Commit c11e9b7f authored by Frank Barchard's avatar Frank Barchard

bt709 coefficients for video constrained space

Original bt709 color space coefficients were full range yuv for higher
quality.  This change makes the coefficients use the video constrained
color space the same as bt601 which is 16 to 240 for Y and 16 to 235 for
chroma channels.

TEST=libyuv unittests run locally

Review URL: .
parent 6732bcbd
Name: libyuv
Version: 1620
Version: 1621
License: BSD
License File: LICENSE
......@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
#define LIBYUV_VERSION 1620
#define LIBYUV_VERSION 1621
......@@ -1143,20 +1143,21 @@ const struct YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYvuJPEGConstants) = {
#undef YG
// BT.709 YUV to RGB reference
// * R = Y - V * -1.28033
// * G = Y - U * 0.21482 - V * 0.38059
// * B = Y - U * -2.12798
// R = (Y - 16) * 1.164 - V * -1.793
// G = (Y - 16) * 1.164 - U * 0.213 - V * 0.533
// B = (Y - 16) * 1.164 - U * -2.112
// See also
// Y contribution to R,G,B. Scale and bias.
#define YG 16320 /* round(1.000 * 64 * 256 * 256 / 257) */
#define YGB 32 /* 64 / 2 */
#define YG 18997 /* round(1.164 * 64 * 256 * 256 / 257) */
#define YGB -1160 /* 1.164 * 64 * -16 + 64 / 2 */
// TODO(fbarchard): Find way to express 2.12 instead of 2.0.
// TODO(fbarchard): Find way to express 2.112 instead of 2.0.
// U and V contributions to R,G,B.
#define UB -128 /* max(-128, round(-2.12798 * 64)) */
#define UG 14 /* round(0.21482 * 64) */
#define VG 24 /* round(0.38059 * 64) */
#define VR -82 /* round(-1.28033 * 64) */
#define UB -128 /* max(-128, round(-2.112 * 64)) */
#define UG 14 /* round(0.213 * 64) */
#define VG 34 /* round(0.533 * 64) */
#define VR -115 /* round(-1.793 * 64) */
// Bias values to round, and subtract 128 from U and V.
#define BB (UB * 128 + YGB)
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