Commit c0d2cead authored by Rodrigo Queiro's avatar Rodrigo Queiro Committed by Rodrigo Queiro

Avoid leaking config.h

This uses strip_include_prefix to avoid leaking private headers
(config.h, port.h). This needs a workaround to prevent a "missing
dependency declarations" error.
parent 925858d9
......@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@
def glog_library(namespace = "google", with_gflags = 1, **kwargs):
if native.repository_name() != "@":
gendir = "$(GENDIR)/external/" + native.repository_name().lstrip("@")
repo_name = native.repository_name().lstrip("@")
gendir = "$(GENDIR)/external/" + repo_name
src_windows = "external/%s/src/windows" % repo_name
gendir = "$(GENDIR)"
src_windows = "src/windows"
common_copts = [
......@@ -50,6 +53,14 @@ def glog_library(namespace = "google", with_gflags = 1, **kwargs):
windows_only_copts = [
"-I" + src_windows,
windows_only_srcs = [
gflags_deps = ["@com_github_gflags_gflags//:gflags"] if with_gflags else []
......@@ -79,7 +90,7 @@ def glog_library(namespace = "google", with_gflags = 1, **kwargs):
] + select({
"@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows": ["src/windows/", "src/windows/port.h"],
"@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows": windows_only_srcs,
"//conditions:default": [":config_h"],
copts =
......@@ -105,8 +116,9 @@ def glog_library(namespace = "google", with_gflags = 1, **kwargs):
name = "windows_glog_headers",
hdrs = ["src/glog/log_severity.h", "src/windows/config.h",] + native.glob(["src/windows/glog/*.h"]),
includes = ["src/windows"],
hdrs = native.glob(["src/windows/glog/*.h"]),
strip_include_prefix = "src/windows",
# TODO(rodrigoq): are these necessary?
# config.h for windows seem hardcoded that way,
# and we need to propagate those defines to binaries/libraries linking
# against glog.
......@@ -115,6 +127,14 @@ def glog_library(namespace = "google", with_gflags = 1, **kwargs):
deps = [":strip_include_prefix_hack"],
# Workaround by declaring
# the dependencies without strip_include_prefix.
name = "strip_include_prefix_hack",
hdrs = native.glob(["src/windows/*.h"]),
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