zmq_socket.txt 15.8 KB
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zmq_socket - create 0MQ socket
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*void *zmq_socket (void '*context', int 'type');*
13 14 15 16

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17 18
The 'zmq_socket()' function shall create a 0MQ socket within the specified
'context' and return an opaque handle to the newly created socket. The 'type'
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argument specifies the socket type, which determines the semantics of
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20 21
communication over the socket.

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
The newly created socket is initially unbound, and not associated with any
endpoints. In order to establish a message flow a socket must first be
connected to at least one endpoint with linkzmq:zmq_connect[3], or at least one
endpoint must be created for accepting incoming connections with

.Key differences to conventional sockets
Generally speaking, conventional sockets present a _synchronous_ interface to
either connection-oriented reliable byte streams (SOCK_STREAM), or
connection-less unreliable datagrams (SOCK_DGRAM). In comparison, 0MQ sockets
present an abstraction of an asynchronous _message queue_, with the exact
queueing semantics depending on the socket type in use. Where conventional
sockets transfer streams of bytes or discrete datagrams, 0MQ sockets transfer
discrete _messages_.

0MQ sockets being _asynchronous_ means that the timings of the physical
connection setup and tear down, reconnect and effective delivery are transparent
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
to the user and organized by 0MQ itself. Further, messages may be _queued_ in
the event that a peer is unavailable to receive them.

Conventional sockets allow only strict one-to-one (two peers), many-to-one
(many clients, one server), or in some cases one-to-many (multicast)
relationships. With the exception of 'ZMQ_PAIR', 0MQ sockets may be connected
*to multiple endpoints* using _zmq_connect()_, while simultaneously accepting
incoming connections *from multiple endpoints* bound to the socket using
_zmq_bind()_, thus allowing many-to-many relationships.

.Thread safety
50 51 52
0MQ 'sockets' are _not_ thread safe. Applications MUST NOT use a socket
from multiple threads except after migrating a socket from one thread to 
another with a "full fence" memory barrier.

.Socket types
55 56
The following sections present the socket types defined by 0MQ, grouped by the
general _messaging pattern_ which is built from related socket types.
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Request-reply pattern
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61 62
The request-reply pattern is used for sending requests from a ZMQ_REQ _client_
to one or more ZMQ_REP _services_, and receiving subsequent replies to each
request sent.
64 65

66 67
68 69 70
A socket of type 'ZMQ_REQ' is used by a _client_ to send requests to and
receive replies from a _service_. This socket type allows only an alternating
sequence of _zmq_send(request)_ and subsequent _zmq_recv(reply)_ calls. Each
request sent is round-robined among all _services_, and each reply received is
matched with the last issued request.

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If no services are available, then any send operation on the socket shall 
block until at least one _service_ becomes available. The REQ socket shall
not discard messages.
77 78 79

.Summary of ZMQ_REQ characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_REP', 'ZMQ_ROUTER'
Direction:: Bidirectional
Send/receive pattern:: Send, Receive, Send, Receive, ...
Outgoing routing strategy:: Round-robin
Incoming routing strategy:: Last peer
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Action in mute state:: Block

87 88 89

A socket of type 'ZMQ_REP' is used by a _service_ to receive requests from and
send replies to a _client_. This socket type allows only an alternating
sequence of _zmq_recv(request)_ and subsequent _zmq_send(reply)_ calls. Each
request received is fair-queued from among all _clients_, and each reply sent
is routed to the _client_ that issued the last request. If the original
requester does not exist any more the reply is silently discarded.
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.Summary of ZMQ_REP characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_REQ', 'ZMQ_DEALER'
Direction:: Bidirectional
101 102
Send/receive pattern:: Receive, Send, Receive, Send, ...
Incoming routing strategy:: Fair-queued
Outgoing routing strategy:: Last peer

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106 107 108 109
A socket of type 'ZMQ_DEALER' is an advanced pattern used for extending
request/reply sockets. Each message sent is round-robined among all connected
110 111
peers, and each message received is fair-queued from all connected peers.

