session.cpp 5.66 KB
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010 iMatix Corporation

    This file is part of 0MQ.

    0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#include <new>

#include "session.hpp"
#include "i_engine.hpp"
#include "err.hpp"
#include "pipe.hpp"

zmq::session_t::session_t (object_t *parent_, socket_base_t *owner_,
      const options_t &options_) :
    owned_t (parent_, owner_),
    in_pipe (NULL),
    active (true),
    out_pipe (NULL),
    engine (NULL),
    options (options_)
    type = unnamed;
    //  It's possible to register the session at this point as it will be
    //  searched for only on reconnect, i.e. no race condition (session found
    //  before it is plugged into it's I/O thread) is possible.
    ordinal = owner->register_session (this);

zmq::session_t::session_t (object_t *parent_, socket_base_t *owner_,
      const options_t &options_, const char *name_) :
    owned_t (parent_, owner_),
    in_pipe (NULL),
    active (true),
    out_pipe (NULL),
    engine (NULL),
    options (options_)
    if (name_) {
        type = named;
        name = name_;
        ordinal = 0;
    else {
        type = transient;
        //  TODO: Generate unique name here.
        ordinal = 0;

zmq::session_t::~session_t ()
    zmq_assert (!in_pipe);
    zmq_assert (!out_pipe);

bool zmq::session_t::read (::zmq_msg_t *msg_)
    if (!in_pipe || !active)
        return false;

    return in_pipe->read (msg_);

bool zmq::session_t::write (::zmq_msg_t *msg_)
    if (out_pipe && out_pipe->write (msg_)) {
        zmq_msg_init (msg_);
        return true;

    return false;

void zmq::session_t::flush ()
    if (out_pipe)
        out_pipe->flush ();

void zmq::session_t::detach (owned_t *reconnecter_)
    //  Plug in the reconnecter object if any.
    if (reconnecter_) {
        send_plug (reconnecter_);
        send_own (owner, reconnecter_);

    //  Engine is terminating itself. No need to deallocate it from here.
    engine = NULL;

    //  Terminate transient session.
    if (type == transient)
        term ();

zmq::io_thread_t *zmq::session_t::get_io_thread ()
    return choose_io_thread (options.affinity);

class zmq::socket_base_t *zmq::session_t::get_owner ()
    return owner;

uint64_t zmq::session_t::get_ordinal ()
    zmq_assert (type == unnamed);
    zmq_assert (ordinal);
    return ordinal;

void zmq::session_t::attach_pipes (class reader_t *inpipe_,
    class writer_t *outpipe_)
    if (inpipe_) {
        zmq_assert (!in_pipe);
        in_pipe = inpipe_;
        active = true;
        in_pipe->set_endpoint (this);

    if (outpipe_) {
        zmq_assert (!out_pipe);
        out_pipe = outpipe_;
        out_pipe->set_endpoint (this);

void zmq::session_t::detach_inpipe (reader_t *pipe_)
    active = false;
    in_pipe = NULL;

void zmq::session_t::detach_outpipe (writer_t *pipe_)
    out_pipe = NULL;

void zmq::session_t::kill (reader_t *pipe_)
    active = false;

void zmq::session_t::revive (reader_t *pipe_)
    zmq_assert (in_pipe == pipe_);
    active = true;
    if (engine)
        engine->revive ();

void zmq::session_t::process_plug ()
    //  Register the session with the socket.
    if (!name.empty ()) {
        bool ok = owner->register_session (name.c_str (), this);

        //  There's already a session with the specified identity.
        //  We should syslog it and drop the session. TODO
        zmq_assert (ok);

    //  If session is created by 'connect' function, it has the pipes set
    //  already. Otherwise, it's being created by the listener and the pipes
    //  are yet to be created.
    if (!in_pipe && !out_pipe) {

        pipe_t *inbound = NULL;
        pipe_t *outbound = NULL;

        if (options.requires_out) {
            inbound = new (std::nothrow) pipe_t (this, owner,
                options.hwm, options.lwm);
            zmq_assert (inbound);
            in_pipe = &inbound->reader;
            in_pipe->set_endpoint (this);

        if (options.requires_in) {
            outbound = new (std::nothrow) pipe_t (owner, this,
                options.hwm, options.lwm);
            zmq_assert (outbound);
            out_pipe = &outbound->writer;
            out_pipe->set_endpoint (this);

        send_bind (owner, outbound ? &outbound->reader : NULL,
            inbound ? &inbound->writer : NULL);

void zmq::session_t::process_unplug ()
    //  Unregister the session from the socket. There's nothing to do here
    //  for transient sessions.
    if (type == unnamed)
        owner->unregister_session (ordinal);
    else if (type == named)
        owner->unregister_session (name.c_str ());

    //  Ask associated pipes to terminate.
    if (in_pipe) {
        in_pipe->term ();
        in_pipe = NULL;
    if (out_pipe) {
        out_pipe->term ();
        out_pipe = NULL;

    if (engine) {
        engine->unplug ();
        delete engine;
        engine = NULL;

void zmq::session_t::process_attach (i_engine *engine_)
    zmq_assert (!engine);
    zmq_assert (engine_);
    engine = engine_;
    engine->plug (this);