Commit feaff94b authored by Frank Barchard's avatar Frank Barchard Use junctions instead of symlinks on Windows.

Instead of creating symlinks on Windows, the script is now:
* creating a junction for directories
* copying individual files.

This makes 'gclient sync' and 'gclient runhooks' no longer
require administrator's privileges.
If the script is run with administrator's privileges, a
warning will be printed, informing the user that it's not recommended.

Also clean up a few old documentation references to the
Chromium SVN->Git transition.

TESTED=Running the script with+without administrator's privileges.
I also tested the case of this change being rolled back, in which
case I verified that the copied files are still being deleted using
the same cleanup code path as the previous symlinks.

Review URL: .
parent 34a29bf7
......@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ WebRTC standalone shares a lot of dependencies and build tools with Chromium.
To do this, many of the paths of a Chromium checkout is emulated by creating
symlinks to files and directories. This script handles the setup of symlinks to
achieve this.
It also handles cleanup of the legacy Subversion-based approach that was used
before Chrome switched over their master repo from Subversion to Git.
......@@ -248,15 +245,16 @@ class LinkError(IOError):
# Handles symlink creation on the different platforms.
# Use junctions instead of symlinks on the Windows platform.
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
def symlink(source_path, link_path):
flag = 1 if os.path.isdir(source_path) else 0
if not ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateSymbolicLinkW(
unicode(link_path), unicode(source_path), flag):
raise OSError('Failed to create symlink to %s. Notice that only NTFS '
'version 5.0 and up has all the needed APIs for '
'creating symlinks.' % source_path)
if os.path.isdir(source_path):
subprocess.check_call(['cmd.exe', '/c', 'mklink', '/J', link_path,
# Don't create symlinks to files on Windows, just copy the file instead
# (there's no way to create a link without administrator's privileges).
shutil.copy(source_path, link_path)
os.symlink = symlink
......@@ -308,18 +306,10 @@ class WebRTCLinkSetup(object):
Because chromium/src is transitioning to Git (from SVN), we needed to
change the way that the WebRTC standalone checkout works. Instead of
individually syncing subdirectories of Chromium in SVN, we're now
syncing Chromium (and all of its DEPS, as defined by its own DEPS file),
into the `chromium/src` directory.
As such, all Chromium directories which are currently pulled by DEPS are
now replaced with a symlink into the full Chromium checkout.
To avoid disrupting developers, we've chosen to not delete your
directories forcibly, in case you have some work in progress in one of
them :).
Setting up the checkout requires creating symlinks to directories in the
Chromium checkout inside chromium/src.
To avoid disrupting developers, we've chosen to not delete directories
forcibly, in case you have some work in progress in one of them :)
Before running `gclient sync|runhooks` again, you must run:
......@@ -327,7 +317,7 @@ class WebRTCLinkSetup(object):
Which will replace all directories which now must be symlinks, after
prompting with a summary of the work-to-be-done.
"""), 'python ' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else '', sys.argv[0])
"""), 'python ' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else '', __file__)
elif self._prompt:
if not query_yes_no('Would you like to perform the above plan?'):
......@@ -365,8 +355,9 @@ class WebRTCLinkSetup(object):
"""Create zero or more Actions to link to a file or directory.
This will be a symlink on POSIX platforms. On Windows this requires
that NTFS is version 5.0 or higher (Vista or newer).
This will be a symlink on POSIX platforms. On Windows it will result in:
* a junction for directories
* a copied file for single files.
source_path: Path relative to the Chromium checkout root.
......@@ -396,8 +387,8 @@ class WebRTCLinkSetup(object):
source_path = fix_separators(source_path)
source_path = os.path.join(CHROMIUM_CHECKOUT, source_path)
if os.path.exists(source_path) and not check_fn:
raise LinkError('_LinkChromiumPath can only be used to link to %s: '
'Tried to link to: %s' % (check_msg, source_path))
raise LinkError('Can only to link to %s: tried to link to: %s' %
(check_msg, source_path))
if not os.path.exists(source_path):
logging.debug('Silently ignoring missing source: %s. This is to avoid '
......@@ -480,12 +471,9 @@ def main():
return os.getuid() == 0
except AttributeError:
return ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0
if not is_admin():
logging.error('On Windows, you now need to have administrator '
'privileges for the shell running %s (or '
'`gclient sync|runhooks`).\nPlease start another command '
'prompt as Administrator and try again.', sys.argv[0])
return 1
if is_admin():
logging.warning('WARNING: On Windows, you no longer need run as '
'administrator. Please run with user account privileges.')
if not os.path.exists(CHROMIUM_CHECKOUT):
logging.error('Cannot find a Chromium checkout at %s. Did you run "gclient '
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