Commit c99db063 authored by's avatar

Change ARGBColorMatrix to a 4x4.

TEST=planar_unitest updates,,

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git-svn-id: 16f28f9a-4ce2-e073-06de-1de4eb20be90
parent b99bcab7
Name: libyuv
Version: 804
Version: 805
License: BSD
License File: LICENSE
......@@ -186,15 +186,32 @@ LIBYUV_API
int ARGBSepia(uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int x, int y, int width, int height);
// Deprecated. Use ARGBColorMatrix instead.
// Apply a matrix rotation to each ARGB pixel.
// matrix_argb is 3 signed ARGB values. -128 to 127 representing -1 to 1.
// The first 4 coefficients apply to B, G, R, A and produce B of the output.
// The next 4 coefficients apply to B, G, R, A and produce G of the output.
// The last 4 coefficients apply to B, G, R, A and produce R of the output.
int ARGBColorMatrix(uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int RGBColorMatrix(uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
const int8* matrix_rgb,
int x, int y, int width, int height);
// Temporary API mapper.
// #define ARGBColorMatrix(d, s, m, x, y, w, h) \
// RGBColorMatrix(d, s, m, x, y, w, h)
// Apply a matrix rotation to each ARGB pixel.
// matrix_argb is 4 signed ARGB values. -128 to 127 representing -2 to 2.
// The first 4 coefficients apply to B, G, R, A and produce B of the output.
// The next 4 coefficients apply to B, G, R, A and produce G of the output.
// The next 4 coefficients apply to B, G, R, A and produce R of the output.
// The last 4 coefficients apply to B, G, R, A and produce A of the output.
int ARGBColorMatrix(const uint8* src_argb, int src_stride_argb,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
const int8* matrix_argb,
int x, int y, int width, int height);
int width, int height);
// Apply a color table each ARGB pixel.
// Table contains 256 ARGB values.
......@@ -1456,11 +1456,12 @@ void ARGBSepiaRow_C(uint8* dst_argb, int width);
void ARGBSepiaRow_SSSE3(uint8* dst_argb, int width);
void ARGBSepiaRow_NEON(uint8* dst_argb, int width);
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_C(uint8* dst_argb, const int8* matrix_argb, int width);
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_SSSE3(uint8* dst_argb, const int8* matrix_argb,
int width);
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_NEON(uint8* dst_argb, const int8* matrix_argb,
int width);
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_C(const uint8* src_argb, uint8* dst_argb,
const int8* matrix_argb, int width);
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_SSSE3(const uint8* src_argb, uint8* dst_argb,
const int8* matrix_argb, int width);
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_NEON(const uint8* src_argb, uint8* dst_argb,
const int8* matrix_argb, int width);
void ARGBColorTableRow_C(uint8* dst_argb, const uint8* table_argb, int width);
void ARGBColorTableRow_X86(uint8* dst_argb, const uint8* table_argb, int width);
......@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
#define LIBYUV_VERSION 804
#define LIBYUV_VERSION 805
......@@ -1345,24 +1345,31 @@ int ARGBSepia(uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
return 0;
// Apply a 4x3 matrix rotation to each ARGB pixel.
// Apply a 4x4 matrix to each ARGB pixel.
// Note: Normally for shading, but can be used to swizzle or invert.
int ARGBColorMatrix(uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int ARGBColorMatrix(const uint8* src_argb, int src_stride_argb,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
const int8* matrix_argb,
int dst_x, int dst_y, int width, int height) {
if (!dst_argb || !matrix_argb || width <= 0 || height <= 0 ||
dst_x < 0 || dst_y < 0) {
int width, int height) {
if (!src_argb || !dst_argb || !matrix_argb || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
return -1;
if (height < 0) {
height = -height;
src_argb = src_argb + (height - 1) * src_stride_argb;
src_stride_argb = -src_stride_argb;
// Coalesce contiguous rows.
