Commit 532f5708 authored by Frank Barchard's avatar Frank Barchard

Add MSA optimized I422AlphaToARGBRow_MSA and I422ToRGB24Row_MSA functions

Performance Gain (vs C vectorized)
I422AlphaToARGBRow_MSA      : ~1.4x
I422AlphaToARGBRow_Any_MSA  : ~1.4x
I422ToRGB24Row_MSA          : ~4.8x
I422ToRGB24Row_Any_MSA      : ~4.8x

Performance Gain (vs C non-vectorized)
I422AlphaToARGBRow_MSA      : ~7.0x
I422AlphaToARGBRow_Any_MSA  : ~7.0x
I422ToRGB24Row_MSA          : ~7.9x
I422ToRGB24Row_Any_MSA      : ~7.7x

Review URL: .
parent 02ae8b60
Name: libyuv
Version: 1631
Version: 1632
License: BSD
License File: LICENSE
......@@ -383,6 +383,8 @@ extern "C" {
#define HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_MSA
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__CLR_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
......@@ -663,6 +665,19 @@ void I422ToRGBARow_MSA(const uint8* src_y,
uint8* dst_rgba,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width);
void I422AlphaToARGBRow_MSA(const uint8* y_buf,
const uint8* u_buf,
const uint8* v_buf,
const uint8* a_buf,
uint8* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width);
void I422ToRGB24Row_MSA(const uint8* src_y,
const uint8* src_u,
const uint8* src_v,
uint8* dst_rgb24,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width);
void ARGBToYRow_AVX2(const uint8* src_argb, uint8* dst_y, int width);
void ARGBToYRow_Any_AVX2(const uint8* src_argb, uint8* dst_y, int width);
......@@ -1653,6 +1668,19 @@ void I422ToRGBARow_Any_MSA(const uint8* src_y,
uint8* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width);
void I422AlphaToARGBRow_Any_MSA(const uint8* src_y,
const uint8* src_u,
const uint8* src_v,
const uint8* src_a,
uint8* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width);
void I422ToRGB24Row_Any_MSA(const uint8* src_y,
const uint8* src_u,
const uint8* src_v,
uint8* dst_rgb24,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width);
void YUY2ToYRow_AVX2(const uint8* src_yuy2, uint8* dst_y, int width);
void YUY2ToUVRow_AVX2(const uint8* src_yuy2, int stride_yuy2,
......@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
#define LIBYUV_VERSION 1631
#define LIBYUV_VERSION 1632
......@@ -564,6 +564,14 @@ static int I420AlphaToARGBMatrix(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
I422AlphaToARGBRow = I422AlphaToARGBRow_DSPR2;
if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
I422AlphaToARGBRow = I422AlphaToARGBRow_Any_MSA;
if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
I422AlphaToARGBRow = I422AlphaToARGBRow_MSA;
if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
ARGBAttenuateRow = ARGBAttenuateRow_Any_SSSE3;
......@@ -558,6 +558,14 @@ static int I420ToRGB24Matrix(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_MSA)
if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_Any_MSA;
if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_MSA;
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
I422ToRGB24Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_rgb24, yuvconstants, width);
......@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ ANY41C(I422AlphaToARGBRow_Any_AVX2, I422AlphaToARGBRow_AVX2, 1, 0, 4, 15)
ANY41C(I422AlphaToARGBRow_Any_NEON, I422AlphaToARGBRow_NEON, 1, 0, 4, 7)
ANY41C(I422AlphaToARGBRow_Any_MSA, I422AlphaToARGBRow_MSA, 1, 0, 4, 7)
#undef ANY41C
// Any 3 planes to 1.
......@@ -168,6 +171,7 @@ ANY31C(I422ToRGB565Row_Any_NEON, I422ToRGB565Row_NEON, 1, 0, 2, 7)
ANY31C(I422ToARGBRow_Any_MSA, I422ToARGBRow_MSA, 1, 0, 4, 7)
ANY31C(I422ToRGBARow_Any_MSA, I422ToRGBARow_MSA, 1, 0, 4, 7)
ANY31C(I422ToRGB24Row_Any_MSA, I422ToRGB24Row_MSA, 1, 0, 3, 15)
#undef ANY31C
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2711,7 +2711,6 @@ void SobelYRow_NEON(const uint8* src_y0, const uint8* src_y1,
void HalfFloat1Row_NEON(const uint16* src, uint16* dst, float, int width) {
asm volatile (
"1: \n"
......@@ -2735,31 +2734,6 @@ void HalfFloat1Row_NEON(const uint16* src, uint16* dst, float, int width) {
void HalfFloatRow_NEON2(const uint16* src, uint16* dst, float scale, int width) {
asm volatile (
"1: \n"
"ld1 {v1.16b}, [%0], #16 \n" // load 8 shorts
"subs %w2, %w2, #8 \n" // 8 pixels per loop
"uxtl v2.4s, v1.4h \n" // 8 int's
"uxtl2 v1.4s, v1.8h \n"
"scvtf v2.4s, v2.4s \n" // 8 floats
"scvtf v1.4s, v1.4s \n"
"fmul v2.4s, v2.4s, %3.s[0] \n" // adjust exponent
"fmul v1.4s, v1.4s, %3.s[0] \n"
"uqshrn v4.4h, v2.4s, #13 \n" // isolate halffloat
"uqshrn2 v4.8h, v1.4s, #13 \n"
"st1 {v4.16b}, [%1], #16 \n" // store 8 shorts
" 1b \n"
: "+r"(src), // %0
"+r"(dst), // %1
"+r"(width) // %2
: "w"(scale * 1.9259299444e-34f) // %3
: "cc", "memory", "v1", "v2", "v4"
void HalfFloatRow_NEON(const uint16* src, uint16* dst, float scale, int width) {
asm volatile (
"1: \n"
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