Commit f4791745 authored by Andreas Franek's avatar Andreas Franek

* fixed letter case of included file names

* C language definition is needed for CheckForPthreads.c
parent a4c4a01a
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ set (PACKAGE_STRING "${PROJECT_NAME} ${PACKAGE_VERSION}")
project (${PROJECT_NAME} CXX)
project (${PROJECT_NAME} CXX C)
version_numbers (
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ endif ()
# system checks
include (CheckTypeSize)
include (CheckIncludeFileCXX)
include (CheckCxxSymbolExists)
include (CheckCXXSymbolExists)
set (GFLAGS_INTTYPES_FORMAT "" CACHE STRING "Format of integer types: \"C99\" (uint32_t), \"BSD\" (u_int32_t), \"VC7\" (__int32)")
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
include (CheckIncludeFileCXX)
include (CheckLibraryExists)
include (CheckCxxSymbolExists)
include (CheckCXXSymbolExists)
set(Threads_FOUND FALSE)
# Do we have sproc?
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