting_for_welcome:
rc = process_welcome (msg_);
if (rc == 0)
state = sending_initiate;
case waiting_for_initiate:
rc = process_initiate (msg_);
if (rc == 0)
state = sending_ready;
case waiting_for_ready:
rc = process_ready (msg_);
if (rc == 0)
state = ready;
// Temporary support for security debugging
puts ("PLAIN I: invalid handshake command");
......@@ -118,12 +98,12 @@ int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::process_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_)
return rc;
zmq::mechanism_t::status_t zmq::plain_mechanism_t::status () const
zmq::mechanism_t::status_t zmq::plain_server_t::status () const
return state == ready? mechanism_t::ready: mechanism_t::handshaking;
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::zap_msg_available ()
int zmq::plain_server_t::zap_msg_available ()
if (state != waiting_for_zap_reply) {
errno = EFSM;
......@@ -135,37 +115,7 @@ int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::zap_msg_available ()
return rc;
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::produce_hello (msg_t *msg_) const
const std::string username = options.plain_username;
zmq_assert (username.length () < 256);
const std::string password = options.plain_password;
zmq_assert (password.length () < 256);
const size_t command_size = 6 + 1 + username.length ()
+ 1 + password.length ();
const int rc = msg_->init_size (command_size);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
unsigned char *ptr = static_cast <unsigned char *> (msg_->data ());
memcpy (ptr, "\x05HELLO", 6);
ptr += 6;
*ptr++ = static_cast <unsigned char> (username.length ());
memcpy (ptr, username.c_str (), username.length ());
ptr += username.length ();
*ptr++ = static_cast <unsigned char> (password.length ());
memcpy (ptr, password.c_str (), password.length ());
ptr += password.length ();
return 0;
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::process_hello (msg_t *msg_)
int zmq::plain_server_t::process_hello (msg_t *msg_)
const unsigned char *ptr = static_cast <unsigned char *> (msg_->data ());
size_t bytes_left = msg_->size ();
......@@ -238,7 +188,7 @@ int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::process_hello (msg_t *msg_)
return 0;
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::produce_welcome (msg_t *msg_) const
int zmq::plain_server_t::produce_welcome (msg_t *msg_) const
const int rc = msg_->init_size (8);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
......@@ -246,54 +196,10 @@ int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::produce_welcome (msg_t *msg_) const
return 0;
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::process_welcome (msg_t *msg_)
int zmq::plain_server_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
const unsigned char *ptr = static_cast <unsigned char *> (msg_->data ());
size_t bytes_left = msg_->size ();
if (bytes_left != 8 || memcmp (ptr, "\x07WELCOME", 8)) {
// Temporary support for security debugging
puts ("PLAIN I: invalid PLAIN client, did not send WELCOME");
errno = EPROTO;
return -1;
return 0;
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::produce_initiate (msg_t *msg_) const
unsigned char * const command_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc (512);
alloc_assert (command_buffer);
unsigned char *ptr = command_buffer;
// Add mechanism string
memcpy (ptr, "\x08INITIATE", 9);
ptr += 9;
// Add socket type property
const char *socket_type = socket_type_string (options.type);
ptr += add_property (ptr, "Socket-Type", socket_type, strlen (socket_type));
// Add identity property
if (options.type == ZMQ_REQ
|| options.type == ZMQ_DEALER
|| options.type == ZMQ_ROUTER)
ptr += add_property (ptr, "Identity", options.identity, options.identity_size);
const size_t command_size = ptr - command_buffer;
const int rc = msg_->init_size (command_size);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
memcpy (msg_->data (), command_buffer, command_size);
free (command_buffer);
return 0;
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
const unsigned char *ptr = static_cast <unsigned char *> (msg_->data ());
size_t bytes_left = msg_->size ();