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When a 'ZMQ_DEALER' socket enters the 'mute' state due to having reached the
high water mark for all peers, or if there are no peers at all, then any
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linkzmq:zmq_send[3] operations on the socket shall block until the mute
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state ends or at least one peer becomes available for sending; messages are not

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When a 'ZMQ_DEALER' socket is connected to a 'ZMQ_REP' socket each message sent
must consist of an empty message part, the _delimiter_, followed by one or more
_body parts_.

.Summary of ZMQ_DEALER characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_ROUTER', 'ZMQ_REP', 'ZMQ_DEALER'
Direction:: Bidirectional
Send/receive pattern:: Unrestricted
Outgoing routing strategy:: Round-robin
Incoming routing strategy:: Fair-queued
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Action in mute state:: Block
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132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
A socket of type 'ZMQ_ROUTER' is an advanced socket type used for extending
request/reply sockets. When receiving messages a 'ZMQ_ROUTER' socket shall
prepend a message part containing the _identity_ of the originating peer to the
message before passing it to the application. Messages received are fair-queued
from among all connected peers. When sending messages a 'ZMQ_ROUTER' socket shall
remove the first part of the message and use it to determine the _identity_ of
the peer the message shall be routed to. If the peer does not exist anymore
the message shall be silently discarded by default, unless 'ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY'
socket option is set to '1'.

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When a 'ZMQ_ROUTER' socket enters the 'mute' state due to having reached the
high water mark for all peers, then any messages sent to the socket shall be dropped
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until the mute state ends. Likewise, any messages routed to a peer for which
the individual high water mark has been reached shall also be dropped.
148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155

When a 'ZMQ_REQ' socket is connected to a 'ZMQ_ROUTER' socket, in addition to the
_identity_ of the originating peer each message received shall contain an empty
_delimiter_ message part. Hence, the entire structure of each received message
as seen by the application becomes: one or more _identity_ parts, _delimiter_
part, one or more _body parts_. When sending replies to a 'ZMQ_REQ' socket the
application must include the _delimiter_ part.

.Summary of ZMQ_ROUTER characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_DEALER', 'ZMQ_REQ', 'ZMQ_ROUTER'
Direction:: Bidirectional
160 161 162
Send/receive pattern:: Unrestricted
Outgoing routing strategy:: See text
Incoming routing strategy:: Fair-queued
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Action in mute state:: Drop
164 165

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Publish-subscribe pattern
The publish-subscribe pattern is used for one-to-many distribution of data from
a single _publisher_ to multiple _subscribers_ in a fan out fashion.
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A socket of type 'ZMQ_PUB' is used by a _publisher_ to distribute data.
Messages sent are distributed in a fan out fashion to all connected peers.
The linkzmq:zmq_recv[3] function is not implemented for this socket type.
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When a 'ZMQ_PUB' socket enters the 'mute' state due to having reached the
high water mark for a _subscriber_, then any messages that would be sent to the
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_subscriber_ in question shall instead be dropped until the mute state
ends. The _zmq_send()_ function shall never block for this socket type.
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183 184
.Summary of ZMQ_PUB characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_SUB', 'ZMQ_XSUB'
Direction:: Unidirectional
187 188
Send/receive pattern:: Send only
Incoming routing strategy:: N/A
Outgoing routing strategy:: Fan out
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Action in mute state:: Drop
191 192 193 194

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A socket of type 'ZMQ_SUB' is used by a _subscriber_ to subscribe to data
distributed by a _publisher_. Initially a 'ZMQ_SUB' socket is not subscribed to
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any messages, use the 'ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE' option of linkzmq:zmq_setsockopt[3] to
specify which messages to subscribe to. The _zmq_send()_ function is not
implemented for this socket type.

