• boris@boressoft.ru's avatar
    Add WinCE support. · 318ba883
    boris@boressoft.ru authored
    * Added two new files: errno.hpp and errno.cpp. They are required to use errno functionality on WM.
    * zmq.cpp, msg.h: removed inclusion of errno.h because it is included in zmq.h that is also included by .cpp.
    * windows.hpp: process.h is included only for desktop builds.
    * thread.cpp: on CE CreateThread is used instead of __beginthreadex
    * socket_base.cpp, clock.cpp: on CE include cmnintrin.h instead on intrin.h
    * signaler.cpp: on Windows should use special macro around event name (for unicode builds)
    * err.hpp: make it include errno.hpp (my file) instead on errno.h when building for CE
    * err.cpp: use FormatMessage when building for CE (because CE does not have ANSI API functions)
    * zmq.h: do not include errno.h whe building for CE
    * libzmq.vcproj: add tro new files
errno.hpp 1.26 KB
#ifndef ERRNO_H
#define ERRNO_H 1

//#define EPERM           1
//#define ENOENT          2
//#define ESRCH           3
#define EINTR           4
//#define EIO             5
//#define ENXIO           6
//#define E2BIG           7
//#define ENOEXEC         8
#define EBADF           9
//#define ECHILD          10
#define EAGAIN          11
//#define ENOMEM          12
//#define EACCES          13
#define EFAULT          14
//#define EOSERR          15 // rk
//#define EBUSY           16
//#define EEXIST          17
//#define EXDEV           18
//#define ENODEV          19
//#define ENOTDIR         20
//#define EISDIR          21
#define EINVAL          22
//#define ENFILE          23
#define EMFILE          24
//#define ENOTTY          25
//#define EFBIG           27
//#define ENOSPC          28
//#define ESPIPE          29
//#define EROFS           30
//#define EMLINK          31
//#define EPIPE           32
//#define EDOM            33
//#define ERANGE          34
//#define EDEADLK         36
//#define ENOSYS          37

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

extern int errno;
extern int _doserrno;
extern int _sys_nerr;

char* strerror(int errno);

#define sys_nerr _sys_nerr

#ifdef __cplusplus