const size_t bytes_left = msg_->size ();
if (bytes_left < 9 || memcmp (ptr, "\x08INITIATE", 9)) {
// Temporary support for security debugging
......@@ -301,12 +207,10 @@ int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
errno = EPROTO;
return -1;
ptr += 9;
bytes_left -= 9;
return parse_metadata (ptr, bytes_left);
return parse_metadata (ptr + 9, bytes_left - 9);
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::produce_ready (msg_t *msg_) const
int zmq::plain_server_t::produce_ready (msg_t *msg_) const
unsigned char * const command_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc (512);
alloc_assert (command_buffer);
......@@ -325,7 +229,8 @@ int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::produce_ready (msg_t *msg_) const
if (options.type == ZMQ_REQ
|| options.type == ZMQ_DEALER
|| options.type == ZMQ_ROUTER)
ptr += add_property (ptr, "Identity", options.identity, options.identity_size);
ptr += add_property (
ptr, "Identity", options.identity, options.identity_size);
const size_t command_size = ptr - command_buffer;
const int rc = msg_->init_size (command_size);
......@@ -336,24 +241,8 @@ int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::produce_ready (msg_t *msg_) const
return 0;
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::process_ready (msg_t *msg_)
const unsigned char *ptr = static_cast <unsigned char *> (msg_->data ());
size_t bytes_left = msg_->size ();
if (bytes_left < 6 || memcmp (ptr, "\x05READY", 6)) {
// Temporary support for security debugging
puts ("PLAIN I: invalid PLAIN client, did not send READY");
errno = EPROTO;
return -1;
ptr += 6;
bytes_left -= 6;
return parse_metadata (ptr, bytes_left);
void zmq::plain_mechanism_t::send_zap_request (const std::string &username,
const std::string &password)
void zmq::plain_server_t::send_zap_request (const std::string &username,
const std::string &password)
int rc;
msg_t msg;
......@@ -429,7 +318,7 @@ void zmq::plain_mechanism_t::send_zap_request (const std::string &username,
errno_assert (rc == 0);
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::receive_and_process_zap_reply ()
int zmq::plain_server_t::receive_and_process_zap_reply ()
int rc = 0;
msg_t msg [7]; // ZAP reply consists of 7 frames
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "mechanism.hpp"
#include "options.hpp"
......@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ namespace zmq
class msg_t;
class session_base_t;
class plain_mechanism_t : public mechanism_t
class plain_server_t : public mechanism_t
plain_mechanism_t (session_base_t *session_,
const std::string &peer_address_,
const options_t &options_);
virtual ~plain_mechanism_t ();
plain_server_t (session_base_t *session_,
const std::string &peer_address_,
const options_t &options_);
virtual ~plain_server_t ();
// mechanism implementation
virtual int next_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_);
......@@ -47,14 +47,10 @@ namespace zmq
enum state_t {
......@@ -68,14 +64,10 @@ namespace zmq
state_t state;
int produce_hello (msg_t *msg_) const;
int produce_welcome (msg_t *msg_) const;
int produce_initiate (msg_t *msg_) const;
int produce_ready (msg_t *msg_) const;
int process_hello (msg_t *msg_);
int process_welcome (msg_t *msg);
int process_ready (msg_t *msg_);
int process_initiate (msg_t *msg_);
void send_zap_request (const std::string &username,
......@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
#include "v2_encoder.hpp"
#include "v2_decoder.hpp"
#include "null_mechanism.hpp"
#include "plain_mechanism.hpp"
#include "plain_client.hpp"
#include "plain_server.hpp"
#include "gssapi_client.hpp"
#include "gssapi_server.hpp"
#include "curve_client.hpp"
......@@ -599,8 +600,12 @@ bool zmq::stream_engine_t::handshake ()
if (memcmp (greeting_recv + 12, "PLAIN\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 20) == 0) {
mechanism = new (std::nothrow)
plain_mechanism_t (session, peer_address, options);
if (options.as_server)
mechanism = new (std::nothrow)
plain_server_t (session, peer_address, options);
mechanism = new (std::nothrow)
plain_client_t (options);
alloc_assert (mechanism);
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