if (dst_stride_argb == width * 4) {
return ARGBColorMatrix(dst_argb, dst_stride_argb,
if (src_stride_argb == width * 4 &&
dst_stride_argb == width * 4) {
return ARGBColorMatrix(src_argb, 0,
dst_argb, 0,
dst_x, dst_y,
width * height, 1);
void (*ARGBColorMatrixRow)(uint8* dst_argb, const int8* matrix_argb,
int width) = ARGBColorMatrixRow_C;
void (*ARGBColorMatrixRow)(const uint8* src_argb, uint8* dst_argb,
const int8* matrix_argb, int width) = ARGBColorMatrixRow_C;
if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3) && IS_ALIGNED(width, 8) &&
IS_ALIGNED(dst_argb, 16) && IS_ALIGNED(dst_stride_argb, 16)) {
......@@ -1373,14 +1380,48 @@ int ARGBColorMatrix(uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
ARGBColorMatrixRow = ARGBColorMatrixRow_NEON;
uint8* dst = dst_argb + dst_y * dst_stride_argb + dst_x * 4;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
ARGBColorMatrixRow(dst, matrix_argb, width);
dst += dst_stride_argb;
ARGBColorMatrixRow(src_argb, dst_argb, matrix_argb, width);
src_argb += src_stride_argb;
dst_argb += dst_stride_argb;
return 0;
// Apply a 4x3 matrix to each ARGB pixel.
// Deprecated.
int RGBColorMatrix(uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
const int8* matrix_rgb,
int dst_x, int dst_y, int width, int height) {
if (!dst_argb || !matrix_rgb || width <= 0 || height <= 0 ||
dst_x < 0 || dst_y < 0) {
return -1;
// Convert 4x3 7 bit matrix to 4x4 6 bit matrix.
SIMD_ALIGNED(int8 matrix_argb[16]);
matrix_argb[0] = matrix_rgb[0] / 2;
matrix_argb[1] = matrix_rgb[1] / 2;
matrix_argb[2] = matrix_rgb[2] / 2;
matrix_argb[3] = matrix_rgb[3] / 2;
matrix_argb[4] = matrix_rgb[4] / 2;
matrix_argb[5] = matrix_rgb[5] / 2;
matrix_argb[6] = matrix_rgb[6] / 2;
matrix_argb[7] = matrix_rgb[7] / 2;
matrix_argb[8] = matrix_rgb[8] / 2;
matrix_argb[9] = matrix_rgb[9] / 2;
matrix_argb[10] = matrix_rgb[10] / 2;
matrix_argb[11] = matrix_rgb[11] / 2;
matrix_argb[14] = matrix_argb[13] = matrix_argb[12] = 0;
matrix_argb[15] = 64; // 1.0
uint8* dst = dst_argb + dst_y * dst_stride_argb + dst_x * 4;
return ARGBColorMatrix(const_cast<const uint8*>(dst), dst_stride_argb,
dst, dst_stride_argb,
&matrix_argb[0], width, height);
// Apply a color table each ARGB pixel.
// Table contains 256 ARGB values.
......@@ -654,21 +654,27 @@ void ARGBSepiaRow_C(uint8* dst_argb, int width) {
// Apply color matrix to a row of image. Matrix is signed.
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_C(uint8* dst_argb, const int8* matrix_argb, int width) {
// TODO(fbarchard): Consider adding rounding (+32).
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_C(const uint8* src_argb, uint8* dst_argb,
const int8* matrix_argb, int width) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
int b = dst_argb[0];
int g = dst_argb[1];
int r = dst_argb[2];
int a = dst_argb[3];
int b = src_argb[0];
int g = src_argb[1];
int r = src_argb[2];
int a = src_argb[3];
int sb = (b * matrix_argb[0] + g * matrix_argb[1] +
r * matrix_argb[2] + a * matrix_argb[3]) >> 7;
r * matrix_argb[2] + a * matrix_argb[3]) >> 6;
int sg = (b * matrix_argb[4] + g * matrix_argb[5] +
r * matrix_argb[6] + a * matrix_argb[7]) >> 7;
r * matrix_argb[6] + a * matrix_argb[7]) >> 6;
int sr = (b * matrix_argb[8] + g * matrix_argb[9] +
r * matrix_argb[10] + a * matrix_argb[11]) >> 7;
r * matrix_argb[10] + a * matrix_argb[11]) >> 6;
int sa = (b * matrix_argb[12] + g * matrix_argb[13] +
r * matrix_argb[14] + a * matrix_argb[15]) >> 6;
dst_argb[0] = Clamp(sb);
dst_argb[1] = Clamp(sg);
dst_argb[2] = Clamp(sr);
dst_argb[3] = Clamp(sa);
src_argb += 4;
dst_argb += 4;
......@@ -2474,18 +2474,19 @@ void ARGBSepiaRow_NEON(uint8* dst_argb, int width) {
// Tranform 8 ARGB pixels (32 bytes) with color matrix.
