Commit 1aa4ddd2 authored by Frank Barchard's avatar Frank Barchard

Attribute aligned 32 for YUV conversion structure on Intel

Fix for unaligned memory exception.

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parent a7a6d8cc
Name: libyuv
Version: 1606
Version: 1607
License: BSD
License File: LICENSE
......@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ extern "C" {
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__CLR_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
#define SIMD_ALIGNED(var) __declspec(align(16)) var
#define SIMD_ALIGNED32(var) __declspec(align(64)) var
#define SIMD_ALIGNED32(var) __declspec(align(32)) var
typedef __declspec(align(16)) int16 vec16[8];
typedef __declspec(align(16)) int32 vec32[4];
typedef __declspec(align(16)) int8 vec8[16];
......@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ typedef __declspec(align(32)) uint8 ulvec8[32];
#elif !defined(__pnacl__) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__))
// Caveat GCC 4.2 to 4.7 have a known issue using vectors with const.
#define SIMD_ALIGNED(var) var __attribute__((aligned(16)))
#define SIMD_ALIGNED32(var) var __attribute__((aligned(64)))
#define SIMD_ALIGNED32(var) var __attribute__((aligned(32)))
typedef int16 __attribute__((vector_size(16))) vec16;
typedef int32 __attribute__((vector_size(16))) vec32;
typedef int8 __attribute__((vector_size(16))) vec8;
......@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ typedef uint8 ulvec8[32];
#if defined(__aarch64__)
// This struct is for Arm64 color conversion.
struct YuvConstants {
struct uvConstants {
uvec16 kUVToRB;
uvec16 kUVToRB2;
uvec16 kUVToG;
......@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
#define LIBYUV_VERSION 1606
#define LIBYUV_VERSION 1607
......@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYvuI601Constants) = {
{ 0x0101 * YG, 0, 0, 0 }
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYuvI601Constants) = {
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED32(kYuvI601Constants) = {
{ UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0,
UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0 },
{ UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG,
......@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYuvI601Constants) = {
{ BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR },
{ YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG }
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYvuI601Constants) = {
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED32(kYvuI601Constants) = {
{ VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0,
VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0 },
{ VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG,
......@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYvuJPEGConstants) = {
{ 0x0101 * YG, 0, 0, 0 }
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYuvJPEGConstants) = {
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED32(kYuvJPEGConstants) = {
{ UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0,
UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0 },
{ UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG,
......@@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYuvJPEGConstants) = {
{ BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR },
{ YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG }
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYvuJPEGConstants) = {
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED32(kYvuJPEGConstants) = {
{ VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0,
VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0 },
{ VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG,
......@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@ const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYvuH709Constants) = {
{ 0x0101 * YG, 0, 0, 0 }
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYuvH709Constants) = {
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED32(kYuvH709Constants) = {
{ UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0,
UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0, UB, 0 },
{ UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG,
......@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYuvH709Constants) = {
{ BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR, BR },
{ YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG, YG }
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYvuH709Constants) = {
const YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED32(kYvuH709Constants) = {
{ VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0,
VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0, VR, 0 },
{ VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG, VG, UG,
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