• Luca Boccassi's avatar
    Problem: no way to deploy releases to OBS · f126da8b
    Luca Boccassi authored
    Solution: add new tokens to .travis.yml and change ci_deploy.sh
    script to use Github APIs to create a temporary branch at the tag,
    and the OBS APIs to trigger a source service run in the stable and
    draft release projects:
    The branch hack is unfortunately necessary as it is not possible to
    modify OBS sources with the token APIs, and it is also not possible
    to automatically fetch the latest tag in the service files.
    The temporary branch is immediately deleted.
ci_deploy.sh 1.63 KB
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# do NOT set -x or it will log the secret tokens!
set -e

if [[ $BUILD_TYPE == "default" && $CURVE == "libsodium" && -z $DRAFT ]]; then
    # Tell travis to deploy all files in dist
    mkdir dist
    export LIBZMQ_DEPLOYMENT=dist/*
    # Move archives to dist
    mv *.tar.gz dist
    mv *.zip dist
    # Generate hash sums
    cd dist
    md5sum *.zip *.tar.gz > MD5SUMS
    sha1sum *.zip *.tar.gz > SHA1SUMS
    cd -

    # Trigger source run on new tag on OBS.
    # We have to create a temporary branch from the tag and delete it, as it is
    # not possible to edit files on OBS with secure tokens, and it is not
    # possible to dynamically fetch the latest git tag either.
    if [ -n "${GH_TOKEN}" -a -n "${OBS_STABLE_TOKEN}" -a -n "${OBS_DRAFT_TOKEN}" ]; then
        TAG_SHA=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: token ${GH_TOKEN}" -X GET https://api.github.com/repos/zeromq/libzmq/git/refs/tags/${TRAVIS_TAG} | grep -o -P '(?<=sha":\s).*(?=,)')
        curl -H "Authorization: token ${GH_TOKEN}" -X POST --data "{\"ref\":\"refs/heads/tmp_obs_release_branch\",\"sha\":${TAG_SHA}}" https://api.github.com/repos/zeromq/libzmq/git/refs
        curl -H "Authorization: Token ${OBS_STABLE_TOKEN}" -X POST https://api.opensuse.org/trigger/runservice
        curl -H "Authorization: Token ${OBS_DRAFT_TOKEN}" -X POST https://api.opensuse.org/trigger/runservice
        # give some time for the git clone to happen before deleting the temp branch
        sleep 60
        curl -H "Authorization: token ${GH_TOKEN}" -X DELETE https://api.github.com/repos/zeromq/libzmq/git/refs/heads/tmp_obs_release_branch