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    Encapsulate the definition of Mutex into glog's internal namespace. · c1995cd4
    This will fix the issue a user in Japan reported in his blog.
    According to his description, when he use glog and gflags-1.1, gflags'
    code uses glog's Mutex, the Mutex cannot lock the pthread_mutex, and
    the program stops.
    The bug happens with the combination of gflags-1.1 and glog. It seems
    that the issue was caused by incompatibility of Mutex classes. Though I
    couldn't reproduce this issue, the reporter of this bug said that
    adding namespace fixes the problem and I think it is generally good
    idea to use namespace for this kind of common component to avoid
    incompatibilities. So, I check this change in now. This patch
    will protect glog from future changes on Mutex as well.
    --This line, and  those below, will be ignored--
    M    src/base/mutex.h
    git-svn-id: https://google-glog.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@51 eb4d4688-79bd-11dd-afb4-1d65580434c0
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