Commit dd8aae4c authored by's avatar

LibYuv: Updates to general functionality.

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git-svn-id: 16f28f9a-4ce2-e073-06de-1de4eb20be90
parent 283eb139
......@@ -23,36 +23,33 @@ namespace libyuv {
// Supported rotation
enum VideoRotationMode
kRotateNone = 0,
kRotateClockwise = 90,
kRotateAntiClockwise = -90,
kRotate180 = 180,
kRotateNone = 0,
kRotateClockwise = 90,
kRotateCounterClockwise = -90,
kRotate180 = 180,
// Mirror functions
// The following 2 functions perform mirroring on an image (LeftRight/UpDown)
// Input:
// - width : Image width in pixels.
// - height : Image height in pixels.
// - inFrame : Reference to input image.
// - outFrame : Reference to converted image.
// Return value: 0 if OK, < 0 otherwise.
// I420 mirror
MirrorI420LeftRight(const uint8* src_frame, int src_stride,
uint8* dst_frame, int dst_stride,
int src_width, int src_height);
// Cut/Pad I420 frame to match desird dimensions.
I420Mirror(const uint8* src_yplane, int src_ystride,
const uint8* src_uplane, int src_ustride,
const uint8* src_vplane, int src_vstride,
uint8* dst_yplane, int dst_ystride,
uint8* dst_uplane, int dst_ustride,
uint8* dst_vplane, int dst_vstride,
int width, int height);
// Crop/Pad I420 frame to match required dimensions.
CutPadI420Frame(const uint8* inFrame, int inWidth,
int inHeight, uint8* outFrame,
int outWidth, int outHeight);
I420CropPad(const uint8* src_frame, int src_width,
int src_height, uint8* dst_frame,
int dst_width, int dst_height);
// I420 Cut - make a center cut
// I420 Crop - make a center cut
CutI420Frame(uint8* frame, int fromWidth,
int fromHeight, int toWidth,
int toHeight);
I420Cut(uint8* frame,
int src_width, int src_height,
int dst_width, int dst_height);
} // namespace libyuv
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