// Same as Sepia except matrix is provided.
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_NEON(uint8* dst_argb, const int8* matrix_argb,
int width) {
// TODO(fbarchard): Was same as Sepia except matrix is provided. This function
// needs to saturate. Consider doing a non-saturating version.
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_NEON(const uint8* src_argb, uint8* dst_argb,
const int8* matrix_argb, int width) {
asm volatile (
"vld1.8 {q2}, [%2] \n" // load 3 ARGB vectors.
"vld1.8 {q2}, [%3] \n" // load 3 ARGB vectors.
"vmovl.s8 q0, d4 \n" // B,G coefficients s16.
"vmovl.s8 q1, d5 \n" // R coefficients s16.
"vmovl.s8 q1, d5 \n" // R,A coefficients s16.
".p2align 2 \n"
"1: \n"
"vld4.8 {d16, d18, d20, d22}, [%0] \n" // load 8 ARGB pixels.
"subs %1, %1, #8 \n" // 8 processed per loop.
"vld4.8 {d16, d18, d20, d22}, [%0]! \n" // load 8 ARGB pixels.
"subs %2, %2, #8 \n" // 8 processed per loop.
"vmovl.u8 q8, d16 \n" // b (0 .. 255) 16 bit
"vmovl.u8 q9, d18 \n" // g
"vmovl.u8 q10, d20 \n" // r
......@@ -2493,33 +2494,42 @@ void ARGBColorMatrixRow_NEON(uint8* dst_argb, const int8* matrix_argb,
"vmul.s16 q12, q8, d0[0] \n" // B = B * Matrix B
"vmul.s16 q13, q8, d1[0] \n" // G = B * Matrix G
"vmul.s16 q14, q8, d2[0] \n" // R = B * Matrix R
"vmul.s16 q15, q8, d3[0] \n" // A = B * Matrix A
"vmul.s16 q4, q9, d0[1] \n" // B += G * Matrix B
"vmul.s16 q5, q9, d1[1] \n" // G += G * Matrix G
"vmul.s16 q6, q9, d2[1] \n" // R += G * Matrix R
"vmul.s16 q7, q9, d3[1] \n" // A += G * Matrix A
"vqadd.s16 q12, q12, q4 \n" // Accumulate B
"vqadd.s16 q13, q13, q5 \n" // Accumulate G
"vqadd.s16 q14, q14, q6 \n" // Accumulate R
"vqadd.s16 q15, q15, q7 \n" // Accumulate A
"vmul.s16 q4, q10, d0[2] \n" // B += R * Matrix B
"vmul.s16 q5, q10, d1[2] \n" // G += R * Matrix G
"vmul.s16 q6, q10, d2[2] \n" // R += R * Matrix R
"vmul.s16 q7, q10, d3[2] \n" // A += R * Matrix A
"vqadd.s16 q12, q12, q4 \n" // Accumulate B
"vqadd.s16 q13, q13, q5 \n" // Accumulate G
"vqadd.s16 q14, q14, q6 \n" // Accumulate R
"vqadd.s16 q15, q15, q7 \n" // Accumulate A
"vmul.s16 q4, q15, d0[3] \n" // B += A * Matrix B
"vmul.s16 q5, q15, d1[3] \n" // G += A * Matrix G
"vmul.s16 q6, q15, d2[3] \n" // R += A * Matrix R
"vmul.s16 q7, q15, d3[3] \n" // A += A * Matrix A
"vqadd.s16 q12, q12, q4 \n" // Accumulate B
"vqadd.s16 q13, q13, q5 \n" // Accumulate G
"vqadd.s16 q14, q14, q6 \n" // Accumulate R
"vqshrun.s16 d16, q12, #7 \n" // 16 bit to 8 bit B
"vqshrun.s16 d18, q13, #7 \n" // 16 bit to 8 bit G
"vqshrun.s16 d20, q14, #7 \n" // 16 bit to 8 bit R
"vst4.8 {d16, d18, d20, d22}, [%0]! \n" // store 8 ARGB pixels.
