Commit 133b40fd authored by 's avatar

Document update: how to modify FLAGS_* in glog

git-svn-id: eb4d4688-79bd-11dd-afb4-1d65580434c0
parent c4c25e85
......@@ -168,6 +168,25 @@ See also <a href="#verbose">the section about verbose logging</a>.
<p>There are some other flags defined in Please grep the
source code for "DEFINE_" to see a complete list of all flags.
<p>You can also modify flag values in your program by modifying global
variables <code>FLAGS_*</code> . Most settings start working
immediately after you update <code>FLAGS_*</code> . The exceptions are
the flags related to destination files. For example, you might want to
set <code>FLAGS_log_dir</code> before
calling <code>google::InitGoogleLogging</code> . Here is an example:
LOG(INFO) << "file";
// Most flags work immediately after updating values.
FLAGS_logtostderr = 1;
LOG(INFO) << "stderr";
FLAGS_logtostderr = 0;
// This won't change the log destination. If you want to set this
// value, you should do this before google::InitGoogleLogging .
FLAGS_log_dir = "/some/log/directory";
LOG(INFO) << "the same file";
<h2><A NAME=conditional>Conditional / Occasional Logging</A></h2>
<p>Sometimes, you may only want to log a message under certain
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