Last commit
Last update
doc Add information about the conflict with windows.h into our document.
m4 Handle ucontext.h properly in Snow leopard.
packages Release 0.3.0.
src Add DCHECK_NOTNULL macro to logging.h (points to CHECK_NOTNULL in debug mode)
vsprojects Add static library project and its unittest.
AUTHORS glog 0.1
COPYING A bug fix for Windows: Use GetSystemTimeAsFileTime instead of GetSystemTime. SYSTEMTIME's mSecond is not a unix time but like tm.tm_sec.
ChangeLog Release 0.3.0.
INSTALL Fix regression of r23. test binaries are in the builddir, not the top_srcdir test binaries are in the builddir, not the top_srcdir
NEWS glog 0.1
README glog 0.1 Add, based on google-perftools'.
aclocal.m4 Add m4/pc_from_ucontext.m4. It supports NetBSD and OpenBSD as well. glog 0.1
compile glog 0.1
config.guess Add InstallFailureSignalHandler(). The function installs a signal handler that
config.sub Add InstallFailureSignalHandler(). The function installs a signal handler that
configure Improve libunwind detection. Improve libunwind detection.
depcomp Add InstallFailureSignalHandler(). The function installs a signal handler that
google-glog.sln Add static library project and its unittest.
install-sh Add InstallFailureSignalHandler(). The function installs a signal handler that Generation of pkg-config metadata file. Loading commit data...
missing Loading commit data...
mkinstalldirs Loading commit data...
This repository contains a C++ implementation of the Google logging
module.  Documentation for the implementation is in doc/.

See INSTALL for (generic) installation instructions for C++: basically
   ./configure && make && make install