.Summary of ZMQ_SUB characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_PUB', 'ZMQ_XPUB'
Direction:: Unidirectional
205 206 207
Send/receive pattern:: Receive only
Incoming routing strategy:: Fair-queued
Outgoing routing strategy:: N/A
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208 209

210 211 212 213 214
Same as ZMQ_PUB except that you can receive subscriptions from the peers
in form of incoming messages. Subscription message is a byte 1 (for
subscriptions) or byte 0 (for unsubscriptions) followed by the subscription
215 216
body. Messages without a sub/unsub prefix are also received, but have no
effect on subscription status.
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.Summary of ZMQ_XPUB characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_SUB', 'ZMQ_XSUB'
Direction:: Unidirectional
222 223 224
Send/receive pattern:: Send messages, receive subscriptions
Incoming routing strategy:: N/A
Outgoing routing strategy:: Fan out
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Action in mute state:: Drop
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228 229
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Same as ZMQ_SUB except that you subscribe by sending subscription messages to
the socket. Subscription message is a byte 1 (for subscriptions) or byte 0
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(for unsubscriptions) followed by the subscription body. Messages without a
sub/unsub prefix may also be sent, but have no effect on subscription status.
234 235 236 237

.Summary of ZMQ_XSUB characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_PUB', 'ZMQ_XPUB'
Direction:: Unidirectional
239 240 241
Send/receive pattern:: Receive messages, send subscriptions
Incoming routing strategy:: Fair-queued
Outgoing routing strategy:: N/A
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Action in mute state:: Drop
243 244

245 246 247
Pipeline pattern
The pipeline pattern is used for distributing data to _nodes_ arranged in
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a pipeline. Data always flows down the pipeline, and each stage of the pipeline
is connected to at least one _node_. When a pipeline stage is connected to
multiple _nodes_ data is round-robined among all connected _nodes_.
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251 252

253 254 255
A socket of type 'ZMQ_PUSH' is used by a pipeline _node_ to send messages
to downstream pipeline _nodes_. Messages are round-robined to all connected
257 258
downstream _nodes_. The _zmq_recv()_ function is not implemented for this
socket type.
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When a 'ZMQ_PUSH' socket enters the 'mute' state due to having reached the
261 262
high water mark for all downstream _nodes_, or if there are no downstream
_nodes_ at all, then any linkzmq:zmq_send[3] operations on the socket shall
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block until the mute state ends or at least one downstream _node_
264 265
becomes available for sending; messages are not discarded.

267 268
.Summary of ZMQ_PUSH characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_PULL'
269 270 271
Direction:: Unidirectional
Send/receive pattern:: Send only
Incoming routing strategy:: N/A
Outgoing routing strategy:: Round-robin
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Action in mute state:: Block

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276 277 278 279 280 281 282
A socket of type 'ZMQ_PULL' is used by a pipeline _node_ to receive messages
from upstream pipeline _nodes_. Messages are fair-queued from among all
connected upstream _nodes_. The _zmq_send()_ function is not implemented for
this socket type.

284 285
.Summary of ZMQ_PULL characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_PUSH'
286 287 288 289
Direction:: Unidirectional
Send/receive pattern:: Receive only
Incoming routing strategy:: Fair-queued
Outgoing routing strategy:: N/A
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Action in mute state:: Block

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Exclusive pair pattern
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The exclusive pair pattern is used to connect a peer to precisely one other
peer. This pattern is used for inter-thread communication across the inproc
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300 301
302 303 304
A socket of type 'ZMQ_PAIR' can only be connected to a single peer at any one
time.  No message routing or filtering is performed on messages sent over a
'ZMQ_PAIR' socket.
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When a 'ZMQ_PAIR' socket enters the 'mute' state due to having reached the
307 308 309 310
high water mark for the connected peer, or if no peer is connected, then
any linkzmq:zmq_send[3] operations on the socket shall block until the peer
becomes available for sending; messages are not discarded.

