Commit 91e16eef authored by Andreas Schuh's avatar Andreas Schuh

cmake: Add CMake variable to cache only when gflags is not a subproject

This change allows the user to include the gflags project as subtree/
submodule in their own project. In this case, no CMake variables used
to configure the build and installation of the gflags library should be
added to the CMake cache.
parent b6864695
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ macro (bool_to_int VAR)
endmacro ()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Extract version numbers from version string.
## Extract version numbers from version string
function (version_numbers version major minor patch)
if (version MATCHES "([0-9]+)(\\.[0-9]+)?(\\.[0-9]+)?(rc[1-9][0-9]*|[a-z]+)?")
......@@ -41,6 +41,73 @@ function (version_numbers version major minor patch)
set ("${patch}" "${_patch}" PARENT_SCOPE)
endfunction ()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Determine if cache entry exists
macro (gflags_is_cached retvar varname)
if (DEFINED ${varname})
get_property (${retvar} CACHE ${varname} PROPERTY TYPE SET)
else ()
set (${retvar} FALSE)
endif ()
endmacro ()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Add gflags configuration variable
# The default value of the (cached) configuration value can be overridden either
# on the CMake command-line or the super-project by setting the GFLAGS_<varname>
# variable. When gflags is a subproject of another project (GFLAGS_IS_SUBPROJECT),
# the variable is not added to the CMake cache. Otherwise it is cached.
macro (gflags_define type varname docstring default)
message (FATAL_ERROR "gflags_variable: Too many macro arguments")
endif ()
if (NOT DEFINED GFLAGS_${varname})
set (GFLAGS_${varname} "${ARGV4}")
else ()
set (GFLAGS_${varname} "${default}")
endif ()
endif ()
if (NOT DEFINED ${varname})
set (${varname} "${GFLAGS_${varname}}")
endif ()
else ()
set (${varname} "${GFLAGS_${varname}}" CACHE ${type} "${docstring}")
endif ()
endmacro ()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Set property of cached gflags configuration variable
macro (gflags_property varname property value)
gflags_is_cached (_cached ${varname})
if (_cached)
if (${value})
mark_as_advanced (FORCE ${varname})
else ()
mark_as_advanced (CLEAR ${varname})
endif ()
else ()
set_property (CACHE ${varname} PROPERTY "${property}" "${value}")
endif ()
endif ()
unset (_cached)
endmacro ()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Modify value of gflags configuration variable
macro (gflags_set varname value)
gflags_is_cached (_cached ${varname})
if (_cached)
set_property (CACHE ${varname} PROPERTY VALUE "${value}")
else ()
set (${varname} "${value}")
endif ()
unset (_cached)
endmacro ()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Configure public header files
function (configure_headers out)
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