"bgt 1b \n"
: "+r"(dst_argb), // %0
"+r"(width) // %1
: "r"(matrix_argb) // %2
: "cc", "memory", "q0", "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5", "q6", "q8", "q9",
"vqadd.s16 q15, q15, q7 \n" // Accumulate A
"vqshrun.s16 d16, q12, #6 \n" // 16 bit to 8 bit B
"vqshrun.s16 d18, q13, #6 \n" // 16 bit to 8 bit G
"vqshrun.s16 d20, q14, #6 \n" // 16 bit to 8 bit R
"vqshrun.s16 d22, q15, #6 \n" // 16 bit to 8 bit A
"vst4.8 {d16, d18, d20, d22}, [%1]! \n" // store 8 ARGB pixels.
"bgt 1b \n"
: "+r"(src_argb), // %0
"+r"(dst_argb), // %1
"+r"(width) // %2
: "r"(matrix_argb) // %3
: "cc", "memory", "q0", "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5", "q6", "q7", "q8", "q9",
"q10", "q11", "q12", "q13", "q14", "q15"
......@@ -4327,62 +4327,67 @@ void ARGBSepiaRow_SSSE3(uint8* dst_argb, int width) {
// Tranform 8 ARGB pixels (32 bytes) with color matrix.
// Same as Sepia except matrix is provided.
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_SSSE3(uint8* dst_argb, const int8* matrix_argb,
int width) {
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_SSSE3(const uint8* src_argb, uint8* dst_argb,
const int8* matrix_argb, int width) {
asm volatile (
"movd "MEMACCESS(2)",%%xmm2 \n"
"movd "MEMACCESS2(0x4,2)",%%xmm3 \n"
"movd "MEMACCESS2(0x8,2)",%%xmm4 \n"
"movd "MEMACCESS(3)",%%xmm2 \n"
"movd "MEMACCESS2(0x4,3)",%%xmm3 \n"
"movd "MEMACCESS2(0x8,3)",%%xmm4 \n"
"movd "MEMACCESS2(0xc,3)",%%xmm5 \n"
"pshufd $0x0,%%xmm2,%%xmm2 \n"
"pshufd $0x0,%%xmm3,%%xmm3 \n"
"pshufd $0x0,%%xmm4,%%xmm4 \n"
"pshufd $0x0,%%xmm5,%%xmm5 \n"
// 8 pixel loop.
".p2align 4 \n"
"1: \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS(0)",%%xmm0 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS2(0x10,0)",%%xmm6 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS2(0x10,0)",%%xmm7 \n"
"pmaddubsw %%xmm2,%%xmm0 \n"
"pmaddubsw %%xmm2,%%xmm6 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS(0)",%%xmm5 \n"
"pmaddubsw %%xmm2,%%xmm7 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS(0)",%%xmm6 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS2(0x10,0)",%%xmm1 \n"
"pmaddubsw %%xmm3,%%xmm5 \n"
"pmaddubsw %%xmm3,%%xmm6 \n"
"pmaddubsw %%xmm3,%%xmm1 \n"
"phaddsw %%xmm6,%%xmm0 \n"
"phaddsw %%xmm1,%%xmm5 \n"
"psraw $0x7,%%xmm0 \n"
"psraw $0x7,%%xmm5 \n"
"phaddsw %%xmm7,%%xmm0 \n"
"phaddsw %%xmm1,%%xmm6 \n"
"psraw $0x6,%%xmm0 \n"
"psraw $0x6,%%xmm6 \n"
"packuswb %%xmm0,%%xmm0 \n"
"packuswb %%xmm5,%%xmm5 \n"
"punpcklbw %%xmm5,%%xmm0 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS(0)",%%xmm5 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS2(0x10,0)",%%xmm1 \n"