311 312 313 314
NOTE: 'ZMQ_PAIR' sockets are designed for inter-thread communication across
the linkzmq:zmq_inproc[7] transport and do not implement functionality such
as auto-reconnection. 'ZMQ_PAIR' sockets are considered experimental and may
have other missing or broken aspects.

316 317 318 319 320 321 322
.Summary of ZMQ_PAIR characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: 'ZMQ_PAIR'
Direction:: Bidirectional
Send/receive pattern:: Unrestricted
Incoming routing strategy:: N/A
Outgoing routing strategy:: N/A
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Action in mute state:: Block


326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349
Native Pattern
The native pattern is used for communicating with TCP peers and allows 
asynchronous requests and replies in either direction.

A socket of type 'ZMQ_STREAM' is used to send and receive TCP data from a 
non-0MQ peer, when using the tcp:// transport. A 'ZMQ_STREAM' socket can 
act as client and/or server, sending and/or receiving TCP data asynchronously.

When receiving TCP data, a 'ZMQ_STREAM' socket shall prepend a message part
containing the _identity_ of the originating peer to the message before passing 
it to the application. Messages received are fair-queued from among all 
connected peers. 

When sending TCP data, a 'ZMQ_STREAM' socket shall remove the first part of the 
message and use it to determine the _identity_ of the peer the message shall be 
routed to, and unroutable messages shall cause an EHOSTUNREACH or EAGAIN error.

To open a connection to a server, use the zmq_connect call, and then fetch the 
socket identity using the ZMQ_IDENTITY zmq_getsockopt call.

350 351
To close a specific client connection, as a server, send the identity frame
followed by a zero-length message (see EXAMPLE section).
352 353 354 355

The ZMQ_MSGMORE flag is ignored on data frames. You must send one identity frame
followed by one data frame.

356 357 358
Also, please note that omitting the ZMQ_MSGMORE flag will prevent sending further
data (from any client) on the same socket.

359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368
.Summary of ZMQ_STREAM characteristics
Compatible peer sockets:: none.
Direction:: Bidirectional
Send/receive pattern:: Unrestricted
Outgoing routing strategy:: See text
Incoming routing strategy:: Fair-queued
Action in mute state:: EAGAIN

369 370
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The _zmq_socket()_ function shall return an opaque handle to the newly created
socket if successful. Otherwise, it shall return NULL and set 'errno' to one of
the values defined below.
374 375 376 377 378

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The requested socket 'type' is invalid.
The provided 'context' is invalid.
382 383
The limit on the total number of open 0MQ sockets has been reached.
384 385
The context specified was terminated.

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.Creating a simple HTTP server using ZMQ_STREAM
void *ctx = zmq_ctx_new ();
assert (ctx);
/* Create ZMQ_STREAM socket */
void *socket = zmq_socket (ctx, ZMQ_STREAM);
assert (socket);
int rc = zmq_bind (socket, "tcp://*:8080");
assert (rc == 0);
/* Data structure to hold the ZMQ_STREAM ID */
uint8_t id [256];
size_t id_size = 256;
while (1) {
	/*  Get HTTP request; ID frame and then request */
	id_size = zmq_recv (server, id, 256, 0);
	assert (id_size > 0);
	/* Prepares the response */
	char http_response [] =
		"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
		"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
		"Hello, World!";
	/* Sends the ID frame followed by the response */
	zmq_send (socket, id, id_size, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
	zmq_send (socket, http_response, strlen (http_response), ZMQ_SNDMORE);
	/* Closes the connection by sending the ID frame followed by a zero response */
	zmq_send (socket, id, id_size, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
	zmq_send (socket, 0, 0, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
	/* NOTE: If we don't use ZMQ_SNDMORE, then we won't be able to send more */
	/* message to any client */
zmq_close (socket);
zmq_ctx_destroy (ctx);

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