Commit be2da58d authored by Craig Silverstein's avatar Craig Silverstein

The last bit of rolling back commandlineflag categories:
remove the 'categories' field from CommandLineFlagInfo.  (Note
the code to fill this field was removed from
FillComandLineFlagInfo previously, so it's been an empty
string for some time now.)

DELTA=1  (0 added, 1 deleted, 0 changed)

Revision created by MOE tool push_codebase.

git-svn-id: 6586e3c6-dcc4-952a-343f-ff74eb82781d
parent 2535e43d
......@@ -151,7 +151,6 @@ struct GFLAGS_DLL_DECL CommandLineFlagInfo {
std::string name; // the name of the flag
std::string type; // the type of the flag: int32, etc
std::string description; // the "help text" associated with the flag
std::string categories; // unused (TODO(csilvers): remove this)
std::string current_value; // the current value, as a string
std::string default_value; // the default value, as a string
std::string filename; // 'cleaned' version of filename holding the flag
......@@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ struct GFLAGS_DLL_DECL CommandLineFlagInfo {
std::string name; // the name of the flag
std::string type; // the type of the flag: int32, etc
std::string description; // the "help text" associated with the flag
std::string categories; // unused (TODO(csilvers): remove this)
std::string current_value; // the current value, as a string
std::string default_value; // the default value, as a string
std::string filename; // 'cleaned' version of filename holding the flag
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