"pmaddubsw %%xmm4,%%xmm5 \n"
"packuswb %%xmm6,%%xmm6 \n"
"punpcklbw %%xmm6,%%xmm0 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS(0)",%%xmm1 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS2(0x10,0)",%%xmm7 \n"
"pmaddubsw %%xmm4,%%xmm1 \n"
"phaddsw %%xmm1,%%xmm5 \n"
"psraw $0x7,%%xmm5 \n"
"packuswb %%xmm5,%%xmm5 \n"
"pmaddubsw %%xmm4,%%xmm7 \n"
"phaddsw %%xmm7,%%xmm1 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS(0)",%%xmm6 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS2(0x10,0)",%%xmm1 \n"
"psrld $0x18,%%xmm6 \n"
"psrld $0x18,%%xmm1 \n"
"packuswb %%xmm1,%%xmm6 \n"
"movdqa "MEMACCESS2(0x10,0)",%%xmm7 \n"
"pmaddubsw %%xmm5,%%xmm6 \n"
"pmaddubsw %%xmm5,%%xmm7 \n"
"phaddsw %%xmm7,%%xmm6 \n"
"psraw $0x6,%%xmm1 \n"
"psraw $0x6,%%xmm6 \n"
"packuswb %%xmm1,%%xmm1 \n"
"packuswb %%xmm6,%%xmm6 \n"
"movdqa %%xmm0,%%xmm1 \n"
"punpcklbw %%xmm6,%%xmm5 \n"
"punpcklwd %%xmm5,%%xmm0 \n"
"punpckhwd %%xmm5,%%xmm1 \n"
"sub $0x8,%1 \n"
"movdqa %%xmm0,"MEMACCESS(0)" \n"
"movdqa %%xmm1,"MEMACCESS2(0x10,0)" \n"
"punpcklbw %%xmm6,%%xmm1 \n"
"movdqa %%xmm0,%%xmm6 \n"
"punpcklwd %%xmm1,%%xmm0 \n"
"punpckhwd %%xmm1,%%xmm6 \n"
"sub $0x8,%2 \n"
"movdqa %%xmm0,"MEMACCESS(1)" \n"
"movdqa %%xmm6,"MEMACCESS2(0x10,1)" \n"
"lea "MEMLEA(0x20,0)",%0 \n"
"lea "MEMLEA(0x20,1)",%1 \n"
"jg 1b \n"
: "+r"(dst_argb), // %0
"+r"(width) // %1
: "r"(matrix_argb) // %2
: "+r"(src_argb), // %0
"+r"(dst_argb), // %1
"+r"(width) // %2
: "r"(matrix_argb) // %3
: "memory", "cc"
#if defined(__SSE2__)
, "xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6"
, "xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6", "xmm7"
......@@ -5002,57 +5002,62 @@ void ARGBSepiaRow_SSSE3(uint8* dst_argb, int width) {
// TODO(fbarchard): packuswbs only use half of the reg. To make RGBA, combine R
// and B into a high and low, then G/A, unpackl/hbw and then unpckl/hwd.
__declspec(naked) __declspec(align(16))
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_SSSE3(uint8* dst_argb, const int8* matrix_argb,
int width) {
void ARGBColorMatrixRow_SSSE3(const uint8* src_argb, uint8* dst_argb,
const int8* matrix_argb, int width) {
__asm {
mov eax, [esp + 4] /* dst_argb */
mov edx, [esp + 8] /* matrix_argb */
mov ecx, [esp + 12] /* width */
movd xmm2, [edx]
movd xmm3, [edx + 4]
movd xmm4, [edx + 8]
mov eax, [esp + 4] /* src_argb */
mov edx, [esp + 8] /* dst_argb */
mov ecx, [esp + 12] /* matrix_argb */
movd xmm2, [ecx]
movd xmm3, [ecx + 4]
movd xmm4, [ecx + 8]
movd xmm5, [ecx + 12]
pshufd xmm2, xmm2, 0
pshufd xmm3, xmm3, 0
pshufd xmm4, xmm4, 0
pshufd xmm5, xmm5, 0
mov ecx, [esp + 16] /* width */
