• Craig Silverstein's avatar
    · a923d333
    Craig Silverstein authored
    It turns out we don't want all this dll-decl stuff for mingw.
    So make the #ifdef correct for mscv-but-not-mingw.
    I think the right fix would be to take all this logic out and
    insert it via a MOE directive, just for the windows versions
    of these files.  This is what ctemplate does.  But it's a
    more-major change, and I'm looking to get this release out
    today, so I'm submitting this (TBR), since it's a much more
    minor change.
    Revision created by MOE tool push_codebase.
    git-svn-id: https://gflags.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@55 6586e3c6-dcc4-952a-343f-ff74eb82781d
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