• Mark Klara's avatar
    Revamping the FlatBuffers docs. · 69a31b80
    Mark Klara authored
    Adding an API reference for the supported languages.
    General docs cleanup, including a new `tutorial` section that
    supports all of the supported languages.
    Added samples for each supported language to mirror the new
    tutorial page.
    Cleaned up all the links by making them `@ref` style links,
    instead of referencing the names of the generated `.html` files.
    Removed all generated files that were unnecessarily committed.
    Also fixed the C# tests (two were failing due to a missing file).
    Bug: b/25801305
    Tested: Tested all samples on Ubuntu, Mac, and Android. Docs were
    generated using doxygen and viewed on Chrome.
    Change-Id: I2acaba6e332a15ae2deff5f26a4a25da7bd2c954
Last commit
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Properties Loading commit data...
ByteBuffer.cs Loading commit data...
FlatBufferBuilder.cs Loading commit data...
FlatBufferConstants.cs Loading commit data...
FlatBuffers.csproj Loading commit data...
Offset.cs Loading commit data...
Struct.cs Loading commit data...
Table.cs Loading commit data...