align 16
movdqa xmm0, [eax] // B
movdqa xmm6, [eax + 16]
movdqa xmm7, [eax + 16]
pmaddubsw xmm0, xmm2
pmaddubsw xmm6, xmm2
movdqa xmm5, [eax] // G
pmaddubsw xmm7, xmm2
movdqa xmm6, [eax] // G
movdqa xmm1, [eax + 16]
pmaddubsw xmm5, xmm3
pmaddubsw xmm6, xmm3
pmaddubsw xmm1, xmm3
phaddsw xmm0, xmm6 // B
phaddsw xmm5, xmm1 // G
psraw xmm0, 7 // B
psraw xmm5, 7 // G
phaddsw xmm0, xmm7 // B
phaddsw xmm6, xmm1 // G
psraw xmm0, 6 // B
psraw xmm6, 6 // G
packuswb xmm0, xmm0 // 8 B values
packuswb xmm5, xmm5 // 8 G values
punpcklbw xmm0, xmm5 // 8 BG values
movdqa xmm5, [eax] // R
movdqa xmm1, [eax + 16]
pmaddubsw xmm5, xmm4
packuswb xmm6, xmm6 // 8 G values
punpcklbw xmm0, xmm6 // 8 BG values
movdqa xmm1, [eax] // R
movdqa xmm7, [eax + 16]
pmaddubsw xmm1, xmm4
phaddsw xmm5, xmm1
psraw xmm5, 7
packuswb xmm5, xmm5 // 8 R values
pmaddubsw xmm7, xmm4
phaddsw xmm1, xmm7 // R
movdqa xmm6, [eax] // A
movdqa xmm1, [eax + 16]
psrld xmm6, 24
psrld xmm1, 24
packuswb xmm6, xmm1
movdqa xmm7, [eax + 16]
pmaddubsw xmm6, xmm5
pmaddubsw xmm7, xmm5
phaddsw xmm6, xmm7 // A
psraw xmm1, 6 // R
psraw xmm6, 6 // A
packuswb xmm1, xmm1 // 8 R values
packuswb xmm6, xmm6 // 8 A values
movdqa xmm1, xmm0 // Weave BG, RA together
punpcklbw xmm5, xmm6 // 8 RA values
punpcklwd xmm0, xmm5 // BGRA first 4
punpckhwd xmm1, xmm5 // BGRA next 4
punpcklbw xmm1, xmm6 // 8 RA values
movdqa xmm6, xmm0 // Weave BG, RA together
punpcklwd xmm0, xmm1 // BGRA first 4
punpckhwd xmm6, xmm1 // BGRA next 4
sub ecx, 8
movdqa [eax], xmm0
movdqa [eax + 16], xmm1
movdqa [edx], xmm0
movdqa [edx + 16], xmm6
lea eax, [eax + 32]
lea edx, [edx + 32]
jg convertloop
......@@ -484,9 +484,87 @@ TEST_F(libyuvTest, TestARGBSepia) {
TEST_F(libyuvTest, TestARGBColorMatrix) {
SIMD_ALIGNED(uint8 orig_pixels[1280][4]);
SIMD_ALIGNED(uint8 dst_pixels_opt[1280][4]);
SIMD_ALIGNED(uint8 dst_pixels_c[1280][4]);
// Matrix for Sepia.
static const int8 kARGBToSepia[] = {
SIMD_ALIGNED(static const int8 kRGBToSepia[]) = {
17 / 2, 68 / 2, 35 / 2, 0,
22 / 2, 88 / 2, 45 / 2, 0,
24 / 2, 98 / 2, 50 / 2, 0,
0, 0, 0, 64, // Copy alpha.
memset(orig_pixels, 0, sizeof(orig_pixels));
// Test blue
orig_pixels[0][0] = 255u;
orig_pixels[0][1] = 0u;
orig_pixels[0][2] = 0u;
orig_pixels[0][3] = 128u;
// Test green
orig_pixels[1][0] = 0u;
orig_pixels[1][1] = 255u;
orig_pixels[1][2] = 0u;
orig_pixels[1][3] = 0u;
// Test red
orig_pixels[2][0] = 0u;
orig_pixels[2][1] = 0u;
orig_pixels[2][2] = 255u;
orig_pixels[2][3] = 255u;
// Test color
orig_pixels[3][0] = 16u;
orig_pixels[3][1] = 64u;
orig_pixels[3][2] = 192u;
orig_pixels[3][3] = 224u;
// Do 16 to test asm version.
ARGBColorMatrix(&orig_pixels[0][0], 0, &dst_pixels_opt[0][0], 0,
&kRGBToSepia[0], 16, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(31u, dst_pixels_opt[0][0]);
EXPECT_EQ(43u, dst_pixels_opt[0][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(47u, dst_pixels_opt[0][2]);
EXPECT_EQ(128u, dst_pixels_opt[0][3]);
EXPECT_EQ(135u, dst_pixels_opt[1][0]);
EXPECT_EQ(175u, dst_pixels_opt[1][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(195u, dst_pixels_opt[1][2]);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, dst_pixels_opt[1][3]);
EXPECT_EQ(67u, dst_pixels_opt[2][0]);
EXPECT_EQ(87u, dst_pixels_opt[2][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(99u, dst_pixels_opt[2][2]);
EXPECT_EQ(255u, dst_pixels_opt[2][3]);
EXPECT_EQ(87u, dst_pixels_opt[3][0]);
EXPECT_EQ(112u, dst_pixels_opt[3][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(127u, dst_pixels_opt[3][2]);
EXPECT_EQ(224u, dst_pixels_opt[3][3]);
for (int i = 0; i < 1280; ++i) {
orig_pixels[i][0] = i;
orig_pixels[i][1] = i / 2;
orig_pixels[i][2] = i / 3;
orig_pixels[i][3] = i;
ARGBColorMatrix(&orig_pixels[0][0], 0, &dst_pixels_c[0][0], 0,
&kRGBToSepia[0], 1280, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < benchmark_pixels_div1280_; ++i) {
ARGBColorMatrix(&orig_pixels[0][0], 0, &dst_pixels_opt[0][0], 0,
&kRGBToSepia[0], 1280, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 1280; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(dst_pixels_c[i][0], dst_pixels_opt[i][0]);
EXPECT_EQ(dst_pixels_c[i][1], dst_pixels_opt[i][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(dst_pixels_c[i][2], dst_pixels_opt[i][2]);
EXPECT_EQ(dst_pixels_c[i][3], dst_pixels_opt[i][3]);
TEST_F(libyuvTest, TestRGBColorMatrix) {
SIMD_ALIGNED(uint8 orig_pixels[1280][4]);
// Matrix for Sepia.
SIMD_ALIGNED(static const int8 kRGBToSepia[]) = {
17, 68, 35, 0,
22, 88, 45, 0,
24, 98, 50, 0,
......@@ -515,8 +593,8 @@ TEST_F(libyuvTest, TestARGBColorMatrix) {
orig_pixels[3][2] = 192u;
orig_pixels[3][3] = 224u;
// Do 16 to test asm version.
ARGBColorMatrix(&orig_pixels[0][0], 0, &kARGBToSepia[0], 0, 0, 16, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(33u, orig_pixels[0][0]);
RGBColorMatrix(&orig_pixels[0][0], 0, &kRGBToSepia[0], 0, 0, 16, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(31u, orig_pixels[0][0]);
EXPECT_EQ(43u, orig_pixels[0][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(47u, orig_pixels[0][2]);
EXPECT_EQ(128u, orig_pixels[0][3]);
......@@ -524,12 +602,12 @@ TEST_F(libyuvTest, TestARGBColorMatrix) {
EXPECT_EQ(175u, orig_pixels[1][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(195u, orig_pixels[1][2]);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, orig_pixels[1][3]);
EXPECT_EQ(69u, orig_pixels[2][0]);
EXPECT_EQ(89u, orig_pixels[2][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(67u, orig_pixels[2][0]);
EXPECT_EQ(87u, orig_pixels[2][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(99u, orig_pixels[2][2]);
EXPECT_EQ(255u, orig_pixels[2][3]);
EXPECT_EQ(88u, orig_pixels[3][0]);
EXPECT_EQ(114u, orig_pixels[3][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(87u, orig_pixels[3][0]);
EXPECT_EQ(112u, orig_pixels[3][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(127u, orig_pixels[3][2]);
EXPECT_EQ(224u, orig_pixels[3][3]);
......@@ -540,7 +618,7 @@ TEST_F(libyuvTest, TestARGBColorMatrix) {
orig_pixels[i][3] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < benchmark_pixels_div1280_; ++i) {
ARGBColorMatrix(&orig_pixels[0][0], 0, &kARGBToSepia[0], 0, 0, 1280, 1);
RGBColorMatrix(&orig_pixels[0][0], 0, &kRGBToSepia[0], 0, 0, 1280, 1);
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